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Slippery Pete

Why not, just slip it under the carpet with all the other problems.
Why not, just slip it under the carpet with all the other problems.

Apparently a spurned lover. Slippery's sexual proclivities have been common knowledge for years. His frequent visits to Oxford Street and his penchant for dressing up are indicative.

I doubt that these charges will stick, but at least they will make the bugger squirm.

It will be another case of innocent until proven guilty.

Sorry for the late reply, noco, my phone has been busy all morning with further allegations which will affect the Gillard/Green government's tenuous hold on power.

It is also Raunchy Raffles next week at the hotel and we are expecting a large influx of southerners for Anzac Day. I was busy making sure that things were in hand.

Slippery has been busy of late, overseas and has only just returned to answer these sordid allegations. It may be worthwhile looking at the individual allegations as reported by Steve Lewis of the Courier , a reporter who I know to be exquisitely careful with the content of reports.

Mr Slipper, who was last night flying back from overseas, is accused of making "unwelcome suggestions of a sexual nature" through mobile phone text messages and in private conversations.

I have always made it a policy of my own to only ever make welcome suggestions over the phone in text messages.

Should this allegation contained in the Courier article be proven, Slippery will need to resign. An audit of all his text messages may be needed to ensure that such a high ossifer in the Australian Parliament has not been inadvertently making unwelcome suggestions to other Speakers about the globe, or other persons.

Matters of a sexual nature are always messy, noco, as I am sure you and all asf members are aware.

Sometimes a parliament gives, this one keeps on giving.

I will rest for the moment, noco, as it is difficult to type on a desktop keyboard while simultaneously pissing myself laughing and trying to organise a Raunchy Raffle to end all Raffles.

Sorry for the late reply, noco, my phone has been busy all morning with further allegations which will affect the Gillard/Green government's tenuous hold on power.


GG - You are an absolute font of knowledge. Such that I'm thinking of signing a petition to replace one GG (Gillard/Green) government with another (Garpal Gumnut).

In anticipation of the protest posters, WHY THE HELL NOT? We almost had an Abbott and Costello government...!!!

Do tell, pretty please. Even if you only choose to be cryptic, the rest of us can't be defamatory for filling in the blanks with our imagination.
GG - You are an absolute font of knowledge. Such that I'm thinking of signing a petition to replace one GG (Gillard/Green) government with another (Garpal Gumnut).

Why not the ultimate GG... the Governor General, then he could dissolve the government on grounds of corruption. It is starting to stink to high heaven.

Serial travel rorting was acceptable, because they all do it, but sexual harassment of your male assistant is beyond the pale. Many politicians in lonely Canberra employ a female assistant at our expense for their pleasure.
Jeez another bloody poof in the Gillard/Greens Govt (sorry if I offend but thats a good old Aussie word)
Many politicians in lonely Canberra employ a female assistant at our expense for their pleasure.

My mate Sir Les Patterson knew the drill, if a subordinate to you has a secretary with carpet burns on her knees you immediately pull rank and have her trasferred to your office.
In defence of our fine upstanding speaker of the house, he is a politician, barrister, christian, a priest, is married and has two children.


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Why am I not surprised that he's a right wing Christian? They seem to have more closet cases per capita than just about any other group.
"The allegations in News Ltd papers are denied!" he tweeted, later adding they were "a surprise to me".

It was not a surprise to the members of the electorate he is mis-representing.
If ever anyone could actually look like a dishonest sleeze it's him, I've thought that from the outset.

Gillard has surrounded herself with creeps of the highest order so much so that one starts to take a closer at her
This is some of the sickening chatter that went on between our Speaker and his assistant. It only becomes harassment when there is a falling out;

A text exchange then took place --

Ashby: "Haha where's Tim tonight?"

Slipper: "Missing".

Ashby: "Gone to pick up lol".

Slipper: "Do you think Timbo is closer to me than you?"

Ashby: 'Yeah but that's to be expected. He's known u longer. That sort of stuff doesn't worry me".

Slipper: "Gone to prick (sic) up to whom? And closer to you than pete?"

Ashby: "No he's closer to you. I hardly know him".

Ashby: "A random root lol!"

Ashby: "I've gotta stop being rude to my friends. Text u when I leave".

Slipper: "U getting roks off. Pity".

Slipper: "If you interested we could be closer?"

Slipper: "?"

Ashby: "I think we're good already. I'm happy seeing Tim being closest. I hate stepping on toes".

Slipper: ":"

Slipper: "Your call if u want to keep degrees of seperatation. No toes".

Slipper: "I told him positrion (sic) open".

Slipper: "But you're call and no hard feelings in that you only want businesslike contact. In that event of the difficulty in our personla".

Ashby: "I don't know what type of contact you expect Peter. Perhaps u should define that u would like and I can then be clearer on my position".

Slipper: "U want something more? U brillianmt (sic) at massages".

Ashby: "No I'm happy the way things are. I care for u Pete but the massage is at far as it goes. Life's a lot more simpler when it's business and a few drinks after work".

Slipper: "Oh".

Slipper: "No problems and thanks for (unclear)".

Ashby: "All good".

Slipper: "Sorry things not working out but appreciate your frankness. In future in circumstances please arrange all communcoations (sic)".

Slipper: "Thu tim as cannot guarantee availiability. Soo u missing syd harbour creises (sic: cruises)".

Ashby: "Am I missing it now?"

Slipper: "Suspect if you miss"

Slipper: "If you miss ok. Tim has girlfrien abd".

Slipper: "And pete needs to sort ou".

Slipper: "ok your call. Sorry? You still happy to ? come to can ? if not can cover".

While not harbouring any particular affection for Slippery Pete, I must say that to be fair to him it sounds to me just like two young people in love, having one of those texting conversations that could either end up in the highest ecstasy or the depths of rejection.

Yes two young people in love. I am on the verge of changing my mind on whether to send Nanny Whip around to Peter Slipper's place on his return from his overseas tax funded holiday to countries with many showers and doors.


ps I always shower with the door closed unless.....

It's closing in on them, but I suspect that Wilkie just sees this just as an opportunity to deal hemself back onto the table to progress his pokie reforms.

Wilkie won't do anything that brings this government down. Neither will Oakshott or Windsor. They have all chained themselves to it for what's left of the rest of its miserable political life.
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