Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Slippery Pete

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
We are looking for someone to pull the winning ticket, at Raunchy Raffles just before Christmas, at the Hotel.

We need an eminent person without scruples, conscience or couth.

I normally do the honours, but will be away helping a mate sell some uranium forward in India.

Does anyone have the phone number of Slippery Pete, the Speaker of Federal Parliament, who I am reliably informed is well suited for the position.

This is a picture of said Slippery.


It was taken on T**s Out Tuesday late last year near the Discovery Nightclub in Darwin on my Kodak Brownie Camera.



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How long can this "KING RAT" last as speaker.

I wonder when he submitted his resume to Gillard for the job as speaker if she had checked out his back ground.

Maybe it the LNP's gain and the Labor Party's loss when it all hits the fan with the AFP.Check out the link on his history of expenses.

The Labor Party are already claiming the LNP are digging up dirt and creating more 'scare campaigns. To be expected of course.
He won't leave, he is getting an extra $80,000 a year, a fantastic office with a private garden and if he stays through to the next election his parlimentary super goes up by $15,000 a year plus he is allowed something like 30 business class flights every year for the rest of his life (that he can use to say up yours to his old parlimentary mates).

He won't go. Labor will now go full term.

Also I would point out his job is to be independant and I reckon he will be. He hates both sides and no one much likes him.

The funny thing is Abbott wanted an independant speaker and now he has one!
How long can this "KING RAT" last as speaker.

I wonder when he submitted his resume to Gillard for the job as speaker if she had checked out his back ground.

Maybe it the LNP's gain and the Labor Party's loss when it all hits the fan with the AFP.Check out the link on his history of expenses.

The Labor Party are already claiming the LNP are digging up dirt and creating more 'scare campaigns. To be expected of course.

He won't leave, he is getting an extra $80,000 a year, a fantastic office with a private garden and if he stays through to the next election his parlimentary super goes up by $15,000 a year plus he is allowed something like 30 business class flights every year for the rest of his life (that he can use to say up yours to his old parlimentary mates).

He won't go. Labor will now go full term.

Also I would point out his job is to be independant and I reckon he will be. He hates both sides and no one much likes him.

The funny thing is Abbott wanted an independant speaker and now he has one!

Wrong. This is a man without principles. Like a mongrel dog he belongs to anyone who feeds him.

Yes you are correct!
And they are multiplying at a fast rate.


This brings up an interesting dilemma.

He is the Speaker of our Parliament, and he was elected by members, the majority of whom are considered honourable.

Should he not then be accorded some level of respect, as respect for his office.

In other words, if he is pursued, does this in fact damage the office of Speaker.

This brings up an interesting dilemma.

He is the Speaker of our Parliament, and he was elected by members, the majority of whom are considered honourable.

Should he not then be accorded some level of respect, as respect for his office.

In other words, if he is pursued, does this in fact damage the office of Speaker.

"Pursued"? By whom? If he has abused his allowances he needs to be brought to account.
Nothing to do with the office of Speaker.

Let's see what happens with respect to the investigation into his expenses and into his office's possible wrongdoing.

And then let's see how he behaves as Speaker. If he demonstrates impartiality and consistency OK. But if he decides to abuse the office in order to pay back past grudges that's a whole different matter.
...Should he not then be accorded some level of respect, as respect for his office.

In other words, if he is pursued, does this in fact damage the office of Speaker.


It seems that Slipper's large expenses paid for by taxpayers was well known. I read about it a long time ago in the Sunday Mail.

Should someone with this sort of reputation be put in the office of Speaker at all?
"Pursued"? By whom? If he has abused his allowances he needs to be brought to account.
Nothing to do with the office of Speaker.

Let's see what happens with respect to the investigation into his expenses and into his office's possible wrongdoing.

And then let's see how he behaves as Speaker. If he demonstrates impartiality and consistency OK. But if he decides to abuse the office in order to pay back past grudges that's a whole different matter.

It seems that Slipper's large expenses paid for by taxpayers was well known. I read about it a long time ago in the Sunday Mail.

Should someone with this sort of reputation be put in the office of Speaker at all?

Good points, my concern is though about the office of Speaker.

Does it suffer by any of the following

Slipper being Speaker
Slipper being investigated
Slipper being criticised for past behaviour

Good points, my concern is though about the office of Speaker.

Does it suffer by any of the following

Slipper being Speaker
Slipper being investigated
Slipper being criticised for past behaviour


Doesn't seem to be of any concern to the PM - she put him there against the protests of the libs.

I thought it was a traditional thing that the speaker is usually provided by the party in government. But perhaps tradition is no longer important either.
"The Punch" sums it up pretty well:
It will have a discernible impact on the quality of Peter Slipper’s life. It is worth stressing that there is no grand issue of principle behind his decision to quit. Far from it. Peter Slipper wants the payrise, the flash car, the pomp that comes with the job. He is a seriously unspectacular MP, famous almost solely for falling asleep in the chamber, and who is deservedly under fire for preselection in his Sunshine Coast seat from the vastly more talented and intelligent former Aboriginal Affairs minister Mal Brough. It is probably his last term, and he knows it, and he’s grabbing some extra dosh before he returns to a life of appropriate anonymity.
Good points, my concern is though about the office of Speaker.

Does it suffer by any of the following

Slipper being Speaker
Slipper being investigated
Slipper being criticised for past behaviour


Of course it does. Take it up with Gillard. She's the one who put a low-life in the job.
Of course it does. Take it up with Gillard. She's the one who put a low-life in the job.

But not her low life, he is a Lib lowlife.

Anyone in her position would do it to shore up their power. She now has a full term which she probably wouldn't have got.

And all this "holier than thou" on this thread is amusing.

I remember Mal Colston, now he was an even more vile character created by the Labor right, and yet the Coalition had no hesitation offering him a few pieces of silver. (Deputy President of the Senate). He defrauded the Commonwealth. Read his history if you don't know it.

If the shoe was in the other foot, do you think Abbott wouldn't have taken it? If you think not then you are an innocent Cherub in the garden of Eden.

I don't doubt that you are right. Politics is a tactical thing and Gillard is sitting on the edge of a cliff with both Craig Thomson and Wilke's pokie issues waiting to blow. However, Abbott certainly has a right to voice his opposition to yet another questionable move by a government desperate to stay in power.

I didn't agree with Howard's use of Mal Colston, but just because he did, doesn't make Slipper's appointment any better. I don't know why anything questionable by Gillard has to be compared to a similar thing by Howard. It doesn't make it any better.

Don't forget that Howard's mistakes not only eventually cost the libs government but he also lost his seat. The voting public generally punish foolish and underhand behaviour with the ballot paper.