Hi all,
I've been a share investor for about 6-7 years now, and I want to start having a better look at small caps and micro caps for their growth potential.
I've been researching this only for about a week now, and as I'm still new to small cap investing, I'd love some feedback on your thoughts on investing in the following companies that I believe are promising.
I'm not looking to invest my life savings in any of these, just enough to test the waters.
POH - Phosphogenics Ltd - Pharmaceutical & Neutraceutical products.
Unique drug absorbtion though skin technology, offices in NYC & Melbourne. Awaiting FDA approval in US, but very optimistic. Soon to be expanding into skincare products... Not sure how I feel about that.
Market cap ~145M
RFE - Red Fork Ltd - Energy
Founded in Oz in 2004, currently securing land in oil & gas provinces in the US with several promising operations on the go.
Market cap = 263M
Decent 1 year stock price predictions:
BTA - Biota Holdings - Biotech, anti-infective drug development
Proposed merger on the cards, Melbourne & Oxford locations.
Market cap = 111M
That's all I've had a look at so far...
Ideas & suggestions very welcome...