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Tanya Plibersek

Your preference is Tanya then ?

Who wants the leadership of an opposition after a election loss? Expendable wannabes just keeping the seat warm.

I think Shorten is a drip with no charisma and no vision. But then again the PM comes to mind.
Geez Doc, we really don't need another Fabian in the Green/Labor circus.
I can't see her becoming turn-back Tanya but without a doubt, Labor will see her has having sisterhood appeal and politically may see that as worth recycling.

That's not something Albo will be seen as having.

Who wants the leadership of an opposition after a election loss? Expendable wannabes just keeping the seat warm.

I think Shorten is a drip with no charisma and no vision. But then again the PM comes to mind.
Poor Bill.

Is there no one to defend him ??
Gillard MkII

Gillard MkII

What a beat-up story.

John Berry is the US ambassador to Australia.

That is what ambassadors do, they tell their hosts how good they are.

If you are going to bag Tanya Plibersek, see if you can come up with something of substance.:sleeping:
What a beat-up story.

John Berry is the US ambassador to Australia.

That is what ambassadors do, they tell their hosts how good they are.

If you are going to bag Tanya Plibersek, see if you can come up with something of substance.:sleeping:

She is a red hot Fabian and totally committed.
I'm sick of the lot of them really, Liberal and Labor.

Abbott and his motley crew should be cannon fodder for a half competent Opposition. A Prime Minister that can't trust his Cabinet and goes on stupidly tilting at windmills (literally), a Foreign Minister that insults our neighbors, a Treasurer who is the nearest thing to a clown we have had in Parliament, and an Opposition leader that just can't hold them to account for all the stumbles they have made.

I used to think Tony Burke was an up and coming leader, but after seeing his smug juvenile backstabbing schoolboy antics on The Killing Season I wouldn't trust him with a bar of soap because he'd probably slip on it.

The only people that have come out of this session with any degree of respect from me have been the Greens. De Natalie seems a sensible pragmatist in the Xenophon mold, and if things don't change for the better in the Labor Party, The Greens will get my vote.

What a desperate state our politics is in at the present.
What a beat-up story.
John Berry is the US ambassador to Australia. That is what ambassadors do, they tell their hosts how good they are...
The US Ambassador is just being polite is he. The BBC is telling porkies is it. The ANU is an unreliable source is it. And the University of Melbourne.

I look forward to the day Tanya Plibersek stands up to Vladimir Putin. About anything.

What a beat-up story.

John Berry is the US ambassador to Australia.

That is what ambassadors do, they tell their hosts how good they are.

If you are going to bag Tanya Plibersek, see if you can come up with something of substance.:sleeping:

Bag Tanya, hell man her old man done time for drugs, how's that for a start.

Be careful what you wish for in the Greens my friend....They will be worse than Labor if they ever get hold of the reigns but there again if you believe in central control, vote for them.

Well it's taken some time Sir Knight, but finally you seem to be shifting away from the chains that bind. One of the things you may have to put up with, when you finally become a political agnostic, is the outrage at being on the wrong side of the fence to whoever or whomever is antagonising you.

The best dressing down I had recently was from a publican who had metaphorically moved into Hyacinth Bucket's dress circle now he was the private enterprise engine driver of the economy, rather than the Labor voting Melbourne working class lad he was forced to be in his previous and penniless wasted years. Having used his newly acquired vast intellect that comes overnight from eating with silver spoons, he deduced I was neither one of his past nor present brethren and let the whole bar know I had no right to talk politics because real citizens tie their ponies to real (LNP) horse rails. Of course the usual BS that only binary thinkers of his ilk can explore is that there must be a third option and that option has to be the Greens ... My laughing didn't seem to rest well with this fellow, but the locals (many my friends) thought it good entertainment....this could be yours too Rumpole.

Maybe another option is to not vote at all, that is untill you run for Parliament.
Maybe another option is to not vote at all, that is untill you run for Parliament.

You never know I may well have been a politician once ... when I was stupid.

I remember being approached by both the Nationals and Labor within a year of being in the Sunny State (the Libs were a non event party at the time). Apparently my forthright conversations at the business tables about being the potentially worst advocate for personal cronyism struck a cord in QLD. Fair is fair though I did come from WA and was exposed to Brian, Ray, Alan, et al's ways and methods ...can't blame a fella for the failings of an isolated frontier mindset and culture.

My daughter has been canvased for selection in last couple of years, perhaps I can live vicariously through her to make good policy that makes my life less stressful: e.g. the old fashioned notion of earning a quid in payment for services rendered, perhaps going back to the Xmas holiday block where we can all cram into caravan parks, wear speedos and drink turps on the streets, we could bring back hand shakes and a man's word is his bond, we could allow women to stay at home without being frowned upon, we could question why society has so little to do they have abandoned nation building in favour of playing silly buggers with fruitless social causes, we could change the education system back to three terms, no pupil free days and teachers who use part of the vacation for personal development as it was intended and thus raise the bar of student outcomes, ... there are so many worthwhile causes we could pursue, none more important than making sure I get lotsa money/reward from lobby groups who couldn't give a rats about our children's health, welfare and well being so long as they are fit to be drones in an economy that is fast becoming a pseudo public service of rules and regulations and legislated permissions to be free men.
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