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Tanya Plibersek

6 September 2008
Anyone heard of this before ?

Re: Tanya Plebersyk

Anyone heard of this before ?
A simple Google would have found the correct spelling: Tanya Plibersek
A little more objective research would also have found this:
Re: Tanya Plebersyk

Isn't that an amazing recovery ? We can be very quick to demonise drug users so seeing someone make such a spectacular return to grace is great.

(And by the way I would have said exactly the same thing if the person was a partner to any high flying politician.)
Re: Tanya Plebersyk

A simple Google would have found the correct spelling: Tanya Plibersek
A little more objective research would also have found this:

I was copied from an email I didn't check it at all.

Still who else would have got that job with a criminal record.
Re: Tanya Plebersyk

I was copied from an email I didn't check it at all.

Still who else would have got that job with a criminal record.

While not a fan of Tanya Plibersek or her key policies, I'm curious why you focus on the criminal conviction and offer no praise for an apparent rehabilitation from heroin.

As for jobs for the boys... struth, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Are you the pot or kettle!
Re: Tanya Plebersyk

Are you the pot or kettle!

Burns is both.

Starts off a thread (big shot), about the deputy leader of the opposition, can't even show her the respect to spell her name correctly and the only comment is to attack her spouse.

Pathetic, Burns.
Re: Tanya Plebersyk

Like Billy boy, young Tanya needs to keep a close eye on that cryogenic freeze.
I know nothing of Plibersek's husband, if he did not deserve his present positions, I am quite sure the media would have outed him by now.

Recovery from addiction to heroin is very difficult, and good on him if he has achieved it.

She seems a quite able politician, and a good look for the ALP, intelligent, articulate and presentable.

It is a shame she is not a Liberal, she has many Liberal thoughts and beliefs, as she will find it difficult in the boys own club that is the Union dominated ALP to advance.

Re: Tanya Plebersyk

TP for PM ??

It's a better option than a third crack from Kevin Rudd.

"Amen" to that - if that's acceptable from an Agnostic, who is also, like TP, an immigrant :
Maybe its part of the quota, Mr Burns.

I agree, it annoys me that they bring in their family members and friends on the payroll, just as Rudd and his children, Julia and her friend, Shorten put in his mate over a lady in one of the Vic seats.
They just seem to recycle the same.
Re: Tanya Plebersyk

Burns is both.
Starts off a thread (big shot), about the deputy leader of the opposition, can't even show her the respect to spell her name correctly and the only comment is to attack her spouse.
Pathetic, Burns.

I show her the same respect I show you, the respect you deserve........ZERO.
Yes it's wonderful that he recovered from an addiction and served his time in the slammer but I don't think that qualifies him for a highly paid position at our expense, though I agree with gg that the media would have been all over it if that was all there was to it.

Don't worry Mr Burns. If/when Tanya proves to be a significant Labour asset we can be certain that the appropriate media will be trashing Michael Coutts-Trotter for all he is worth.

Clearly the email you kicked off this forum with is the opening shot.

As sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
If/when Tanya proves to be a significant Labour asset we can be certain that the appropriate media will be trashing Michael Coutts-Trotter for all he is worth.

I don't think so.

- See more at:
I saw that as well Calliope. It certainly appears as if Michael is a very competent and effective Public Servant.

However I don't believe (on all past experience) that would be sufficient to stop a political attack on Tanya if/when it is deemed necessary. The various active websites that still trash Michael speak for themselves.

What would be interesting would be for Tony Abbott to go out of his way to commend Michael Coutts-Trotter for his personal recovery and in effect publicly neutralise any possibility of opening an attack on Tanya Plibersek in the future.

Be a pretty gracious action wouldn't it ?
He has a degree in journalism and that's it, does that qualify him to be Director-General of the Department of Finance and Services ?

Plenty of well qualified people out there for that job that would be infinitely more deserving I imagine.
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