Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

SQX - SQX Resources

27 June 2010
South-East Queensland Exploration Limited is a modern mineral exploration company dedicated to delivering shareholder value by building a portfolio of exploration, development, and operating assets.

SQX’s current focus is on copper and gold mineralisation at its Ollenburgs and Scrub Paddock Prospects, which are located in the underexplored Esk Basin in southeast Queensland and situated near major regional infrastructure and population centres. Both Prospects feature known mineralisation and historical mine workings.

Identified as a potential gold-copper porphyry, the Scrub Paddock Prospect features more than 20 mine workings and an area of comparable scale to Cadia/Ridgeway. Soil sampling and drilling have already confirmed gold and copper mineralisation; the extent of this mineralisation, both along the strike of the surface anomaly and also the depth, is unknown. A recently identified anomaly identified by induced polarisation (“IP”) survey sits just beneath existing drillholes. The Company intends to drill these high priority targets immediately upon listing, with the aim of defining an economic mineral resource.

The Ollenburgs Prospect hosts potential for a copper-gold porphyry. Featuring several copper / gold / silver mine workings, an anomaly visible on aeromagnetic mapping, a surface anomaly evidenced by rock-chip and soil sampling across approximately 300m x 50m and no historical drilling, the Company will expand soil sampling, undertake IP surveying and, if justified, follow up with exploration drilling.

It is anticipated that SQX will list on the ASX during February 2023.

Listing date15 February 2023 ; 12:00 PM AEDT ##
Company contact details
Ph: (07) 3036 7174
Principal ActivitiesPursuing opportunities in the resources sector and building shareholder value by acquiring, exploring, evaluating and exploiting mineral resource projects.
industry groupTBA
Issue PriceAUD 0.20
Issue TypeOrdinary Fully Paid Shares
Security codeSQX
Capital to be Raised$5,000,000
Expected offer close date14 December 2022
UnderwriterNot underwritten. PAC Partners Securities Pty Ltd (Lead Manager).
hmmm, listed in Feb but not really doing much... though in a surprising twist, new- ish management but same projects.
Market cap under 4mill, with 2.5mill cash at end Sept.


• Management transition during the September Quarter resulting in personnel cost reduction of ~45%
• Strong focus on identifying additional opportunities in the critical minerals sector to build out the portfolio of assets
• Patrick Glovac appointed as Executive Chairman

Scrub Paddock
All assay results now received for maiden Scrub Paddock drill program
• Broad gold-bearing mineralisation present in multiple holes at Scrub Paddock Prospect including 553m @ 0.10g/t Au from 27m (SP002) and 152m @ 0.12g/t Au from 93m (SP001)
• Total drill program cost expected to be below budget

• Soil sampling assay results confirm multiple anomalous (>50ppm) copper zones, including area near historical rock chip sample of 19.6g/t Au and 6.56% Cu
• Presence of other metals detected in trace amounts including gold, arsenic, bismuth, and molybdenum, supports the exploration target of copper/gold porphyry mineralisation.

since listing :