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So much to learn

Trading is a very vast field, you should not try to learn every thing you get your hands on, instead make small plans and then approach step wise towards the bigger goal. In this way you can learn little but it'll be positive knowledge.
Probably 95% of publicly available information on trading is useless or trite. You could waste a lot of time.
Probably 95% of publicly available information on trading is useless or trite. You could waste a lot of time.
Well chart technicalities I would consider factual but to construct a longer term profitable system using technicals is more elusive. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't but it's the intensity of each move that is tricky. Catching a piece of each move, for better or worse, is the best 'guess' one can make.
Thats like me man. Ive been researching for about a year. Ive just started seeing a psychologist as I was literally loosing my sanity and this is just over paper trading. A combination of anxiety plus stress. I wanted to succeed so bad and ive defined my life success as trading. Unfortunately this is not tje way to go. Remember just enjoy it. Dw about others. The greatest people of all times failed for years. You can be a failure today and a success tomorrow through trading. So one day at a time. You will eventually create principles that work for you and use them. Its an art not a science. The markets are constantly changing and each rule might only be applicable to certain scenarios. Just dnt blow up. Be patient and go in when everything aligns. Gl
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