Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Snippits from Storm Financial

Since this was the tripe being spat out of their research department, is it any surprise no one was sold out before they lost everything?

Research Department
Storm Financial Pty Ltd.

Updated: 5:00pm, Tuesday 21st August 2007

Storm has always maintained that the further we get into this bullish cycle, the higher the volatility will become. This recent blip is therefore unlikely to be a fundamental change in economic / sharemarket trend. What this blip is likely to mean, for those with foresight, is an opportunity to have invested relatively low and finally gotten the chance to employ Storm’s approach to wealth creation, which is to accept the market average but attempt to outperform it when pockets of value present themselves, i.e. buying low to outperform the averages. With relatively linear sharemarket growth over the last 5 years, it has been difficult to find these little pockets of value but as volatility begin to increase, falls such as these may continue to land in our lap.
Consider this, the normally conservative Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) still finds our economy a little too hot for their liking, thus the recent 25 basis point hike in interest rates, They’d most certainly not want to be hiking rates in an economy that had fundamentally changed for the worse, especially leading into an election. So this brings us full circle, back to the US sub-prime development, which realistically is not materially relevant for Australia and even less so for the Storm style of investing. Australia is not exposed to the extraordinary levels the US was and Storm’s preferred investment process even less so than that of Australia.
Remember, there is a difference between investing and speculating. Storm try to do the latter, believing in economic investments and the material elimination of asset default risk and the elimination of the subjectivity of selection risk. We attempt to focus on maximizing the right investment principals, which is why Storm is focusing as much as possible on advising clients to invest now, whilst the industry itself is reeling from a mere 8% (12% at it’s worst point) aggregate sharemarket fall and getting record numbers of margin calls.

Commentary for first quarter 2008

The continued tightening of monetary policy over the past two quarters, flailing consumer sentiment, softening economic growth, further global credit scares and a second consecutive negative quarter in domestic and global sharemarkets may have all now conspired to potentially indicate an end to this current sharemarket turmoil in Australia. It may be time for the bulls to sneak back into the market place…
This quarter’s sharemarket value wash out may now be close to the end but leaving the explanation for the above arguments aside, which will be discussed further down, simple statistical evidence indicates that a potential bottom for this current bearish sharemarket cycle is statistically probable. While depending solely on statistical evidence is a very dangerous game, and right interpretation of data is paramount, one can use this evidence as a piece to a very complex puzzle in trying to understand core trends of most financial markets.
over a very long time, our market as a whole survives and continues to grow at solid and reasonably consistent rates. As of the dates in the above graph, our sharemarket shows an 11.26% compound p.a. return. However as time goes by and our country / economy / market matures, this rate gets higher and more profitable. For example, this leading index over the past 50 years from 1957 to present has a 12.79% compound p.a. return and for the past 30 years from 1977 to present has a 15.38% compound p.a. return. So while the 110-year average is 11.26%, the return seems to be increasing as time goes on, but that is a very complex story for another time.
The take out for us today is the above performance graph indicates that this current climate is likely to be temporary (but of course not the last impact our market will see) and is unlikely to be the final killer blow to our broader market, as some are erroneously anticipating. This is consistent with Storm’s approach of total market indexation coupled with no market timing, where we accept the overall natural, un-timed and neutral sharemarket returns and do not speculate on sectors, sub-sectors, industry groups or direct companies, which are all subject to potential default risks. Fundamentally the sharemarket is an efficient financial mechanism and with the long term in mind, we can harness this ongoing wealth in a safe way.
