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Take me to your leader!

The UN Leader has never lost control because he has never had control.

A leader cannot be strong, decisive and effective without real power and real authority, which is precisely what the UN does not have.

Of course the world has seen some strong, decisive and effective leaders. Saddam Hussein was one. How about Marcos, Suharto, Gaddafi, Mubarak. But there is not much respect around for the these ex-leaders. Why? Because they became strong, decisive and effective for themselves only - i.e. for their own egos and personal gain.

Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were exceptional leaders each in their own way, but I doubt the world will ever see the likes of them again.
I agree with the Dalai Lama notion, I think he would be able to represent humanity pretty well.

My other option would be Elon Musk, he's got the leadership to be able to talk with these aliens and consider the consequences for the whole planet, and keep the best interests of the entire planet in mind.
My other option would be Elon Musk, he's got the leadership to be able to talk with these aliens and consider the consequences for the whole planet, and keep the best interests of the entire planet in mind.

Elon Musk ...mmmm.... he's just another entrepreneur. You may as well include Richard Branson.

But I grant you Elon Musk does have one unique quality.

His leadership could be very 'electrifying'.
Philanthropy indicates a desire to improve the human condition, and Bill Gates certainly fills the bill in that regard.

His efforts are directed to those most in need around the world which is a good sign. He must also have dealt with a lot of people of different races and beliefs in those countries where his philanthropic ventures have taken him so he has a good world knowledge.

Firming as a favourite imo.

Yeah but who inflicted Windows on humanity? Surely all the philanthropy is merely restitution for that. </tongueincheek>
Yeah but who inflicted Windows on humanity? Surely all the philanthropy is merely restitution for that. </tongueincheek>

CHIEF ALIEN: Welcome Mr Gates and congratulations on being selected to represent mankind at this interplanetary council. Now how shall we start?

BILL GATES: Oh give me a break ..... I didn't come here to receive more complaints about Windows 8
Ignoring the part about "leader"... I think we take a step back and think what we want to present to the alien ,assuming we want to make ourselves look good. In light of that, I am thinking along the lines of:

1. A child. Any child around 4-5 should do. This gives the aliens to appreciate how pure and innocent human is in the beginning.
2. A professor in humanities. He/she at least has a chance to answer some of the questions about our being, our history, our world and our philosophies.
3. An elite athelete. A perfect physical specimen.
4. An elites scientist. Like Stephen Hawkens.
5. Jodie Foster (

CHIEF ALIEN: Welcome Mr Gates and congratulations on being selected to represent mankind at this interplanetary council. Now how shall we start?

BILL GATES: Oh give me a break ..... I didn't come here to receive more complaints about Windows 8

I can't think of such a person but my criteria might be:

The intellect and articulation of Christopher Hitchens

The wit of Gore Vidal

The charisma and charm of Bill Clinton

The determination and courage of Germaine Greer before she turned into a cranky old woman

The financial and entrepreneurial skills of Bill Gates

The religion-busting capacity of Dawkins

The philosophical courage of Peter Singer who has questioned so many of our accepted social mores

I think you are asking a bit for all that to be rolled into one person, but dare I say , Yours Truly

I would think if any alien "beings" could manage to get to planet earth, they must be from a society that is endowed in abundance with beings having all of the attributes listed so far. Knowledge, technical skills, financial skills to be able to build a capable spacecraft. Also, since we are capable of mass self-annihilation at our current level of technology, they must be in a similar situation for a much longer time and the fact that they still exist would suggest that their society is also endowed with leadership, compassion, humanity (their equivalent) etc., all the attributes that enable a society to coexist and flourish. In fact they might be so advanced in all these areas that they might not even notice our feeble attempts at same and might inadvertently destroy us not out of maliciousness but in the same manner that we might destroy colonies of insects when we build roads or dams etc. We do it without any consideration for the consequences to these lesser life forms as we are most likely completely oblivious to their existence.

However, one attribute that the aliens may lack, as it would not necessarily be needed to create an advanced society, is a sense of humour. They may, if they observe us for a while , start to chuckle and perhaps as they begin to understand us more, fall into uncontrollable laughter at out antics. And if that makes them feel better, particularly after being stuck in a spacecraft for 100s of years, then they might actually think us useful and consider it worth including us in whatever they have planned for earth or at least keeping us around.

So my suggestion would be having us represented by a comedian, probably more of the slapstick type as they may not understand the cultural background that makes stand up comics funny. Charlie Chaplin, if he were still alive. Today's equivalent whoever that may be.
I think you are asking a bit for all that to be rolled into one person, but dare I say , Yours Truly

Ah, Rumpole, in the spirit in which the suggestion is offered , I actually laughed out loud.
Just as well I didn't include modesty, huh?
I doubt you will ever see a good Labor leader again while they keep on the path of the far left heading into socialism....Communism the next step and hand in hand in hand with Islam.

Bwwwwaaaahhhh !
Surely someone from the UN would fill the roll, no?

I'd vote for Michio Kaku. I really like his passion and the way he explains "stuff".

Having seen the odd interview or two with the actor Morgan Freeman, he'd by my next choice.

My first female pick would be a 50/50 split between Anna Bligh and Annabel Crabb.

Must say that Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel rate highly too.
Anna Bligh ?
leaving in qld, I can tell you no way,
A vain, incompetent premier but J Gilliard soon top her off as worst advocate for female leadership, otherwise, this is how she would be remembered..
And I am a Beattie fan, so not viscerally against labour
I saw our chief scientist Ian Chubb on TV today promoting a report on cities and transportation.

I've seen him a couple of times on the National Press club and have admired his forthrightness and obvious intelligence (highly desirable for a scientist), so he would be my current pick.
leaving in qld, I can tell you no way,
A vain, incompetent premier but J Gilliard soon top her off as worst advocate for female leadership, otherwise, this is how she would be remembered..
And I am a Beattie fan, so not viscerally against labour

Her handling of the flood was top notch in my mind. She showed qualities that few others in higher office have displayed.
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