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Sudden stock price increase?

6 December 2006
Again, I'm a newbie. Can anyone explain why a stock surges without any apparent reason. There's no announcements, no news, just a big surge. I'm referring to PepinNini (PNN).I have shares, so it's nice but I'm genuinely curious.

Other stock has big announcements, coloured charts, the full works and the shares go down. Can't work it out.
Hi catman, very broad ranging question but i can give you a few points to get you started on why stocks can go up with no ann.
- speculation
- insider trading and market place rumours eg poss takeover target.
- assets of the company being affected by significant market place adjustments eg uranium price
- broker recomendations
- ramping and the herd of day traders jumping on.
- market place re evaluation of a stock that may have gone under the radar.
- a large buyer increasing a shareholding
- shortage of available stock / tightly held stock , unable to satisfy immediate demand.
Cartman - its the market they say (there is no why - there just is...)

there are some factors outlined on the PNN thread but these of course don't explain the recent rise - perhaps some people with more $$s have just started to become aware? perhaps they are moving into PNN now speculating on the potential Sinosteel stake in PNN's u3o8 project (this is due for announcement Feb 8th at latest). perhaps they know already!!

PNN is relatively thinly traded so it doesn't take much interest to pump up the price ie 25c rise on friday was on only 600k trading ($1.2m) which was 3x average. Cf AGS which averages apprx $4m a day.
Thanks people. I was told it was just a "good news story", but thought there must be more to it.
I recommend reading The art of Trading by Chris Tate. It tells you why the stock price changes for no reason and a whole lot of other stuff.
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