there have only ever been 14 periods in almost three decades where the sharemarket has finished negatively for three or more consecutive months. Of those 14 periods, only four times has the sharemarket finished negatively for five consecutive months. Since 1980, our sharemarket has never closed lower for more than five consecutive months and we have just closed March 2008 as the fifth month having posted negative capital growth in this current bearish cycle.
Essentially that means that while it is entirely possible for us to close for another month in negative territory for April, that statistically it would be an anomaly and a new record would be set for the sixth consecutive negative month in a period. On top of this, the month coincides with April, which is historically is the most profitable month of our calendar.
This can give some view that despite all that has happened in almost three decades, a five month wash off of value has been all that was required to break the back of whatever was causing the initial financial mess. This is not to say that the following recoveries are consecutive month on month growth, but retrospectively you find a break point or low for a poor period, similar to the period of March 2003 being the fundamental shift of our market back to bullish ways after the 9/11 – Iraqi war turmoil.
So what are the chances for further turmoil? What are the chances of another month down? Well no one can really know the answer for either question. So what do the statistics imply? What are the statistical chances that we are close to, or at the bottom of this current trough? Well statistically speaking, the probabilities are very high actually. This statistical evidence then implies that the value in our market place may be the best it has been since 2003 or even as early as the month following the crash of 87…
business confidence is still high and companies are still reporting solid earnings. This strong economic contradiction may indicate that our reactions to the sub-prime / global credit mess is more emotional for Australia. On top of this, Australia is in no real way exposed to this sort of poorly managed financial mechanism and certainly not at the level the US and other major country’s are, reinforcing the fact that our dramatic falls are emotionally based, not based on fundamentals (as in the US). It also may indicate that an equally speedy recovery is ever more likely due to this fact.
Incidentally, as the title indicates the bulls may already be back sooner than some expected with leading sharemarket indices having risen for all five trading days for the first week in April. These indices have recovered approximately 5% this week alone, leaving leading broad market indices very near the 5700pts barrier…
Overall not a great quarter but we can take some comfort in the information available with statistical data as well as economic fundamentals, not to mention the longer term performance of our sharemarket which we touched on at the start of this commentary, painting a positive picture for the future. There will be up and down periods in our sharemarket. But these periods to date have never brought the sharemarket to its knees, which historically have always reverted back to its longer-term averages. On top of all that, this week has shown some resilience coming back into our market place, despite what global markets have done with five consecutive days on the rise. Let's hope the bulls hang round for a while and make April yet another great month for our sharemarket. Remember, it is far more dangerous to be out of a rising market than in a falling market. This investment adage may be more pertinent at times like these as we await an impending recovery.
Watch out next week for a full wrap of leading global sharemarkets and the global economy as a whole for Q1-2008. We will discuss what issues will be facing the US over the next few years and how much of a role Asia may play. We will of course also touch base on the progression of our sharemarket recovery that may have already begun this week…
Storm Financial Ltd.
Updated: 5:00pm Friday 6th June 2008

