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Slippery Pete

He is a member of the world oldest profession .....that is being in power in some form of government

Wrong again. His behavior has long been displayed for all the world to see. The Sunshine Coast Daily has outed him for years He would have been dropped at the last election in favor of Mal Brough except for the "grandfather clause."

It is easy to blame the electors for electing a low-life, but there are many in Parliament, including Windsor, Oakeshott, Rudd, Craig Thomson, Rudd and all the Greens.. Perhaps some of your venom could be directed at them.

Don't forget Slipper is your man now, and apparently Rudd's man too. He is in good company.
I was trying to be funny, re-read it. Obviously fell flat. I was playing on the word "member" mixing yours with his.

Isn't Slipper's position mean officially he is no one's man?

Maybe the electors can take responsibility for their actions again and again,but not you no,you didn't vote for him.

Fr. Peter Slipper is a priest of the Traditional Anglican Communion, and as such is an easy target for those intent on bringing priests and religious in to disrepute.

I am quite sure that Calliope and other voters were encouraged to vote for Fr. Slipper, by his charismatic behaviour and Christian demeanour.

The fact that he is now working with the Labor party as Speaker shows his ecumenism and charity.

Calliope's member is a credit to all godbothering members, and it is further unfair in the extreme to target Calliope for the quality of his member, his member's length of service and his members breadth across other members.

If Knobby22 had a member as vigorous as Calliopes' who knows what inroads would have been made, sorry I must finish. I have to ordain some more Speakers in the Traditional Anglican Communion before Evensong.

Before I finish Todster, may I ask you to describe your member.

And leave Slippery Pete alone, it is unfair.

I was trying to be funny, re-read it. Obviously fell flat. I was playing on the word "member" mixing yours with his.

And you thought that was funny?:shake: You disappoint me. I had always assumed that you were more intelligent than the average leftie.

Isn't Slipper's position mean officially he is no one's man?

I'm sure you don't really believe that. Slipper sought Rudd's blessing before he put his hand up for the job. You will see whose man he is when it comes to a casting vote.

Hahaha love it
By describing my member i may give my identity away.
What about a photo with the head blackened out.
I'm sure you don't really believe that. Slipper sought Rudd's blessing before he put his hand up for the job. You will see whose man he is when it comes to a casting vote.

I don't think he gets a casting vote. But maybe he does under certain circumstances.
Can anyone confirm?
I don't think he gets a casting vote. But maybe he does under certain circumstances.
Can anyone confirm?

A casting vote is much more likely, when the government's survival depends on a few 'independents."

Read more:
Gee. I wouldn't want to be Gillard relying on that casting vote!

I'm pretty sure that Pete wouldn't be above accepting a promised post in an embassy overseas from Abbott, especially after a year as Speaker with all the stress and lack of alcohol drinking.

He has a Deputy Speaker, Ms Anna Burke, to take the chair when he is too pissed to get out of bed.


Well you can "knock me down with a feather."
I think Slippery is doing a better job than Harry. He shut Swan down!!!!!! lol
Of course I have to accept it's early days yet. I had a little "gecko" today!

Well you can "knock me down with a feather."
I think Slippery is doing a better job than Harry. He shut Swan down!!!!!! lol
Of course I have to accept it's early days yet. I had a little "gecko" today!

Yes, he also put Albo in his place as well.
Slippery is getting delusions of grandeur, he is going to reintroduce the Speaker's Procession in to Parliament.

Next he'll be ducking out to hear confession in the Member's Bar during Question time.

What an utter and complete dill is Father Slipper.

From the ABC.

I have met Harry Evans and he is an intelligent man, well versed in the traditions of parliament and their usefulness.

We don't need Slippery changing things before he disgraces himself and is ejected.

Even with all his pomp and ceremony I thought slippery Pete was doing a reasonable job.

In fact, IMHO he is doing a better job than old Harry Jenkins. He appears to be more positive and I can't recall him bellowing out "ORDER !" on not even one occassion.

I am surprised at the way he has handled the job of speaker. Not what I expected.

No warnings if a pollie misbehaves, out you go for one hour. Poor old Joe Hockey learnt that one pretty quick. He also appears to be even handed on both sides of politics and that is the way it should be.

Time will tell I guess.

I'm quite sure noco, that Slippery is capable, except when he is incapable, if you get my drift.

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