Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Stock Broker Company Analysis/Projections - How often are they right?

16 August 2013
So stockbrokers often do analysis of companies.
I know they are probably a little bias towards the buy side.

But how often are they right?

I only ask this because i want to buy a particular stock and i just read a glowing report on it from shaw stockbroking. So i just wanted to see what their track record of predictions was like.

A quick google search at random.

June 2012. Price: .135 Predicted: .81
August 2013 Price: .06 (maximum reached .18)

Another example i remember a few years ago was a PWC report of a CVI which valued it at 45-73 cents.
Which didn't end well for a lot of people.

So show me some examples where brokers have been spot on. Or totally wrong.
How much weight do you put on their opinions (if any) when making investment decisions?