As the title indicates, our sharemarket and all its underlying sectors trended negatively for the third consecutive week, continuing to wipe away much of the mid March/April/early May recovery. However, leading market indicators and anecdotal statistical evidence seems to be pointing toward a potential end to this current bearish trend – which despite only having manifested in broader market indices since November – has been present in the market place for well over a year now. In English, the pressure may now be considerable for an impending upside for the sharemarket, much more than some may realize. Bulls may be just around the corner…

Bear and Bull market averages
So what do we know about our sharemarket statistically?
• We know that Australia’s leading broader market indices reflect a historical rate of return of between 12% – 14% over most medium & long term time frames. For example, since 31.12.1979 to 05.06.2008, almost 30 years, the S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Accumulation index reflects a compound p.a. rate of return of 13.44%.
• We know that our broader market indices also reflect sharemarket fluctuations, which can be considerable. At Storm, we expect volatility and prepare for it. In fact, we benefit from it, but that is another story for another time. We have statistical evidence to show the biggest and average bull and bear market periods in terms of time and overall % movement over the past half century.
• We know that over approximately half a century, the average well defined “Bull market” runs for about 4.4 years and inflates broader market indices by almost 200%. The biggest accepted bull market however was of course the lead up to the 1987 crash where the broader market continued to grow relatively unabated for 62 months (over 5 years) and inflated the All Ordinaries index by almost 500% in that time. In hindsight, a crash of the magnitude of October 1987 was necessary to bring the market back to fundamental averages.
• We know that the average “Bear market” over the same half century averages approximately 1.5 years washing away sharemarket value. During this time, the bearish sentiment drags broader market indices lower by -25% on average. However, once again this is merely the average with the worst Bear market being the Crash of 1987, which lasted about 5 months from October 1987 to February 1988 before markets started to rise once again. The catch here is that during this fall, the sharemarket lost a huge 41% of its value! This is not an exceptionally long time frame, but a huge value-wash off when compared to the average bear market wash off.
Our sharemarket as a whole has not been in a bearish climate for merely 7.5 months, as the broader market indices indicate, which of course suggests that at least another 10 months is required to hit bear market averages before we’d reasonably expect markets to rise significantly once again. It is my opinion that we do not realistically have another 10 months to wait before we hit average bear market time frames.
The below graph shows that our Resources sector has been buffering poor sentiment in our industrials sector since as far back as December 2006! In normal circumstances, with a normal resources performance and weighting, our sharemarket broader market indices would not only NOT be showing a mere 7.5 month wash off from November 2007 to present, but they would likely have a record high set way back in May 2007. Or even earlier as far back as December 2006. Worth noting is that the SFA Industrials index record high was actually set in May 2007.
It is entirely possible that without the unprecedented growth in resources, which we discussed in the last commentary, our sharemarket would be not be reflecting a break even for the past 19 months as it has done to date. It actually would be at, or below, what our industrials sector is doing and would normally have been down for well over the average bear market period. Whilst most feel that we have just entered a bear market based on broad market index readings, it is my view that we could be on the way out of a bear market that began in early 2007 or late 2006 as we are now well over the averages of how long most bear markets run.
The upward pressures are far higher than many may realize and as the title suggests, we may be closer to the end of this bearish trend due to resources having finally woken up and begun to offset the negative sentiment that has been around far longer than merely the past 7.5 months since November 2007.
What must be stated here is that this is statistical evidence and can only provide a small piece to a very complex puzzle. This data can help one gauge a different perspective on sharemarket trends, but is not intended to encourage speculative investment behavior. Remember, we here at Storm are investors, not speculators. We can benefit from sharemarket volatility. We don’t participate in the emotional aspects of fear in bear markets and greed in bull markets. However it provides some comfort to realize that we might be further in the bearish phase statistically speaking than merely 7.5 months and the “end”, whenever that is, theoretically could be closer than anticipated.
Some of the ways we guide you...
Financial Education

Education is the key, and that's were we begin with you. The financial education we offer is not available anywhere else in Australia. We recommend you attend our workshops - no pressure or obligation - before any decision is made about becoming a client.
Focusing on potential wealth

Investing successfully is all about fulfilling your full financial potential, not about being constrained by the limits of your present position, no matter how big those limits may be!
Creating investment capital

A big challenge with investing is getting the capital to get started. We help you identify the assets you have built up so far - even those which you may not know you have - and unlock their value.
Managing through the markets

By ignoring speculative and short-term investing we turn market volatility to your advantage. We manage and monitor your portfolio through the markets' movements, and by doing so, allow the long-term and exponential growth to emerge.
Accelerating your progress

We've proved to be quite a catalyst in that our clients have achieved more than they thought possible and in a shorter timeframe.

Think of it as 'life renovation' - we help you see much more of your potential, expand your awareness to new possibilities and then show you how to achieve it.

Guiding the way...


Some people want us to provide recommendations or advice after their first visit to us. That is not what we do. There is a lot of ground that needs to be covered first.

We suggest you avoid running a red light!
What would be the point anyway? If you rush ahead without being clear about which is the right direction, it's a pointless exercise.


Take the time to learn what it's all about. Go through the steps of our education process. Spend time with us preparing your plan.

It is only when you understand all the information at hand that you are in a position to decide whether you would like to proceed.

It is only when we've had time to get to know you that we can decide whether we'd like to proceed.


Once all the preparation is complete, you can go forward with confidence, knowing the direction you are heading is the right one.

We are there right beside you to help with navigation. We ensure clients maintain a level of knowledge vital for their wealth, growth and peace of mind. Our processes are transparent and we are accountable to you as we regularly monitor, measure and manage your portfolio. Advisers and staff are available and on hand for both your financial and personal benefit.

If you don't put the work in now, you'll end up working a lot harder and longer for a lower quality of life, putting in far more effort and not getting anywhere near the rewards.

You create your own circumstances

There is a storm on your horizon. If you choose to stand in its path, you can prepare, rise to the challenge, reap the harvest, then enjoy the fruits of your labour.

That is what we have done. Collectively we've demonstrated that the grass is greener on the other side. We'd like to share our good fortune with you. Come over and join us.

As a Storm client, your good fortune is both in your hands and ours.

It's hard work to start with - though it is more a mental hurdle than anything. You will be pleasantly surprised when you realise it was easier than you thought it would be.

Where to now?

