Trading as such is not banned from within a SMSF. Operating a consulting business within a SMSF is also not directly banned.
What the law says is that a super fund must be operated with the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to its members. The ATO has stated that in its view the carrying on of a business within a SMSF would negate this sole purpose test. The ATO statement is meant as generalised guidance only and is not law. Particular circumstances must be considered case by case.
What is definite is that a super fund can only provide benefits on retirement, it cannot provide immediate benefits. Thus any activity in a SMSF that generates current salaries, fees or dividends to members is not allowable.
elbee; said:I have not suggested it is generally OK to run a consultancy business from within a SMSF. What I said was that the law does not specifically prevent it and therefore particular circumstances must be considered case by case. The general tax avoidance provisions of the law would probably prevent the type of arrangement you mention.
My comments were aimed at the suggestion made by someone that share trading was not allowed in a SMSF because the ATO would consider it a business and there was some arbitrary limit to the number of trades that can be made.
The point I want to emphasis is that the number of share transactions is irrelevant. What matters is that the fund meets the sole purpose test and that any trading is within the fund's overall investment strategy.
You must be satisfied that the fund has not contravened the
sole purpose test. You can determine whether a self managed
fund has contravened the test by examining:
the character and purpose of the fund’s investments,
to ensure that:
– the fund is not running a business as part of its
investment strategy – A superannuation fund has as its
sole purpose the provision of benefits to members on
retirement or attainment of a certain age, or to dependants
on the death of a member. Therefore, superannuation
funds are generally prohibited from carrying on an active
business as there is an inherent risk in running a business
that may jeopardise members’ benefits. An indicator of a
self managed fund operating a business would be the fund
making payments or claiming a deduction for salary and
wages or other business-related expenditure. Funds that
operate a business may do so to exploit the tax
concessions given to regulated superannuation funds.
Tom Ronalds; said:The ATO outlines their position on SMSF running a business on page 17 in their "Roles and Responsibilities of Approved Auditors".
It is pretty clear that anyone trying to claim the cost of software, data feeds and so on for frequent trading of large volumes of assets within the SMSF would breach the above provision.
The line between "investing" and "running a business" can thus be a very fine one indeed.
Tom R.
Thanks Tom, clarification appreciated. The ATO example does raise a question - what if there are no salary being paid and no expenses being claimed, just a direct deposit of fees for labour? Are you aware of any rulings or attempts to clarify this sort of situation.
My best guess is that the ATO would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, but I'm often wrong!
I am not aware of any specific ruling that would deal with that particular matter, but then again, I am not a tax lawyer! ;-)
Common sense would indicate that if all you are doing is depositing fees for your labour, then this is in principle no different from salary sacrificing/making deductible (concessional) contributions of your salary (if substantially self-employed) of up to the allowable limit of $50K/yr. for under 50 year olds & $100K for over 50.
There is nothing stopping you from contributing 100% of your salary/contract fees into super/your SMSF, if this is less than the above limits.
Obviously these "fees for labour" must be earned by you from ordinary employment - or your spouse (if you have a contribution splitting agreement in place and your Deed allows it).
In fact, if you are over 55, you should do exactly this with up to the allowable maximum; subject to overall personal cashflows of course. There are numerous advantages to it.
If your "fees for labour" were day trading profits incurred by trading the SMSF assets, then I think you'd find this could be termed as being employed by your SMSF - which of course is illegal.
Well not if all you are doing is the above (concessional contributions). There's nothing illegal about it.
Unless I am misunderstanding your question.
T. R.
Agree with all your valuable points.
I guess I'm interested in the figures when outside of the concessional limits. Can my SMSF 'own' the consultancy business (a limited company registered on, or off shore) and thus be the beneficial owner of the income and be internally taxed at 15% as income. No salary paid, no expenses claimed just a straight pass through. This would allow significant sums to be taxed at 15% and thus in effect.
Where is this different to a SMSF owning shares in BHP? Each business runs, makes money and distributes surplus profits to it's shareholders. I know I'm pushing the envelope in a big way, but I'm sure that by now someone has taken on the ATO and produced a precedent ruling - either way.
Thank you.
