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Slippery Pete

Yes he is a silly bugger and I wonder how much this court case cost the taxpayer compared to the amount Slipper actually defrauded and why the whole thing could not be settled out of court.

What a waste of our money, again.
More Liberal party corruption should be a royal commission into it
Let us hope he gets a sentence that will compromise his superannuation entitlements.

He has profited much, from very little contribution to the good of our nation.


My legal contacts tell me that his super entitlements will be zero, should he get a term inside.

Let is hope and pray it happens.

More Liberal party corruption should be a royal commission into it

A reasonable barb, IF.

I reckon any corruption on either side including folk who don't shave should be addressed and those guilty punished.

My legal contacts tell me that his super entitlements will be zero, should he get a term inside.

Your legal contacts don't know what they are talking about. He would have had to have been convicted while still an MP for that to occur.

Certain disqualifications

A member whose place becomes vacant by reason of his or her becoming subject to any of the disabilities specified in paragraphs 44(i) and (ii) of the Constitution, or by reason of his or her having directly or indirectly taken or agreed to take any fee or honorarium for services rendered in the Parliament to any person or State within the meaning of paragraph 45(iii) of the Constitution, shall be entitled to a refund of his or her contributions, but to no other benefit under this Act.
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