Maybe this has inspired you and you'd like to include us in your journey to personal and financial success…

If so, congratulations, you're on the road to financial freedom!

Maybe you're feeling unsure or you have decided our approach is not for you…

Then we suggest you attend our workshop - you have nothing to lose as there is no pressure and no obligation; what you discover will benefit you in the future regardless of whether you continue with us.

If you still feel our services are not for you, we strongly encourage you to explore other options. The most important thing is that you get to and just do it, even if it is somewhere else. We sincerely urge you to give high priority to seeking financial guidance and all the rewards such guidance brings.

"The future is not a place to which we are going. It is a place we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination."

- John Schaar

Good fortune is something you can create. It's a team effort. Growth and fulfilment of dreams is made possible by our know-how and your willingness to do what it takes - it's not as difficult as you may think.
Statistical gobbledegook. No wonder half their clients had no idea what was going on.

Like their SoAs...lots of words with little substance.

A complete reliance on history repeating itself without any analysis whatsoever of what was actually happening at the time.
From Storm's "Research Notes":

"Remember, there is a difference between investing and speculating. Storm try to do the latter, believing in economic investments and the material elimination of asset default risk and the elimination of the subjectivity of selection risk".
Storm "try to do the latter"??? the latter being speculating. At least they got that right. Obviously this is a total error on their part and they meant to suggest they abhor speculation and focus on the joys of pure investment. They clearly didn't even proof read their copy before printing.!

As for the rest, what a load of total garbage.

I did read through the first one, but lacked the fortitude to do the same with the second.

I have absolutely no idea how anyone could actually read this junk and not realise what a total sales pitch it is, with no logical basis in reality, especially when they suggest the subprime mess would have essentially no effect in Australia.

Any investigation into this whole miserable affair should only have to read these 'research notes' (what a joke) to understand the total crap that Storm comprised.
As you probably are aware I have had the opportunity to chat with a few ex-Storm clients and their family members. One common theme is that they believed that they were dealing with a company that had processes and quality systems in place to competently manage and monitor their investments.

One ex-Storm client mentioned to me that they believed that with the principals being highly qualified in finance, Storm was a sound stable company. Below is the manner the Cassimatis' were presented on the website. To hold a Master of Applied Finance would most likely lead to the belief that they held more than basic understanding of the industry. Although I am interested to know what previous qualifications they held before attaining their Masters degree.


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As you probably are aware I have had the opportunity to chat with a few ex-Storm clients and their family members. One common theme is that they believed that they were dealing with a company that had processes and quality systems in place to competently manage and monitor their investments.

One ex-Storm client mentioned to me that they believed that with the principals being highly qualified in finance, Storm was a sound stable company. Below is the manner the Cassimatis' were presented on the website. To hold a Master of Applied Finance would most likely lead to the belief that they held more than basic understanding of the industry. Although I am interested to know what previous qualifications they held before attaining their Masters degree.

Hi Solly,

Yes the qualification of Master of Applied Finance does suggest more than just a cursory understanding of their profession. As does the moniker of: "full member of the Australian Financial Planning Association"; "certified practising accountant"; "specialist plastic surgeon."

We all attend "professional" people believing they they have their area of endeavour "under wraps" as it were. Not sure where you heading with your enquiry? Not overly deceptive or misleading - I wouldn't think - to note on your cv if you have obtained a particular qualification. People will draw their own conclusions from what they read.

The BANK wrote in its TERMS AND CONDITIONS that they would provide their clients with a MARGIN CALL. You would reasonably expect them to do that - but they didn't. You would thing a BANK would have a pretty good handle on its processes and would be confident they would do what they say. Right??

For the record, I have heard that Manny had obtained a Science degree and I understand Julie was studying Law.

