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Slippery Pete

I can commiserate with Slippery, I have on occasions been found circling the car park outside a Dan Murphy's liquor outlet, in the Arnage, and it is not a pleasant experience.

The press need to have a measure of decorum and not pursue this fine specimen of public service.

Probably trying to organise his xmas present for Julia, a box of fruit elixia. Those Dan Murphy car parks can be a bugger to find a parking spot.
Probably trying to organise his xmas present for Julia, a box of fruit elixia. Those Dan Murphy car parks can be a bugger to find a parking spot.

I would agree, nn, it is so difficult to cater for mass tastes.

That model of appropriate incisive independent political thought, the Daily Telegraph in Sydney has paid it's twittering scribe, Joe Hildebrand, for the following observation on rats.

This saga has some way to rat, sorry run.

Slipper is the classic maverick. They want Mal Brough back, and a good man, why wouldn't they. So Slipper I'm sure within the LNP has had some pretty rough tactics against him. He was already the Deputy Speaker. Given his history, surely this was a conceivable outcome for the Coalition.

Barring some Act of God or Rudd's hypothetical resignation, I believe the 'latte coalition' minority govt was going to go full term anyway.

But as others have said, this story has more to run. A maverick as Speaker, be careful what you wish for ALP and the Greens. Three net effects:
- Kevin Rudd now can't hold a figurative gun to the head of the govt
- Andrew Wilkie has two chances of getting his preferred style of pokies reform
- Parliamentary sittings will become even more of a freakshow

Something else, if all the pollies vote themselves a 30% pay rise, why single Peter Slipper out? Who are they to criticize him?

Interesting times Logique, interesting times.

My contacts in the CFMEU tell me that a concerted push is now on to humble Kevin Rudd, who as you wisely pointed out is not as essential to the continuance of government as he was, since Slippery Pete defected to Labor.

They ( CFMEU) are, believe it or not in cahoots with Sussex St. to deliver a stake in to the heart of darkness.

Watch the SMH and Courier Mail for "leaks" and a resignation from Kev07.

It has been reported that Slippery Pete's office front has been defaced in the early hours of the morning.

Said Slippery is renowned for gracing our towns and cities of an early morning in a tired and emotional state, and has had bouncers called to control his expressed feelings between midnight and matins, as his status as Chancellor of the Traditional Anglican Communion would demand.

One wonders if he has not more information about this incident. Or is it for the confession?

Calling him an rsole is not in the Australian canon.

The other epithets levelled at him may be applicable, then who can judge.

The knives certainly seem to be out for Kev, while Bob turkey slaps them around the media.
They really are looking fragile, Kev for all his faults is a polished performer.
It is a bit like the quandry Turnbull causes for the Libs.
Can't wait for the next siiting of parliament.

Yes, the thought of anyone bowing to this scumbag on entering and leaving the chamber makes my skin crawl. I can't see anyone in the Opposition with any self respect doing it.
Slippery is an Aquarian, and I took the liberty of checking one of his faviurite magazines, Madison, to which he subscribes as part of his parliamentary entitlement, to check his horoscope for the month.

It is short and to the point.

Slippery needs to have more fun, it has been a busy year.

I would urge posters to have some respect for the Speaker, and to refrain from bringing him in to disrepute.


A rat caught in the headlights with his hand in the cookie jar:

This is , Calliope, a slur on a priest, the Chancellor of the Traditional Anglican Communion.

A man of god is continually open to derision.

Whether he purchases Esquire on parliamentary funds is a matter purely between he and his god, and should be separate from any inquiries in to his suitability as Speaker of the Parliament of all Australians.

He is the Speaker. Leave him be.

There is a certain punitive current passing through this thread on a fine MP at his best between 8.15pm and 4.00am.

I strongly recommend everyone posting on this thread view the movie "Libertine" starring Johny Depp and John Malkovich. Toward the end of the movie Mr Depp provides and insiteful definition of "A Good Man", very commendable.
And now for Slippery Pete's horoscope for the past week, courtesy of his taxpayer funded magazine Madison, an essential publication for any serious politician.

I do wish I had been born an Aquarian.

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