In response to the questions raised in the ASX Letter, the Company advises as follows:
Is LYN aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced to the market which, if known by some in the market, could explain the recent trading in its securities?
On 10 December 2024, the Company announced that it had completed a drilling program at its Stansmore Project located in the West Arunta region in Western Australia. The Company noted in this announcement that samples
had been sent to Intertek in Perth for analysis with results anticipated to have a turnaround time of 15 - 25 days upon receival at the laboratory. The Company also advised in this announcement that it was intending to update the market on assay results in Q1, 2025.
The Company was relying on Listing Rule 3.1A in relation to undisclosed assay results of this drilling program at the time it received the ASX Letter. These assay results had not yet been reported to the market given that the review and interpretation of this information was incomplete and undergoing assessment and review by the Company’s technical consultant and the Board, and also pending receipt of drillhole data. The intention of the Company was to report the assay results to the market once the review and interpretation of the information had been finalised
The Company does not believe that information regarding the assay results explains the recent trading in its securities and does not have any reason to believe that the confidentiality of the assay results had been lost at any time prior to receipt of the ASX Letter.
Notwithstanding the above, in light of recent trading in its securities and to
ensure a fully informed market, the Company requested a trading halt
promptly after receipt of the ASX Letter and sought to expedite the review and reporting of the assay results to the market. The Company has released an ASX announcement titled ‘Assay Results from West Arunta Drilling’ today reporting the available information on the assay results, in conjunction with this response
to the ASX Letter.
In addition to the above, the blah blah blah
.see Ann.