Hope that helps.
I havent posted here for a while but it doesnt mean I havent been reading. Things have really hotted up with the posts lately. I still get a sick feeling in my guts aboiut this mess. its 3 years now and nobody is in jail yet.What a frigging surprise.The biggest collapse we have ever seen and it appears its still nobody's fault. Does anybody know what Manny is up to? Is he stacking shelves at Safeway? I don't think so. Is he broke like some of the stormies? I'm still very very angry about all of this. Is anybody going to end up in the slammer???? Who is to blame ? Banks? Storm? WHEN WILL THE TRUTH COME OUT??? WHEN?? THAT IS ALL I ASK...End of rant
I havent posted here for a while but it doesnt mean I havent been reading. Things have really hotted up with the posts lately. I still get a sick feeling in my guts aboiut this mess. its 3 years now and nobody is in jail yet.What a frigging surprise.The biggest collapse we have ever seen and it appears its still nobody's fault. Does anybody know what Manny is up to? Is he stacking shelves at Safeway? I don't think so. Is he broke like some of the stormies? I'm still very very angry about all of this. Is anybody going to end up in the slammer???? Who is to blame ? Banks? Storm? WHEN WILL THE TRUTH COME OUT??? WHEN?? THAT IS ALL I ASK...End of rant

ever thought of taking some responsibility yourself???? good whilst the market is returning 15% p.a......we are turning into americans the way we sue nowadays,
Just had a quick look to see if anything has changed! In general, sentiment still seems about the same.

I’m afraid no one on this site that may be working in the financial sector as a financial adviser or in some other capacity quite realizes the impact the collapse of Storm Financial has had, and will continue to have on his or her industry. One of the issues that financial advisers now have to deal with is “trust” or rather, lack of it.

All we hear about on this forum are the foibles of Storm and the foolishness of the people that used that firm to invest. Whilst this may instil in some the feeling that they cannot be blamed for what a rogue financial advisory firm did, I’m afraid that is what ordinary Australians will think. It’s called being guilty by association.

So, I believe, it will be the financial advisers and those within the investment markets that will be feeling the pinch in the foreseeable future, not us. After all, our fate will be decided in a court of law, not on this site so we are not really concerned by what you say or think. You, however, should be concerned though by what we think because that word-of-mouth business that once existed will dry up if it hasn’t already done so. We are many mouths and our generation has children and grand-children that will preach our mantra, “They cannot be trusted!”

You may level abuse on us for now but it’s going to come back to bite you. The Storm collapse will leave a smell for years and rightfully so. No matter how you dress it up, qualified financial advisers that were FPA approved gave Storm investors bad financial advice full-stop! The professional indemnity insurance was a chimera, the compliance regulations were inadequate, systems were non-existent, and our trust was met with lies and subterfuge. Yet, you have endeavoured to shift some of the blame to the Storm investors. No doubt, you think that by so doing people will think this was a one off aberration, and the public will not condemn the financial sector in general for what occurred with Storm.

Good luck if you believe that because many would-be investors will be now looking elsewhere rather than using financial advisers. Once people out there (some of them could be potential investors) have assessed the evidence, for themselves they are just going to be too wary of being burnt like us. After all, they are going to ask themselves, “What guarantees are there that this won’t happen again?”

I believe that anyone on this forum that is connected with the financial sector would be far better off concentrating on how they are going to win back some “minds and hearts”, rather than mocking us at every opportunity. This type of ploy will just alienate us further! Remember that we, the victims of Storm and the Banks, number in the thousands, and that’s a very wide sphere of influence

The Storm affair has already generated a lot of bad publicity to date about financial advisers in general, not just Storm, and there will certainly be a lot more before all this has finished. Every single piece of bad publicity will be just another nail in your coffin so it’s time you started seeing the bigger picture.

One of the many things that Storm investors were led to believe was that Storm had adequate 'professional indemnity insurance'. If people on this forum want to have a constructive debate with a view to winning back some of that lost trust, I am quite willing to start with what I consider to be one of the key features that might, if the industry now gets it right, enable financial advisers to reassure their would-be investors that their investments are safe- not from market downturns but rather from shonky financial advisers. If you cannot convince them that you have this under control, and you have safeguards in place to protect their assets from crooks, you won’t have a business because you won’t have any clients left. You’ll then be the ones looking for work, not us. We’re all too old anyway. Your call!

And Julia and others,

If you were unfortunate enough to be raped the last thing you would want is to be continually questioned about your motives. Yet, we know that this is exactly what happens to women when they find themselves in such circumstances. We have been raped by financial advisers who acted in conjunction with banks. We don’t need anyone to keep on reminding us that we should not have walked down a particular road.

75% of the people that lost everything when Storm collapsed were elderly people that put their trust in the financial advisory sector. If your parents had been duped as many were in Storm, I doubt whether your attitude would be quite so recalcitrant.

I know! They are far too clever for that!

