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Stock Bashing - Real or Perceived?

No arguments from me Julia. There is nothing wrong with a good humoured stouch between posters, but for some reason the good humour often turns into bad taste.

Now that Joe has removed the offending link, people will assume I am babbling on about nothing, and assume I am basically loonie ...... thanks Joe

This thread has displayed the worst in people.

It was started in good faith and it was simply turned into a personal afront full of childish assumptions, all directed at me. How touching...

True (lack of) character has been displayed here in many of these posts.
hang, why do you post 10 times per day on PEN, here and HC?

Any um... personal reasons? Got a bit of moola tied up in PEN?

Perhaps we should all chip in and buy some PEN, so it works out better for you.

gong xi fai ca

An earthquake happened, your stock went down. Stop blaming everyone here. Your persecution complex is in full swing. No one is ganging up - it just so happens everyone disagrees with you.

Gringot, get off your high horse and even perhaps get a life.

I have never blamed anyone so that statement is simply pure crap. People can disagree and I have never had a problem with that. It is the pathetic manner people choose to do so, you a classic case.

Yes I do have a very large investment in PEN and recently added to it. All in profit, quite significant profit so I am very satisfied with my position in PEN and where PEN is about to head. I have never hidden that fact, unlike the swingers that change their views as many times as they blink each day.

You provide no input of value and merely come on full of personal abuse. Your derogatory, immature manner displays what type of person you are. what's your nic over there, or are you happy to hide behind a nic and throw abuse around. A cowardly act to state the least, as was it the poster that placed up the Beyond Blue link in a pathetic low life attempt to make a point.

Go back to your corner, you are way out of your depth.
Dont know much about stocks (see post count - yippee!) but learning, but having been around computer since the '80s, I know a little about the Internet and forums (incl. chat rooms)....

1. ramping prices up or down may occur, but buying/selling based on such is crazy by any user - what happened to "do your own research"

2. people may state factual or personal beliefs on a stock. for example, "such and such industry is dead" would be a personal belief. if you have a opposite view - good on you.

3. references to a "dog stock" or "penny dreadful" are not ANTI anything.

I would treat most posts in most forums with a grain of salt. If I believed everything I read, then I probably wouldn't invest anything because of "all" the "negative" comments.

Re: hang seng Bashing - Real or Perceived? yes real!!

mayte hang seng ol mate take some valium & have a good lie down

you are way too serious,get yourself a real life...put PEN in the pen for awhile,get out

your pen & do your bucket list,get a hobby & or a gf but sheesh bruvver lighten up &

dont forget the pen is mightier than the sword...tb
Re: hang seng Bashing - Real or Perceived? yes real!!

Rofl Tigerboi you are right but...lay off the chuff mate.
Hahah Gringotts that was awesome man, I remember that too, like lemmings off a cliff!
Re: hang seng Bashing - Real or Perceived? yes real!!

Rofl Tigerboi you are right but...lay off the chuff mate.

nah dont do it it will fry ur brain up with all the chemicals

they use to grow it these days.

just this HS dude bloke needs to get away from PEN.

cheers mate...TB...
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