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Smooth Banter Radio with Burgs and Youngy

Weird Al Yankovic | Eat it!


When I was going through my undergraduate times at Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas, there was the big student crazy week where all sorts of silly things were done. One of them was the iron man contest.

The winner was the guy/girl who would drink the most beer and eat the most pies covered with vegemite in alternating sequence. If you threw up or fell over from stupor, you were out of the contest. However, if you staggered back on your feet after falling you were still back in. Also, if you ate your own vomit after throwing up, you were back in as well.

I tell you, Burgs, those competitors were tough and the competition was fierce. I can't be sure if they weren't eating each other's vomit for bonus points in the end.
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Señor Youngy,

Now all of me wants to puke!

We are but slaves to our manliness!!
We are but slaves to our manliness!!

Too true Burgs. Seems we are not alone either. And some of us out there egg others on too...See 2:22...

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Speaking of manliness, here is the last Bond. One of the best IMO. But, more to the point, what ever happened to Adele? I haven't heard from here in quite a while since throat surgery.... I thought she was amazing.

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Where have I seen these two before?

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Hey Burgs, things aren't looking so hot in Venezuela. Our currency is plunging like a stone falling into a black hole...which is where our economy is already.

I reckon it's time to move Smooth Banter Radio to a new location. All my savings have been toasted. However, I have these thick gold chains which we can use to buy tickets to some place for a fresh start. What's your pleasure?


Those two? In the front row of the crowd? Covered in white? Never seen them before. Not likely to see them again either.

Those two cello guys are definitely on amphetamines and should enrol in detox.
Covered in white? Never seen them before ...

Breast implants shortage hits plastic surgery clinics in Venezuela.
Brand-name implants almost impossible to obtain, say surgeons as currency controls affect imports.

Fortunately, those two in white seem to be well set.
Burgs, we gotta get out of this place. Otherwise, it could be the last thing we ever do.

I've spun the map on Google and picked a spot at random. It ended up in the North Pacific Ocean.

But just 1,000 miles south was.....Hawaii. I'm thinking Waikiki, in Honolulu. Awesome place. Cocktails, surfing, every single inhabitant greeting you with "Aloooooooha". We can enter the Iron Man in Kailua-Kona! Yep, this is home.

I'll get the broadcasting gear packed and transported by donkey through Columbia and then the "a" group countries (Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica). I have a cousin in Honduras who has a fishing boat. He makes a run to Hawaii next week. I can't afford anything else nowadays. This will have to do.

There's only 2 ways to get into the Ironman. You have to be super fast or super famous! This year's race is next week. As always, a couple Aussie athletes in the mix.

I did it in 2004. Horrific winds - witnessed ladies being blown off their bikes. I was riding in my lowest granny gear downhill from Hawi into a headwind.

Hawaii is a magical place. Settle yourself away from all the commercial areas, and find a nice spot off the beaten track on the side of an extinct volcano. Can't go wrong.

The Year of Living Dangerously.
Mel Gibson's character risks all for love.
Feel his heart pounding as the theme comes to life.

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Batten down the hatches!


HONOLULU (AP) ”” Tropical Storm Ana is expected to deliver heavy rain and potentially destructive winds to the southern half of Hawaii's Big Island in the next couple of days, meteorologists said Thursday.
Burgs, it's a lucky thing for the Hawaiians that Hurricane Ana went by at the South West reaches. Lucky indeed.

Except that my cousins boat was approaching Hawaii from that trajectory. You've got to experience 240km/h winds whilst in the ocean just once in your life. Maybe not.

We lost the boat, our radio equipment and all the fish we caught along the way. Anyway, lucky for us the life boat wasn't too leaky and we ended up on shore.

I hope you are receiving this alright. I'm sending it on a crystal radio/transmitter that is powered by a watch battery. Are you there Burgs? I don't even know which island we're on. However, there are a lot of supremely fit looking people around. Some look really famous, some look fast.
Burgs, I am apparently on Kailua. At least that's what is written on my prison orange jumpsuit. My cousin, his crew and I were starving after spending three days rowing the life-raft with our hands and rotating turns to kick along whilst pushing the rear of the raft. We set up a fire on the beach and cooked whatever we could catch in the shallows. Everything tastes good when you are that hungry.

Anyway, seems someone called the local law enforcement and they were kind enough to clothe us in bright orange street-wear, feed and give us shelter and protection behind tall concrete walls. They are so friendly here.

Anyhow, they said I have one phone call. So I'm calling you. My cousin and his crew weren't so lucky. Apparently Hawaii has a "turn back the boats" initiative or something, modeled after the one they have in Australia. In our case it's more like turn back the life-rafts but they got that added in a technicality. My cousin and his crew are being shipped back to Honduras for processing. They don't have $10m to add to the Hawaiian economy so they don't qualify for the rich list queue jump instant visa. Lucky for me the US embassy in Venezuela were able to verify that I had a visa.

Can you drop by and collect me at some stage? I'm already wondering what MacGuvver would do in this situation. Right now I have a crystal radio set, a watch battery and a fork I took from the cafeteria.
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