For those of you who decide to enter a trade based on EOD data, this question is for you.
When you place your trade and have your Initial Stop Loss price defined, do you sell on:
a) when the EOD close is below this price
b) when the EOD close is equal to or below this price
c) when the price during the day hits this mark
To follow on, when do you then sell?
a) during the day if you chose option c above
b) at the open
c) do you watch the open to see if price moves in your direction.
Thanks for your responses.
When you place your trade and have your Initial Stop Loss price defined, do you sell on:
a) when the EOD close is below this price
b) when the EOD close is equal to or below this price
c) when the price during the day hits this mark
To follow on, when do you then sell?
a) during the day if you chose option c above
b) at the open
c) do you watch the open to see if price moves in your direction.
Thanks for your responses.