And Doobsy,

“Since this was the tripe being spat out of their research department, is it any surprise no one was sold out before they lost everything?”

You seem to forget that this tripe as you call it was spouted out by someone in your industry! Why should any would-be investors in the future believe anything you or others may say if Storm, who were financial advisers, lied to us from the start. Why should your firm be any different? As I said before, you are guilty by association whether you like it or not. Get off the Storm bandwagon and start looking at ways of improving the financial sector. It’s your only salvation.
If you were unfortunate enough to be raped the last thing you would want is to be continually questioned about your motives. Yet, we know that this is exactly what happens to women when they find themselves in such circumstances. We have been raped by financial advisers who acted in conjunction with banks. We don’t need anyone to keep on reminding us that we should not have walked down a particular road.


pretty low comparing this to actual rape dont you think:banghead:
pretty low comparing this to actual rape dont you think:banghead:

Gerkin, I agree that Frank's comments are of a very strong nature. But I have a first hand understanding of the extremely high level of frustration and ongoing stress the victims of this saga are enduring.

One Stormer said to me about the Storm experience was that he felt like he was lured down a dark alley with the promise of it being a shortcut to the highway, then having the crap beaten out of him, stripped, robbed and then the cops saying it was his fault.

Emotions are still running at an extremely intense level within some of the ranks of the affected. There have been tragic outcomes as a result of the way some have reacted to this event.

Impacts have been far reaching for families, associates and friends. I hope that I never ever get another message sent to me that informs me of another family loss as a result of this debacle.
And Julia and others,

If you were unfortunate enough to be raped the last thing you would want is to be continually questioned about your motives. Yet, we know that this is exactly what happens to women when they find themselves in such circumstances.
This tasteless comment does not deserve a reply, but I am utterly incensed that you would make such a personal remark to me.

For your information, I have indeed been raped. Repeatedly. As a child by my grandfather. From the age of six until I was ten. I had no redress whatsoever.

How dare you compare such an experience with some people who failed to apply common sense to shonky financial strategies suggested to them by rogue advisers.

I have never, ever felt like leaving ASF, despite some robust exchanges, but I will not be so personally insulted.
This tasteless comment does not deserve a reply, but I am utterly incensed that you would make such a personal remark to me.

For your information, I have indeed been raped. Repeatedly. As a child by my grandfather. From the age of six until I was ten. I had no redress whatsoever.

How dare you compare such an experience with some people who failed to apply common sense to shonky financial strategies suggested to them by rogue advisers.

I have never, ever felt like leaving ASF, despite some robust exchanges, but I will not be so personally insulted.

Now you know how we feel!
Frank, Frank, Frank. Your victim mentality is quite astounding. You are not prepared to take even the slightest bit of responsibility for what happened are you? For the decisions YOU made, and the lack of research YOU conducted into what the Greek bearing gifts told YOU he could achieve for YOU. and of course, for paying a ridiculously high fee for whatever it was you thought you were getting (oh thats right, you only thought you were getting financial advice...7% is the going rate for this apparently...).

And you have the nerve to compare your experience to that of a rape victim! Dear lord.

I would be interested in Doobsy's take on this, but you know what, I think this has been good for the financial advice industry, because it will sort out financial advisers from investment advisers and salesmen. Advisers who base their business on investments and the success or otherwise of the markets will struggle, and rightly so. commissions have been in the spotlight and rightly so. I guess we can thank Storm for that Frank.

The advisers that go ahead and prosper will be those who can demonstrate value via strategic planning- they are the true financial advisers. Ones who can structure your assets in a tax effective manner, those who can implement strategies to help reduce debt, build cashflow and build assets without relying on investment markets and returns. Those who base their model on the things they and their clients can control, not those they can't (like the markets). And these advisers will charge fee for service, not 7% upfront commissions like you did Frank. So I would say the complete opposite is true frank....Storm has been good for the industry, but not for the cowboys.

In speaking to my adviser, he doesn't want clients who are focussed on investment returns...he sees this as a no win situation. So he focusses on the things he and his clients can control, like advice. How is that a bad thing???

However, the problem of people being seduced by the slick sales spiel, the promise of "safe" returns from the sharemarket, and placing their financial future 100% in someone else's hands will never change. There are plenty of people out there who will be seduced by the next Storm/ponzi shceme/nigerian email scam etc., becuase the promise of instant wealth is too much for some to resist. I think you can relate to this Frank...
SJG you have done my job for me.

