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SPI 200 and Futures Options

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Pit Trader,

Now I'm confused, what have you got open at the moment, on which day did you lay this on, for how much credit ?

That particular trade was done on the 25th of last week.
16 points premium June 2010 puts @ 3600
Now I'm confused Didn't you say you sold 3600s last week? Being 17th to 21st or do you mean the week just gone(24th to 28th)?

As a favour to you boys I'll post my statement with the trade on it.
My platform is down for maintance.It was done through my broker
who deals with market this space.
As a favour to you boys I'll post my statement with the trade on it.
My platform is down for maintance.It was done through my broker
who deals with market this space.

Maybe it was reported for the 26th?


  • SFE Oppie report 26th.jpg
    107.2 KB · Views: 48
Found the statement.

How do I post an ADOBE PDF file ?

I need to block out personal details ?
Better to tack a screen shot of it with the "PrtScn" button and paste it into Paint program them you can paint over your name and acc Numbers

Supposing we take your word for it that you have the statement there, how do you explain away the fact that the trade was not reported by the exchange?

Supposing we take your word for it that you have the statement there, how do you explain away the fact that the trade was not reported by the exchange?

Could have been done in house.

But dont worry I will find a way to post the statement with all my positions on it
Thus everyone can see what I have and what will happen when we expire in 4 weeks.

I can see you guys are not used to dealing with real traders who put their stuff out there for everyone to see and can be judged accordingly.I'm happy to do it !!!

When I'm trading the Spi,Nikkie and AUD Monday I will post my trades before they happen for all to see and judge.
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