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Slippery Pete

Of interest, had Tony Abbott not moved the motion, Rob Oakshott would have continued to support Peter Slipper as speaker.

The life of this corrupt government is now in the hands of three grubby turncoats, Windsor, Oakeshott and Slipper who all represent conservative electorates, and who defy the will of the people out of spite and self interest. What a farce.
What sticks out here for me is the fact that Oakshott and Windsor wanted Slipper gone but they could not bring themselves to vote with the opposition on the issue but then went and pressured Slipper to resig anywayn, why didn't they just vote to get rid of him in the first place? Hypocrites.

Miss Hale, my view on the matter is if the house had voted for him to be sacked and that would have been dependant on Windsor and Oaakshott, he (slipper) may well have had no alternative but resign from parliament and I suspect that would have created a by-election.

So he resigns as the speaker and is able to stay in office as a backbencher.

I would also say the Labor Party were well aware of this also hence the reason they continued to support him. They are very cunning in deed and will do anything to stay in power.
From today's "Sunday Mail"

So maybe the vote to retain Slipper by the Labor Party was the pay off for avoiding his full resignation which would trigger the by-election?

What a messy, complicated web is woven when principles are tossed aside in favour of purely political strategy.

There is a final note in the article that "Mrs Hall has been seeking to sell two of the couple's eight investment properties on the Sunshine Coast".
Eight investment properties? Unless they're all highly geared, I don't think we need to be passing around the collection plate to save Mr Slipper from bankruptcy just yet.
Interesting admission from Nicola Roxon on 7:30 last night about when Labor knew about the text messages that ultimately caused Peter Slipper's resignation.

My bolds.
Read what Kangaroo Court had to say about Federal Court Judge Steven Rares back in April;
Slipper case thrown out

..........purpose of causing significant public, reputational and political damage to Mr Slipper........

Well, that part worked.
To be fair, I don't think any of us really imagines that Mr Ashby was some innocent, unused to sexual approaches from various quarters. His own emails, or responses to Slipper's, hardly exhibited gross outrage.
So - much as I'm surprised at the decision, especially given the Commonwealth's payment to Ashby which you'd think represents an acceptance of the reality of the accusations, I'd reluctantly concede that Ashby's bringing of the action was motivated partly out of revenge on Slipper and partly for political purposes.

It certainly leaves the LNP, and Mal Brough in particular, in a difficult position, one which the government will be licking its collective lips about.

"By paying Mr Ashby a very substantial sum and for all practical purposes, conceding that he was right all along, what the Commonwealth has in effect done is concede the accuracy of his claims against Mr Slipper," Senator Brandis said in October.
Oh Timmy darling you just have to hear this

That lovely Peter Slipper I would love to kiss

He's innocent like me pure as driven snow

Now all the voters are going to know

I must get good old Roxon to promote the judge

You never never know when we may need to fudge

Isnt it just great the law of our land

Craigie Thompson in the dock will now never stand

We held his case back long enough to beat the statue of limitations

This calls for champange and merry celebrations

Now we can happily go to the next election

I'm sure voters will see in me pure perfection
Such dishonety and abuse of our democracy. Mal Brough should resign as should some others.
Just as suspected. This is lower than any person should stoop.
No excuses are good enough.

That was a innovative poem from HC.
Such dishonety and abuse of our democracy. Mal Brough should resign as should some others.
Just as suspected. This is lower than any person should stoop.
No excuses are good enough.

The court decision is actually the decision of the Labor appointed Judge Rares. In the electorate of Fisher where I live, Mal Brough is held in much higher regard than any Labor judge or the disgraced Peter Slipper. Labor talk of an enquiry is just hot air. They would not have the guts.

Bring on the election and we will see how your Peter Slipper rates against my Mal Brough. It is ironic to see a supporter of Gillard"s Peter Slipper talk about "dishonety (sic) and abuse of our democracy."

Would you like to point out which parts of Judge Rares' decision where you think he got the law or the facts wrong?
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