Frank, we have grown in a key "Storm" town throughout the ongoing crisis. Just as you are employing professionals in the legal area to help you because you don't have the experience or expertise to do it yourself, so we will continue to gain new clients and retain existing clients who know they need assistance. My advice revolves around adding value and then charging accordingly. Whether it be a 80yr old pensioner who is happy to spend $400 to have us help with Centrelink to a DIY SMSF with $6M who I charge $3,000 for purely strategy and technical advice and he does his own investing, to the 55 year old employee who might pay $5,000 but has serious ongoing strategic work happening prior to retirement and where we are ACTIVELY managing a portfolio for them and have provided advice that has saved them many multiples of my fee per annum.

I don't fear the scrutiny, I revel in it. I can explain what I do and what value I add. I don't have to rely on averages, promises, markets to perform. We don't advertise at all. We look after our clients and their accountants or solicitors that initially referred them see this and then refer others that need help. I actually do my job past getting the client signed on and therefore know I provide value.

Frank I have no doubt it must eat you up that you were one of the poster children for Storm. An example that Storm HQ used to show other regional offices how to woo and bed the big client.

The FP industry will continue to grow because people like you need people like me to stop them from making DUMB decisions with their money. Some clients that is the best value I add, stopping them from themselves.

Like has been mentioned, society has had snake oil salesman since the dawn of time. Some fall for the story, others are more careful. Count the stories in the paper in the next 12 months, watch today tonight and a current affair, there is always someone with flashy qualifications and a membership that is out to rip the guts out of the unwary. Builders, lawyers, accountants, financial planners, car salesman, insurance mobs, encyclopaedia salesman. It is across the board.
Bunyip what has the fact that stormies may or may not have been wealthy pre storm got to do with seeking financial advice? Why is it considered by some to be a sign of greed to seek help with your finances irrespective of your financial circumstances?

Has anyone on this forum seen any evidence that if you are well heeled that you shouldn't be seeking financial advice from financial planners or banks. Even large companies with billions at their disposal employ people to advise them on financial matters.

I would think that the more money you have the more help you would need to make sure that it is preserved. Is this so wrong.

Whereas for those of us who are on ordinary wages, we are seeking financial help so that we have enough to retire on.


Guess you thought I was going to ignore the above questions, given that I haven’t responded in the week since you asked them.
Truth is that I was never going to ignore you, but I’ve been tied up over the last week in buying a new car and entertaining overseas guests, among other things, and I just haven’t logged into the forum in that time.

So anyway, here is my answer to you.

A person’s financial situation should have no bearing on whether or not they choose to consult a financial planner. However, individual financial circumstances should definitely have a bearing on the kind of advice they seek from the planner.
If someone is at or near retirement and is trying to scrape by on minimal income and minimal assets, then obviously that person going to be seeking advice on strategies to boost their income and hence their chances of having a decent living standard in retirement.
Such advice may take the form of investment advice, rather than financial planning advice. (Incidentally, there are significant differences between the two.)

In a very different situation to the person above is someone who is at or near retirement and has already achieved sufficient wealth to retire in comfort and live off the proceeds of their investments. This person would be little more than a greedy fool to seek the sort of investment advice that’s designed to dramatically increase their already adequate retirement income. What such a person should be seeking instead is professional advice on such matters as estate planning, superannuation, taxation minimization, asset protection, and a range of other advice and services that professional financial planners can provide, and at fees well below 7% upfront.
A question of greed! (Part 2)

Before we signed with Storm I asked them whether they would be monitoring our portfolios. They assured us that they had systems in place "trigger-points" so there was no risk to our investments. In fact, I have evidence on hand that they told us this and I may yet be using this in a Court of law if Cassimatis gets any money back! That's another story!

No risk to your investments eh Frank?
And you believed Storm when they told you this bull****?????!!!!!!

Tell me Frank, have you ever in your life found an investment that was risk-free? Particularly one that offered the high rewards that Storm’s strategy offered?

Please tell me about any high reward/risk-free investments that you know of Frank, so I can invest in them immediately.

And you wonder why Julia and I and others tell you that you failed to apply a basic common sense test to what you were told by Storm!!!