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Slippery Pete

I don't understand your viewpoint.

It was all made up! The accuser set a trap and did it with the knowledge of his helper and with the promise of certain Liberal Party senior people. Its all proven in the emails.

This will go further. Heard Hockey today say he had nothing to do with any of it. He can smell the odour a mile off.

I for one want to see the full force of the law used and arrests made. If this is allowed then no one is safe including you and me.
This is nothimg more than a storm in tea cup for Labor to trying gain some traction before the next elction.

But, what else would you expect from a tirade Judge with a history and appointed by Julia Gillard.

No doubt in my mind, Gillard wrote the script for this shaddy judge and maniputated the words to suit Labor and as usual, the Labor parrots have been given their instructions and are jumping all over it.

Labor wants an enquire as to who said what and when. It is a wonder Labor is not demanding a Royal commision be set up. I would sooner see a Royal commission into the AWU, HSU and the unions in general, but of cause that won't before the next electio.

Mal Brough will rump it in Who would want Slippery Pete in after his history.
I don't understand your viewpoint.

It was all made up! The accuser set a trap and did it with the knowledge of his helper and with the promise of certain Liberal Party senior people. Its all proven in the emails.

Could you provide a link?
It's the judges finding.

In his stunning judgment, Rares found Brough was a participant in a plot against Slipper; he has trashed Brough's earlier public account. He concluded: ''Mr Ashby acted in combination with Ms Doane [another Slipper staffer] and Mr Brough when commencing the proceedings in order to advance the interests of the LNP and Mr Brough.''

Read more:
I give up.
The judge is a corrupt biased idiot and the emails were all faked to make Mal Brough and his collegues look bad.
If only i wasn't so gullible to fall for this.
So you think the judgement was objective? You're a gullible old galah.

Arrr, we are starting to be very nice about it all.

Perhaps take your bat and ball and go home.

When some leave the sinking ship the truth on this whole crap will come out and Abbot will be sunk from his place on the ship

A stunning judgement with manipulated words by a "SHADDIE jUDGE". THAT IS FOR THE NAIVE TO SWALLOW and the Labor Party to use as a tool.

as a tool to wedge out Mal Brough but it ain't gonna work

Like the joke I heard about a little dusty old lady who road her mule into a one horse town, She tethered it to the rail outside the pub.

Out of the bar comes this whiskey tanked up young ringer.

He pulls out his six shooter and says to the little old lady do you know how to dance? Yes I can she replies but is has been a long time but I will try, so the ringer fires off his six shooter untill all six bullets have been fired around her feet. When had finished his little prank, she says hang on young man and with that pulls out double barrel shoot gun.
Honey, have you ever licked a mules ar$e.

So you think the judgement was objective? You're a gullible old galah.

There is an interesting aside in todays paper in respect of the judge that handed down the decision re: Peter Slipper. He is also the judge that handed down the decision in respect of the case of the Councils versus Lehman Bros and the dodgy derivatives they hived off.

I'd respectfully suggest he is no-ones fool/tool.
So you think the judgement was objective? You're a gullible old galah.

When the 'right' falls foul of the law you wouldn't recognise it if it was 15lb mackerel being slapped around your ears. Just go back to your apologies in the "Ethics and the Murdoch press" thread ( the glory of indelible memory) . But you are a wonderful window on the lunar fringes views on due process.
Again you are unable to cite any factual errors or errors of law in the judgement. I doubt you've even read the judgement.

Was there any mention of Roxons involvement in the case ?
Was there any mention of Roxons involvement in the case ?

Try to keep up. She was providing instructions on behalf of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth settled the case against them a month ago. Most of the people criticising the judgement have no clue how the court system works.
I don't understand your viewpoint.

It was all made up! The accuser set a trap and did it with the knowledge of his helper and with the promise of certain Liberal Party senior people. Its all proven in the emails.

Is there a link to the actually emails that prove this?

I couldn't see any evidence the judge was corrupt off that other link.
His judgement is correct in that it was political, but imo sexual harassment did occur whether Ashby was fazed by it or not.
Again you are unable to cite any factual errors or errors of law in the judgement. I doubt you've even read the judgement.

You all keep harping about judgement and "factual errors". It's just one man's opinion.No evidence was heard.

Is it just a coincidence that he shares the same opinion with Slipper, Roxon, Emerson, Gillard, banco, Knobby, Orr, Focus etc, or are you all reading from the same spin sheet..

Ther is littlle doubt that, like Gillard, you are all Slipper supporters..

I don't notice any female ASF backers of Slipper...and for good reason.:headshake

Your hero is a disgrace..
Try to keep up. She was providing instructions on behalf of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth settled the case against them a month ago. Most of the people criticising the judgement have no clue how the court system works.
Rubbish. Roxon was giving her subordinate clear instructions on how to frame his judgement;

Rubbish ole Pal, there was no evidence to support the charge, so fall on your sword.

And I do not believe there are too many ALP supporters here but many who can see the situation at law.

There is however little doubt that the action was a poorly judged attempt to unseat Gillard and co. And interestingly enough it could be the last straw for Abbot and co, in the eyes of the electorate so that Gillard may just scrape home again next year.
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