Technically it can - provided this is a public company of which you, or another Member of the SMSF, are not a controlling individual. If it fails that test, then the company will be an in-house asset and the SMSF will be prohibited from owning it, unless the overall asset balance of the SMSF is so large that it keeps the company's value at less than 5% of the overall tally.
Certain definitions of what exactly is an in-house asset are currently in a transitional period and will cease to apply from June 2009. This means some investors need to be aware they may subsequently breach the 5% ceiling if they have not made appropriate provisions.
Google "in-house assets" (general definition) and "Part 8 associates" (investment in related structures) - there is plenty of material available on the topic.
BHP is a publicly listed company. Therefore by its very definition it cannot be an in-house asset.
T. R.
Can anyone offer informed comment on the following?
According to the ATO the Superannuation Industry Supervision Regulations state that the audit for a SMSF must be completed no later than a day before the tax return is lodged.
My accountant was late finishing the financial statements and tax return.
Should have been lodged on 15 May but it was not lodged (electronically) until ten days after that. In the Return document she has completed the Auditor's section and put a 'Yes' in the box which asks "Did the fund comply with all relevant SIS requirements", thus indicating to the ATO that the audit has been completed.
(In the meantime I have paid the tax owing so as not to incur displeasure from the ATO.)
I have said to her that I am unhappy about the way she has gone about this as I really feel uncomfortable being associated with anything which could render the Fund non-compliant.
If the audit is supposed to be done before the tax return is lodged then that is what should happen.
All the relevant input material was available to her since the end of the 2006/07 financial year.
Now she is saying it is her 'standard practice' that the fee (which is twice what she estimated) be paid before the audit is done.
I have said I find that unacceptable, and that we will not be signing off on the financial statements or the tax return until we see the signed audit.
Has anyone encountered a similar situation?
Obviously I will be disputing the fee, she assumes this, and hence her request for the money before I 'get the goods'.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
According to the ATO the Superannuation Industry Supervision Regulations state that the audit for a SMSF must be completed no later than a day before the tax return is lodged.
My accountant was late finishing the financial statements and tax return
(In the meantime I have paid the tax owing so as not to incur displeasure from the ATO.)
Now she is saying it is her 'standard practice' that the fee (which is twice what she estimated) be paid before the audit is done. I have said I find that unacceptable
I have said I find that unacceptable, and that we will not be signing off on the financial statements or the tax return until we see the signed audit.
Now I have always had the understanding - and this is what I'd appreciate someone confirming or correcting - that the accountant completes the tax return and the return is then sent out to the auditors for checking.
Yes, thanks Hyperion. Just a careless statement on my part. I did, of course, mean the financial statements.From your earlier post Julia,
It is the financial statements which are audited - not the tax return.
Thanks, Hyperion. The audit is supposed to be my reassurance that the work has been done correctly. Simply 'rubber stamping' doesn't reassure me at all.I think you will find most accountants have a preferred auditor whom they regularly use. Like your accountant said, to do otherwise would be extremely expensive.
Right now your accountant prepares financials and gets auditor to rubber stamp pretty much. If you wanted a completely independent auditor, they would essentially have to do all the work the initial accountant did all over again, effectively doubling the cost. Keep in mind, preparing the accounts properly is no easy exercise.
Well, obviously I don't trust her orI I wouldn't be having these concerns. She made two significant mistakes last year and they were things I was able to pick up. I don't know enough about the whole accounting process to know whether she has done the work correctly this year, and am therefore dependent on a properly independent audit to show this. It seems no such independent audit actually occurs.I think it all pretty much comes down to how much you trust your accountant. A preferred auditor in itself is not a problem. Or hardly a problem worth avoiding in any case (due to difficulty in getting one + added expense)
I have a SMSF in pension mode this financial year for the first time. In the next week or so I am going to getout an annual minimum pension payment of the 4% as required under the rules. I am then going to recontribute this. Does anyone know how long the money has to leave the SMSF until it can come back ie can I put it back again on the same day ?
I just like to keep everything within the fund so that all earnings are tax free - makes it feel like I am living in Monaco or somewhere.
Is the ATO likely to have a problem with a couple of bank transfers on a single day? Any one have any experience before I ring up the ATO about five times until I get a majority answer that is consistent.
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