Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Take me to your leader!

26 March 2014
Just idle speculation, but I was wondering if aliens landed somewhere on earth and wanted one person to represent mankind on their interplanetary council, is there one person who we could have faith in to represent all of mankind without any partisan politics or national or personal interests ?

I suppose it would come down to a scientist of some kind, although scientists tend to be narrow focussed. Maybe a career diplomat ? Public servant ? Doctor ? Social worker ? Humanist ?

Any suggestions ?
Re: Take me to your leader !

I'm not sure about a representative for mankind but in case they request a representative for womankind I suggest Julia Gillard
Re: Take me to your leader !

I'm not sure about a representative for mankind but in case they request a representative for womankind I suggest Julia Gillard

I'm not sure misandry is a quality they would value.

Although I wouldn't discount a woman being a representative for all.
Re: Take me to your leader !

Hard to think of someone without some bias or national or racial baggage.

Even the Dalai Lama might have some baggage if it can down to it, but he's the closest I can think of.
Re: Take me to your leader !

That is not even close to amusing.

You are probably right. Its so far from amusing its almost hilarious.

My sincere apologies Rumpole for creating such an early distraction to your new thread which poses a very interesting question.

I'm sorry that I find it impossible to think of a serious suggestion because I am so numbed down by what seems to be collective incompetence of man & womankind's leadership everywhere - both in Australia and everywhere else.
Re: Take me to your leader !

I'm not sure misandry is a quality they would value.

Although I wouldn't discount a woman being a representative for all.

Slipped up there Wayne, why would you even entertain the notion of "discounting a woman being a representative for all".
Re: Take me to your leader !

I'm not sure misandry is a quality they would value.

Although I wouldn't discount a woman being a representative for all.

If all the aliens happened to be carrying handbags at least we would have some advanced warning.
Re: Take me to your leader !

Someone who can get us to be happy without money or religeon.

Ghandi of India and Mandella South Africa were close and both came from humble beginnings also. (From rough memory here.)

Good thread.
Re: Take me to your leader !

Bill Gates.

Smart, savvy, non political, philanthropic, unpretentious.
Re: Take me to your leader !

Hard to think of someone without some bias or national or racial baggage.

Even the Dalai Lama might have some baggage if it can down to it, but he's the closest I can think of.

Indeed he would carry a very large amount of baggage. Might be problematic for him to represent that very big chunk of mankind known as "The Chinese".
Re: Take me to your leader !

To be honest I doubt we'd be able to communicate with an alien life form. We may not even at first even realise they are a new life form.

Then we get into the issue of if you have the know how to traverse space I doubt we'd even register as "intelligent life" to them. Considering how we view our simian cousins, it's not too hard to imagine a less than sympathetic response from a civilisation that technologically advanced.

Possibly the only advanced form of life we'd ever have visit us would be self replicating robots at best, at least till someone shows me FTL travel is possible.
Re: Take me to your leader !

Bill Gates.

Smart, savvy, non political, philanthropic, unpretentious.

Good suggestion except that the billions of Chinese and Indians who currently make up about 37% of mankind might want one of their own to be the representative. Besides if this alien landing event doesn't take place for a few more decades the Chinese will be in full charge anyway - they will decide who the representative will be.
Great idea for a thread, Rumpole.
I'm not sure about a representative for mankind but in case they request a representative for womankind I suggest Julia Gillard

You are probably right. Its so far from amusing its almost hilarious.

My sincere apologies Rumpole for creating such an early distraction to your new thread which poses a very interesting question.

Bintang, I'm relieved to read your latter response. At first thought you were making a serious suggestion and, as a female, I was about to go into full outrage mode!

Bill Gates.
Smart, savvy, non political, philanthropic, unpretentious.
Yep, reasonable suggestion. Except that I don't see him as having the sort of diplomatic and social skills that would be required.

Indeed he would carry a very large amount of baggage. Might be problematic for him to represent that very big chunk of mankind known as "The Chinese".
Agree. I'd totally rule out any religious leaders, even especially the Dalai Lama, whose following I've never understood. He seems to me like a rather childlike, giggly individual, full of platitudes.

I'm sorry that I find it impossible to think of a serious suggestion because I am so numbed down by what seems to be collective incompetence of man & womankind's leadership everywhere - both in Australia and everywhere else.
Sadly have to agree.
Bintang, I'm relieved to read your latter response. At first thought you were making a serious suggestion and, as a female, I was about to go into full outrage mode!

You should know me by now. I am rarely serious if I can help it.
Sometimes when you feel like crying its best to try and make yourself laugh.

That's just the way I felt after reading Rumpole's post.

Anyway, in future, if in doubt, best to assume I am joking.

PS: It gave my wife a good laugh.
You should know me by now. I am rarely serious if I can help it.
Sometimes when you feel like crying its best to try and make yourself laugh.

That's just the way I felt after reading Rumpole's post.

Anyway, in future, if in doubt, best to assume I am joking.

PS: It gave my wife a good laugh.

That's the sad bit , It's really hard to imagine anyone we respect enough to take on that task. My only suggestion is Barry Jones, goofy though that sounds, he seems to be someone with intelligence and generosity of spirit enough to act for the benefit of mankind.

And for syd, who seemed to make the question too literally, the reason I framed the question in terms of "aliens" was that I was hypothetically asking if the human race really looks up to any particular individual (or even a group) amongst the midst of political bulldust, cynicism and self interest that we could actually trust to represent our race. The fact that there are so few suggestions indicates that the human race isn't all that proud of ourselves at the moment.
Great thread, Rumpole, and well said.

I would have picked a spiritual one, like Wayne, but as said, no one has no baggage.
Re: Take me to your leader !

Slipped up there Wayne, why would you even entertain the notion of "discounting a woman being a representative for all".

Ahem, I think you are try the create a way to be offended there mac. Excuse if I refuse to participate in your (the left) rancid apology industry.
Take me to your leader....good one.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the United Nations formed to bring peace through out the world and stop all these wars, racial hatred, bigotry and poverty?

We have a tooth less tiger who is extracting money from lots of countries and then sitting on their hands and doing very little....we have a Greenie in Ban-ki-Moon as the UN Secretary General who is as weak as dish water at a BBQ.

I mean, the thread is titled "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER".........What is the point of having a leader in the United Nations if he has no pull on these radical nations......what is the point if our top UN leader has lost control?

We need someone in that top job with the balls to stand over these vicious radical countries, stamp out terrorism and radical religious groups.

Take me to your leader....I am sure there is one out there is just a matter of finding the right person....he would have the is just a matter of using them in the right manner.
The answer is we are leaderless. Half the world's leaders stand for something which is good and the other half stand for something which is bad. The problem is we don't know which is which.

However if our dumb alien hasn't done his research, he will be confused.

animals-ufo-aliens-alien_invasions-poop-leaders-rhan1104_low.jpg LeaderSm.jpg