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Tanya Plibersek

Mr Burns, even in academia these days there is recognition for 'life experience' and transferable special skills.

There has been plenty of high profile examples of self taught people who have been very capable at what they do.

Highfalutin titles isn't a prerequisite to 'qualified' or 'deserving' of a position.

Probably the best endorsement of qualification for the job is praise by both sides of politics.

Yes all that is fine but -

Criminal record
Drug addict past
No qualifications
Husband of Politician

Now what's more likely the reason he obtained such a plumb job ?

There are enough bludgers on the public payroll, that job should have gone to someone who worked long and hard to qualify.

We all have life experience, where's our top public service job on a platter ?
Yes all that is fine but -

Criminal record
Drug addict past
No qualifications
Husband of Politician

Now what's more likely the reason he obtained such a plumb job ?

It could well be because of his association with his politician wife... but to get back to my original point, it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Both sides of politics do it endlessly.

There are enough bludgers on the public payroll, that job should have gone to someone who worked long and hard to qualify.

Continuing from the pot and kettle, there is an endless queue of 'should have' and 'worked long and hard'... but if you have to choose an employee from a shortlist of equally qualified and capable people, you ultimately go with the one whom you feel you can trust and relate too the best.

The Abbott gov turfed a few and appointed anew for this very reason.

We all have life experience, where's our top public service job on a platter ?

Why do you want a damn public service job anyway?

Having spent a short time on the public service in my younger days and knowing many who have left the public service... it ain't all it's cracked up to be.

But if you really, really want a top public service job, you really, really have rub the right shoulders and lick @r$e or display some other special reason to persuade whatever biased government is going to appoint you... or get yourself elected so you can do all of the above to retire into a plush job... that's just the nature of politics. It ain't fair, it just is.

Why else would he have got the job, highly paid too no doubt.

I know both sides do it but this is a blatant gift to a bloke who hasn't earned it.
I mean Director-General of the Department of Finance and Services ??? not exactly a cleaner.

Show me others and I'll be just as critical

I can hear where you are coming from, Burnsie.

My point is that he must have talent in spite of mistakes in his youth, otherwise such a high profile rise would have been outed, were it not deserved.

Talent does rise to the top in a democracy, and Australia is a forgiving nation.

When you have a look at the various comments made regarding Michaels capabilities they all say he is an exceptional person.

On a somewhat similar note Tanya clearly decided that he was the right stuff back in the mid 90's when she met him at Uni. She is no fool so I believe that is worth noting.

And in the end whose damn business is it anyway ? As I said at the start I believe we should respect and applaud the turn around he has made in his life. The web dribble that attempts to define Michael as he was in 1984 is just muck raking to trash Tanya and the Labour Party.

+100, basilio,
you summed it up concisely.

Some people seem to feel the need to persist with muck raking; it's how they justify their personal bias.

Wrong on all counts, it is my business it's my taxes, I've no interest in inventing things to trash Labor they've done a good enough job of that themselves and I don't care now good you all say this bloke is where are his qualifications to hold down such an important position aside from marrying Plibersek.
Anyone heard of this before ?

Burns you have already posted this mudslinging on 5 February, 2013 in the “The Gillard Government ” thread.

Dementia setting in, perhaps?
Burns you have already posted this mudslinging on 5 February, 2013 in the “The Gillard Government ” thread.
Dementia setting in, perhaps?

Good to see you follow my posts closer than I do.

Paranoia setting in ?
It sounds like the Alan Jones Brigade needs something new to be in an uproar about. React to emails before investigating.

MrBurns: If you're so concerned - go digging around for evidence he is not doing the job to a satisfactory level. The Coalition believe in jobs based on merit.

Was anything in the email wrong ?
I don't care if he's doing a good job, the guy who studied and worked hard to qualify for such a position would do good job too and he hasn't got a criminal record and slipped in because he married a politician.

Investigate that boofhead.
Which part of Criminal Record do you not understand.
+100, basilio,
you summed it up concisely.

Some people seem to feel the need to persist with muck raking; it's how they justify their personal bias.

You would have to acknowledge this is also the MO of the left.
Which part of Criminal Record do you not understand.

I couldn't find any guidelines on such a thing making people ineligible without discussion to those responsible for hiring. Maybe you could help me find the suitable clauses.

So far those upset seem to be more about ethical/moral issues and haven't found a clear black and white clause of why he is not eligible for the job. Nor have they found issues with his work. That is why I think of it as the Alan Jones Brigade. Lets Make Some Noise!

Has anyone spent time digging in to all the Coalition relationships?

Try those BS arguments on the private sector, he wouldn't have even got an interview.
With Bill Shorten's leadership of the opposition looking sicker by the day, how long will Tanya be able to keep herself away from Labor's already blood stained kitchen knives ?
With Bill Shorten's leadership of the opposition looking sicker by the day, how long will Tanya be able to keep herself away from Labor's already blood stained kitchen knives ?

Some one has to be leader of the Labor Party.

What is you problem, Smith?
With Bill Shorten's leadership of the opposition looking sicker by the day, how long will Tanya be able to keep herself away from Labor's already blood stained kitchen knives ?

Geez Doc, we really don't need another Fabian in the Green/Labor circus.
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