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Slippery Pete

Slippery Pete must be limbering up somewhere in anticipation of presiding over the next session of parliament.

He has been quiet recently.

Slippery Pete must be limbering up somewhere in anticipation of presiding over the next session of parliament.

He has been quiet recently.


Just can't wait for the next sitting of parliament GG. Let the circus begin.
Just can't wait for the next sitting of parliament GG. Let the circus begin.
This should provide a little fodder,

From the ABC article,

A number of occasions ?
Just can't wait for the next sitting of parliament GG. Let the circus begin.

There have been a number of posters, myself included, who have made some very hurtful comments about his Excellency the Chancellor of the Traditional Anglican Communion and Speaker of the Australian Federal Parliament.

I would henceforth like to disassociate myself from those comments.

Further being a pisspot, bad employer and a deserter without principles is no barrier to being a High Church official. St. Peter, after whom this lamprey is named was no angel.

Please leave him alone.

He is the Speaker after all.

Further being a pisspot, bad employer and a deserter without principles is no barrier to being a High Church official. St. Peter, after whom this lamprey is named was no angel.
For our Pete, all that's missing is the halo, although he's got the temporary one from Julia.


  • SCN_01-02-2012_EGN_07_slipper_t325.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 141
Think you mean Mr. Has Been.
Trouble is he goes another pops up like maggots on road kill.
No no no was it family first, or greens or are you a fibber like the PM
Have you joined the thought police?

Political privacy has been a concern since voting systems emerged in ancient times. The secret ballot is the simplest and most widespread measure to ensure that political views are not known to anyone other than the voter.
Have you joined the thought police?

Political privacy has been a concern since voting systems emerged in ancient times. The secret ballot is the simplest and most widespread measure to ensure that political views are not known to anyone other than the voter.

Bahaha yeah no one would know your political views,pure gold mate your one of a kind

You don't make any secret of yours...loony left, and pure dross and certainly not one of a kind. You have joined the other bahaha clowns who contribute nothing but abuse.
You don't make any secret of yours...loony left, and pure dross and certainly not one of a kind. You have joined the other bahaha clowns who contribute nothing but abuse.

Abuse cmon man you got caught tellin porkies man up
Fr.Peter Slipper is being unfairly targetted in the media and particularly by the Australian newspaper, no friend of priests caught with their frocks up.

This needs to stop.

Fr. Peter Slipper is a priest. He has been ordained by God to deliver the Word of God to man, (and woman) on God's earthly realm.

Sometimes this necessitates him wandering in to the environs of sinners, as noted by the Australian and Bunyipitude.

These taxi fares would easily be accounted for by the following:

Confessions at Kings Cross
Bennerdiction at Taylors Square
Early Sunday Mass at Kings Cross

This simple explanation, while fulfilling the Great Oral Tradition of the Church, does not fit easily in to the " everyone is a sinner " magisterium of the Press, nonetheless it is plausible.

So lay off the much laid upon Fr. Peter Slipper, Speaker of the Federal PArliament of Australia.

Fr.Peter Slipper is being unfairly targetted in the media and particularly by the Australian newspaper, no friend of priests caught with their frock up

Frock up indeed.imp: Apparently he spent the night in Oxford Street.

My turn

It's your member that doing those things Calliope. Hmmm sounds a bit rude.

No one mentioned before about Pete's drinking and other activities but as Calliope's member, his behaviour should have been displayed earlier for all the world to see and none of this would have happened.

Sound better?
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