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Slippery Pete

It basically proves that there are vermin on both sides of politics.

Politically parties need to clean out vermin.

Basically I agree with your content SC, but not with your "everyone is agin us" ALP conclusions.

Could someone repost this to SC as he has told me he has me on ignore.

I think that we will need attorneys to claim the situation for those who say they are Individuals With Morality, and thus permitted to signify individuals in parliament, and obviously we will need to set up a Judge with Most judges to figure out this query.

Agree, its a bit of an eye opener reading back over some of the silly things that have gone on in politics over the decades....and continuing.

Aleeza WTF are you talking write like a Nigerian romance scammmer.
Slippery Pete kisses Gillard. Note the quizzical look on the woman on the right. I hope Julia wastes no time in washing that hand.

Slippery Pete kisses Gillard. Note the quizzical look on the woman on the right. I hope Julia wastes no time in washing that hand.
That's his thank you to Julia for the pay rise and his 5-minutes of fame as Speaker.

Had he just stayed with the Libs and accepted his time was up at the end of this term, he could have perhaps left public life with some dignity. As it was, his poor judgement was his undoing.

While the specifics are different, Julia Gillard and Peter Slipper were both let down by poor judgement and both have politically have paid the price accordingly. In the former's case, the nation has also paid a significant price as well but then, it was the nation that gave her the opportunity in 2010.
The sheer arrogance of the man is unbelievable. He has treated the people of his electorate with utter contempt, and now he expects them to vote for him. His wife called him a "nice, decent, kind-hearted guy". "Decent" is one thing he is not!
With the current discussion about the use of travel entitlements, Peter Slipper feels he's been hard done by.

The following article offers a potential explanation as to why Pete's situation might be different,
The Honorable member will be put to work in the showers and after dark.
Yes and No depends on who is in power and if their vote is needed for the party to stay in power.
Peter Slipper deluded by a sense of self entitlement crapped in his own nest pure and simple and the other chicks therein didn't take too kindly to that.
Peter Slipper deluded by a sense of self entitlement crapped in his own nest pure and simple and the other chicks therein didn't take too kindly to that.

Let us hope he gets a sentence that will compromise his superannuation entitlements.

He has profited much, from very little contribution to the good of our nation.

I almost felt sorry for him until I remembered that he has made a career out of excessive claims of entitlement.

Nonetheless, I'd still take Rumpole's point that others have also abused the privilege of entitlements and have escaped by simply paying back the amounts concerned. When comparing Mr Slipper's transgression in the case before the court with that of Craig Thomson, it does seem relatively trifling. However, I suppose the intent is the point rather than the actual amount.
Silly bugger.
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