An old thread but worth a footnote.
I have been using Paritech Pulse for longer than I remember and on a number of occasions, as I have above, posted that I have been quite happy with them.
No longer. So, for the sake of clarity I need to update my view of Paritech Pulse.
For nearly a year their fundamental information has not been updated. Consequently, when looking for company details, financials, top 20 shareholders, etc I have had to go to different sources for the information. For the last 6 months I have been assured it is being fixed.
So in essence, I have been paying for half a resource... and keep in mind it is nearly twice the price of WebIress.
Come time to renew I asked about the lack of fundamental info and again I am told it will shortly be fixed. I asked the question whether it is appropriate for them to charge the full amount when only part of their system is working and what about some compensation for the lack of a full product for the last 12 months and until it is actually working.
You would expect some sort of response to a customer of about 20 years standing.
Yep, got a response, locked me out with no comment on the due date.
My previous recommendations for this product and the company is withdrawn. I do not like being treated in such a manner when their product is no longer as claimed.
Country Lad