Price is Right
Price is Wrong
Should I Buy should I sell..
Ok If your are succesfull trader
From now on Just Buy when you would have sold and Sell when you would have Bought..
Or even better find a succesful trader
and take the other side of their trades..
In Wyckoff's terms do the opposite of the Composite Operator
Model someone and do the opposite
Investors could do everything Buffet does but in reverse..
Buffet always thinks Price could be wrong
Or maybe it is wrong 80%
BUT could be is not should be !
What might reveal That Price is Wrong ?
The Study of Responses & The STUDY of TRENDS
VOLUME Indications
In fact the Study of responses
Reveal what Wyckoff called
Wyckoff Distinguished between Appearance
and Character
Character is what matters
And The Study of Responses is what reveals
"The study of responses ... is an almost unerring guide"
Rollo Tape (Richard Wyckoff), 1910