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SPI 200 and Futures Options

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Does anyone out there trade the Spi and Futures options ?

Pit Trader, I assume you are asking about options and not just about SPI futures as Sam may have assumed?

If so, the last time I looked at SPI options they were terribly illiquid - but then that was quite a few years ago. XJO options are far more liquid and I believe the MMs use the SPI for hedging. I don't think the contract size is the same for XJO options as for SPI options - but then I haven't checked that out
for sure.

XJO options are quite liquid these days and makes for much easier trading.

Have you tried to trade SPI options? If so - what was it like?
Yes I trade the Spi options on a regular basis.
They are not liquid but my broker can always get me a market.
Sold some yesterday with good premium.I always sell as I know my odds are greater than buying.

There is a blog dealing with spi and option I found but I'm not sure I'm allowed
to post it on here so if your interested P.M me and I'll foward the link.
From a Spi blog posted before the open this morning......

I will look to sell around the 4460 area early around the open.If we crack this area then short covering will

be violent. 4460 is a significant level in the longer term picture in the market.The next level is around 4540 so we will keep an eye on this.Being a Friday we may see some caution from the buyers.

There may also be some good premium to sell if the bulls really rally this market by selling

some out of the money calls.I will look to the 4600 amd 4700's.
There may also be some good premium to sell if the bulls really rally this market by selling

some out of the money calls.I will look to the 4600 amd 4700's.

Sold some yesterday with good premium.I always sell as I know my odds are greater than buying.
How did you go with the last two you sold which are now underwater?

Why do you carry on with the stupid game of pretending that you have no link to the blog
Hello there,

These are not my trades just a blog I stumbled across on the weekend.
why all the hostility ???

Yeah mate. You just stumbled upon it a day before its first post!! and miraculously you happened to take exactly the same trade in hindsight!! Amazing matching of personality and trading style!

Your post here also align with the spam i receive from that site by 5 mins. Amazing coincidence.


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I can't see the connection.
But this is typical of forums everyone likes to be right
and the hostility starts when toes get stepped upon !!!
I'm not interested in carrying on...

I'm interested in the fact that selling at 4460 was a very profitable trade.
So while you are insulting me hopefully others are learning from a blog that called the top at 4460 before the market opened.

In the end it's all about making money not measuring who is bigger !!!!
OMG. My issue with you is that you're dishonest. What is the point of pimping something if you haven't even the brains/balls to be open about it?? You don't gain anything rather you massively lose. So does this forum or do you think your dishonesty adds value?? I jut don't see how you will gain from it?
good trading calls or not
I too am a Internet Guru.

Hindsight makes things so much easier ..

As you were , nothing of value to add , just thought i,d point out i am great for catching every high and low since i started posting here .

Any live trades i have posted that did not turn out great were made by my alter ego " nuntheless"

By alerting readers to this blog adds a lot to this forum.
I cant see anywhere on the net for free someone is willing to
put out calls before the market opens.
This blog has had 5 profitable days trading the Spi and by calling the trades
before time.All other services that require payment show you what could have been traded after the event.
I would have thought anyone interested in making money trading would welcome something like this no matter what they think or feel.

If you know of anything close to this then please tell me I will be there
in a shot !!!
Shame you're not the blog author. As it may of been a good call for an hour or two but its now offside - you happen to know the profit targets & recommended stops?
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