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SPI 200 and Futures Options

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Could have been done in house.

That would be an OTC transaction and surely you must have to be made aware of it.

How would the novation process work in those circumstances?
That would be an OTC transaction and surely you must have to be made aware of it.

How would the novation process work in those circumstances?

I ring my broker,he says i'll call you back,he quotes me a price and I agree or I disagree.I don't ask him who's on the other side or where the trade originated from.
I have a macbookpro not sure how to do that
  • Command + Shift + 3: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen, and saves the image to your desktop.
  • Command + Shift + 4, and click an area. Takes a screenshot of an area and saves the image to your desktop.
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  • Command + Control + Shift + 3: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen, and saves it to your clipboard.
  • Command + Control + Shift + 4, and click an area: Takes a screenshot of an area and saves it to your clipboard.
  • Command + Control + Shift + 4, then press space, and click a window: Takes a screenshot of a window and saves it to your clipboard.
courtesy of

That works but cannot find a way to cover up my details.
Will work on it and post it when done !
That works but cannot find a way to cover up my details.
Will work on it and post it when done !

Surely Mac must have an graphic editing software as standard as PC does.

Don't tell me MicroSatan does something Mac doesn't?
I have difficulty in believing that your broker would enter you into an OTC option contract without:

a/ notifying you of such, as there is the expectation of an exchange traded contract

b/ without negotiating and/or agreeing to the terms of the contract.

c/ without some surety as to the performance of the contract.

Additionally, why not deal with a MM? Why should the brokerage assume the risk... unless of course the brokerage also offers market making. In which case we go back to why was the trade not reported?

In house can also mean someone on their books may want to trade out
of a position.As I said I will spend sometime trying to post the statement
so then this discussion will end.

BTW anyone else want to match me in calling the trades before they happen in realtime.There must be some real traders out there who don't just lurk in forums posting and not really putting their money where there mouth is?

Hand surely you are a real trader who trades in and out all day ??
your blog leads us to think so.
In house can also mean someone on their books may want to trade out
of a position.

That doesn't change anything. It is still either exchange or OTC with the concerns as above.
Sorry Pit .you aint nothing special darl ....

Me amongst others post real time trades very often .Right and Wrong...... i personally dont use my own thread to do so i use the various stock threads and at times the xao threads .....

TH has posted MANY live trades

HEAPS of ppl here post live trades actually and call it BEFORE if not at the time of entry,s

Only difference is we not trying to prove anything , merely give a heads up to others if they wanna have a squiz or maybe a trade idea .

But hey........... your special if it makes you feel better
That doesn't change anything. It is still either exchange or OTC with the concerns as above.

I don't know.All I know is I get the price I want and couldn't care how I get it.
I will make some enquiries if you like.

Send the links on..I'm happy others do.
I'm not trying to prove anything..i'm sure i'll get some wrong.

It's not my blog....I was just trying to help educate and share.

Hold on mate you insisted that that wasn't your blog, now what????? you're saying that it is? Then you bang on about being the only one to call trades without having the brains to check what others have done in this forum . Sorry but you are the one who hasn't "put their money where there mouth is"

Pit I tried to tell you right from the start that dishonesty doesn't wash around here and you keep on BSing, then to add to that you have claimed a trade that the exchange doesn't know anything about? After the oppies guys have pulled your approach apart as amateurish. lol.

You are showing all the signs of a dishonest poster/trader whose been in the game for 6 months. Whether thats true or not we don't care. Wankers wash in here and wash out daily. The ones that are valuable are the ones that over time prove to be open and contribute without the gods gift to traders attitude.

Grow up.

I spent some time yesterday going over the Spi blog started by Wayne L or is it Ker.

One thing that stands out to is the guys who claim to trade big volumes in the spi and know how to read the market in various ways are not what they seem.The real big and long term traders do not use IB.As you guys know IB drops out for a period during the day and can not be relied upon.They use what used to be called Brokerone now Mf Global-- they were taken over.The big boys like hand are paying $10 R/T where as the guys pushing 500 spi lots per day are paying 1.20 per side plus GST.They also get lower intra day margins($1500 per lot) as these guys are treated as high volume traders and refered to by MF Global as "Locals" not retail punters who pay $30 R/Turn.These guys are Spi and bond traders and have brokerage up to 20K per month.Hand if you are as big as you seem to suggest then let me know and I can lower your Brokerage considerably by reffering you to the broker who deals with locals at MF Global.

I went through the Spi thread and there seemd to be one one willing to call trades before the day started only a few while the market was in play and who knows if they were actually real trades.The thread seems to have died which speaks for itself.

Hand as far as the Blog you are referring to it's not important who's it is, what is clear is that there were 5 days of profits that were called before the market opened.Which can be verified(P.M me if you need the link) through some backtracking of last weeks price action.

I give you credit for trying to educate punter via your blog.

Normally I would delete personally abusive comments, but I thought I'd leave that one up as final conclusive proof of the calibre of person this Pit Trader guy is.

Added to the obvious playing fast and loose with the truth, a person unable to distinguish between hindsight calls and live calls, we have a puerile name caller with all the sophistication of a child at kindergarten.

Nice work.
Pit you are lost. IB have better volume discounts than MF. I pay less than propex (do you know who they are?) for Hkfe. And IB use Fortis to clear ASX/SFE.

You know nothing. MF talk the talk about having all the "locals" but in reality they haven't been the main player for some time. You have swallowed, it seems, their marketing hype. They cannot match IB volume discounts. END OF STORY

IB drops out?? What a load of toss.
The real big and long term traders do not use IB.As you guys know IB drops out for a period during the day and can not be relied upon.

Well that gave me a belly laugh. The middle of the day issue solved by simply changing which IB server is used.

I'm not a big player by any stretch, but to assert that big players don't use IB is one of the most amusing things I've seen written.



Very heated Thread.
I would like to add my bit if I may.

I have used IB and the problem is that if your internet connection drops out
there is no one to contact quickly.You get some guy who doesn't speak good english and doesn't understand the urgency of the situation.
I landed up losing a few bucks because of this.I can see Pit Traders point, that trading large volume with IB in Australia my be a problem if your in need of a quick response.I was only trading 2 contracts but if I had 20 or so
on then I would have lost a great deal more.I now use a locally based broker who I can call and get urgent action if I need it.

Other than that I can't see a problem with using IB.
:jerry :jerry :jerry

Whose the one thats going to strip and bash the security guards?

This is classic!
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