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Daytrading CFDs in SMSF is doable , mate just got it set up , and he is daytrading SMSF now targeting 1/2% daily . Bit of paperwork and jobs done . Naysayers pfffft with their opinions ... Thanks to those who participated with an open mind looking for facts . Of course trading CFDs offer leverage that comes with a big risk but so does trading Sh!tcos . DYOR and dont try and get rich too fast , grind it out . Targeting 1/2% average returns daily with a robust approach is taking less risk than the average Buy and Hold smsf
Thanks for this thread. It has been a good read, and I was already inclined to go into an SMSF.
Currently, I am with HOSTPLUS in their Choiceplus option, which allows you to trade the ASX300 with some exclusions. Unfortunately and irresponsibly, they do not allow any kind of stop loss through their trading platform, so it encourages risk-taking and does not allow you to set and forget in the current market.

I looked up esuperfund; they currently have a special offer that gives a free setup and zero fees for the first year. After this, it is $1399 per year.

Do any of you use any automated non-correlated systems to run your Super? I have been reading Lauren Bensdorp's books and some of Van Tharp's books and am starting to play around with Real Test to combine systems.
ESuperfund= expensive yearly and brokerage fees is that worth it to be able to place stop loss order?
ESuperfund= expensive yearly and brokerage fees is that worth it to be able to place stop loss order?
You can use any broker. I currently use cmc and interactive. I will ask esuper what the penalty is for that. @Chipp and @Skate and any others who have gone down this route may be able to let us know how possible it is.

A stop loss is definitely worth the price. Think about this, a hypothetical $1 mill super account stopping out at 12-15% vs losing 30+% when the market turns south. I like to sleep well each night.
ESuperfund= expensive yearly and brokerage fees is that worth it to be able to place stop loss order?
Are you going to be trading stocks only?
A stop loss is definitely worth the price. Think about this, a hypothetical $1 mill super account stopping out at 12-15% vs losing 30+% when the market turns south. I like to sleep well each night.
how often does that happen? how quickly does it rebound?
you'll be losing sleep worrying when you should re-enter.
how often does that happen? how quickly does it rebound?
you'll be losing sleep worrying when you should re-enter.
Not very often but with 5 years to retirement and when we look like a peak in the market will happen in the next couple years, it is a risk that is not worth taking.
Not sure about your circumstances,but capital protection is one of my goals.
Yes, at present.
Your stop is only good during trading hours then (you have gap risk overnight.) Two ways you can look at it, 1) am I trying to protect a black swan event - nuke going off in downtown New York or 2) am I trying to protect some downside in my portfolio from swings in the market?
You said looking like a peak in the market in a couple of years why don't you adjust your cash weighting to suit that view then.
Getting into the weeds and this depends on how you set your smsf up but you could look at a sell stop on spi futures at a level where you need to be protected this will give you NEARLY 24/7 protection or you could buy index put spreads. Just some thoughts on adding the protection you might be after. Do your own research though cause I could just be talking s**t
I looked up esuperfund; they currently have a special offer that gives a free setup and zero fees for the first year. After this, it is $1399 per year.

@MartyC I’ve been using eSuperfund since 2014, and I can vouch for their excellent service. They handle the setup of your SMSF, along with all the necessary reporting and accounting.

You can choose to have your trading account (brokerage account) and settlement account (SMSF Cash account) with the same institution or different ones. Personally, I use CommSec for my trading account and ANZ for my settlement account. Their website provides detailed information making SMSF management easier.

When it comes to trading or investing, the choice is yours. If you decide to trade, it’s crucial to have a proven system in place. As you mentioned, RealTest - @Nick Radge from The Chartist offers professionally written and backtested trading systems. System trading uses indicators to generate buy and sell signals and they tell you:

What to Buy
When to Buy
When to Sell

For more insights on system trading, check out my “Dump it here” thread, especially my latest post.

Also read this post:

Two other threads worthy of a read:

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Hey Chipp just seeing if you had an update on how this was working out for you?
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