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Smooth Banter Radio with Burgs and Youngy

Hola! Currently skiing in Venezuela. Snow conditions are solid and weather is favourable. Tucking in to the local traditional cuisine of Beef and Bean Burito. If PinkBoy had fuelled up on this, his record would have been even more outstanding.

Viva Radio Smooth Banter!

Hi there....This is your intrepid reporter with the ski report for Saturday 9 August.

Welcome to the Merida Ski Resort in north-west Venezuela! With a wonderful 2km of runs, this is the premier/only destination for lovers of snow.

For Saturday, all two lifts will be operational and all runs are open. There has been a fresh dusting of man made snow courtesy of our neighbours in Columbia.

This season is exceptional and, as a result, our triple diamond run is open. Please be aware that the Chavez is only suitable for strong men who are prepared to die with their boots on.

For beginners, the No Hablas Espaniol will prove you with an introduction.

Tricksters can make their way to the Simon Bolivar terrain park where knuckle draggers can do their revolutions off our ten foot jumps and rails.

The road is clear, but please carry your chains.
.....and now, a word from our sponsors.

Ardmona Jams are the Best
They are imported from the west
They are sweet and spreadable
And Oh so edible
They make you want to jump!
And get you totally pumped.....

to jingle...
Reminds me of a summer drink and still a favourite that I come up with many years ago that I've dubbed, Tre Amigos.

Sounds very yummy Craton, but Tre Amigos is trade-marked????


My favourite pastime is to SKI, Spending the Kids Inheritance.

Sounds very yummy Craton, but Tre Amigos is trade-marked????

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Hola Youngy!

Perhaps I'm violating merchandising rights? :dunno:

The Three Amigos is a movie.

Tre Amigos is a cocktail and one that I make no money out of so to me, its a non issue. Betcha if there was money involved I'd be taken to task...

Money changes everything:
My favourite pastime is to SKI

Senor Craton. Hola!

Not only to do like to ski, but you are incredible!

Ladies and Gentlemen, listeners to Radio Smooth Banter, we have an honored guest amongst our listeners and a champion sportsman. The Venezuelan Freestyle Moguls Champion was just crowned today at the Merida snow resort! Senor Craton has been victorious in the Freestyle Moguls whilst wearing an orange suit with white bib, wearing black boots and Dynastar skis whilst jumping under lights in a contest sponsored by Visa with green side barriers division! This division is a an innovation and was established on 9 August 2014, moments after he finished his run. Fabulous.

Congratulations from all of us at Radio Smooth Banter.
....and now another word from our sponsors...

Ardmona Jam is the best
We import it from the west
It's not like the jams here - really shady
No, it's made by our best Lady
If your day, it starts to fade
Then our famous Marmalade! jingle...

Hola, Smooth Banter Radio especially Youngy and Burgs and also, to all the wonderful sponsors.

Allow me to say gracias, gracias a thousand times gracias!
The honour is all mine. I'm still in shock and gobsmacked at my first time skiing and attempting moguls at that! I'm in awe of my own achievement!

How better to celebrate than with a couple of celebration songs eh!

And an old classic:

Adios mi amigos.

The Venezuelan International Ski Association would like to acknowledge the very generous six million Peso donation by Senor Craton. This was provided just after the completion of his freestyle run, whilst still recovering. It allowed the creation of a new competitive division which, coincidentally, was won by Senor Craton. A very fitting outcome for the inaugural Craton Cup.
And now in breaking news:

Venezuela says it will close its border with Colombia at night from Monday, to try to stop large-scale smuggling of petrol and food.

Closed borders
... Life is too short to be uptight on such matters.

We aim to please no-one except ourselves or add any value whatsoever ...

Just visited the Gold thread!
It has dawned on me.
We all need the respite that is Smooth Banter Radio!

And now, some Smooth Groove from Barry White...

And just a reminder to our listeners that Smooth Banter Radio runs a juke-box format. Anyone can just jump in and whack up their choice of song for the second, sharing the love on the airwaves with others listening in on Smoooooth Banter Radio!

Hola Smooth Banter Radio.

I wonder what I'll get up to in the Venezuelan Half Pipe Challenge. I reckon I could triple my donation, should I win. Hell I may even donate my cup...

A cup song seems appropriate:
....and to business news we go to Tomas Petrovez of VenSec Securities:

Venezuela has recently agreed with the Columbian government to shut their common border for Venezuelan exports which benefit from local subsidies. Given inbound illegal trade to Venezuela from Columbia has been unaffected, we can expect a deterioration to the trade balance which will impact the outlook for growth unless we can create growth from consumer demand and construction activity.

The head of the Central Bank of Venezuela, Eudomar Tovar-Stevens, said in today's Monetary Statement:

"The strength of the Venezuelan Bolivar, though fixed against the USD, is waaaaay above Bank estimates of fair value and should come down by heaps. Heaps I say."

The exchange rate was unmoved.

The Government called for the 0.001% most wealthy of the populace to contribute to stabilising the economy as the Treasury is already confiscating tip jars from local restaurants to raise revenue. There is little scope to improve the budgetary situation without private sector involvement.

Local identity, Senor Craton, has stepped forward and recently announced that he will contribute by financing the development of a new football stadium. This is to be called "The Craton-Weblez Stadium": (Artist's rendition)

Further, he has announced the development of a new lookout tower. Observers perched on its peak ought to be able to see Australia. It will be dubbed the "Craton" as nothing more need be said about a man who has such a long, tall, firmly built...tower.

Following these developments, inflation in Venezuela is expected to jump to 15% in the coming three years, ending concerns relating to deflation that had dogged the economy.

This is Tomas Pretovez of VenSec Securities.
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