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Silver price discussion and analysis


But it may if the regulators move in as indicated.

Get that bit, 2 of the banks in the US alone hold most of the short contracts and if they had to deliver they could not, the amount of silver required does not exist

Explod it would be a truly peaceful and beautiful world if religion stayed out of politics and if the blindly biased gold/silver bugs got an education in the field they profess to be experts in.

Truly no idea about the function of futs,

Open interest NEVER EVER NEVER EVER = amount of deliverable in ANY underling derivative. Commodity, interest rate, FX or equity. It is not a CONSPIRACY. Its how derivatives work.

(oh if OI = deliverable it is purely luck, random falling of numbers)

Hi, I'm new to this forum, but have been following silver for several months now. I have been looking at various forums, but in particular I pay a lot of attention to 100orbust's commentaries on Agstackers. He gives the best explanations of charts and predictions that I have found. He says that silver will go to US$19.50 and then drop back to $12.50 or $13.00 before taking off again.

Of course he talks US dollars so it doesn't always work the same way with Aus dollars, but if I want to short silver from 19.50 (when it gets there) to $13.00 it seems the only way is to go with a US ETF such as ZSL. Has anyone had experience with this before?

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Thanks for this projack...very good to see a savvy guy like Kyosaki spruking the potential for silver

I have been buying bars for a couple of years now...waiting for the big boom!

Cheers Ya'll

Thanks for this projack...very good to see a savvy guy like Kyosaki spruking the potential for silver

I have been buying bars for a couple of years now...waiting for the big boom!

Cheers Ya'll

Yes silver is the stuff and is where my own concentration has been, due particularly to the out of whack ratio of 70 to 1 gold. There have been times when it has gone to 15 to 1 but as with Kyosaki due to coming scarcity this appears a very exciting dynamic for silver buffs.

Maybe we should be giving this thread more prominence than the gold thread.

Explod,...just checked the spot on Kitko.Silver up 1.8% after a good move up overnight in New York market..about 3%

Get the feeling the feeling somethings about to happen with the Silver/Gold ratio?..about bloody time too!

I just bid for a 1 kilo Perth Mint bar on E Bay $30.00 below spot...I am feeling lucky.

Good luck to the silver believers.

Cheers Ya'll

As POS continues to climb,here is an article I found on another important use for the metal.

Help Silver by Letting Silver Help You

By: Warren Bevan

-- Posted 6 October, 2009 | Share this article | Discuss This Article - Comments: 1 Source:

It’s a well known but often misunderstood fact that silver is being, once again, increasingly used in medicinal or purification applications. The recent reports of the H1N1 virus, more commonly , but falsely, known as swine flu (stock up on cheap pork while you can!) spreading at rates far faster than anticipated got me to thinking about how to help fight the flu if contracted, without relying on medical professionals.

Normally I would dismiss these types of flu’s as, as harsh as it sounds, mother natures way of killing off the weak, that is if it is indeed an incarnation of mother nature and not a man made flu, but that’s a whole other ball park that I won’t touch on. But the reports of the majority of it’s victims being strong middle aged individuals increased my alert level.

Silver is once again taking up it’s former role as an antimicrobial agent. For the majority of the first half of the 1900’s silver was used in place of antibiotics. In the 1940’s that use diminished as drug companies developed and sold their new money making creations. According to Jeffrey Ellis at the Silver Institute;

“Use of silver for medical applications prior to 2005 was largely limited to topical anti-infective preparations using silver sulfadiazene and silver nitrate. Globally this accounted for less than 50,000 troy ounces of silver.

Since then, beginning first with wound dressings containing silver, the use of coatings containing silver on medical devices such as on stethoscope diaphragms and on catheters, and lately the use of silver coatings on sinks and other plumbing fixtures for hospitals and other patient treatment centers, and on use of silver particles on medical textiles such as surgical gowns, it is now estimated that medical use of silver is 200,000 troy ounces globally. Use of silver is likely to grow in response to efforts to minimize the incidence of hospital acquired infections.”

This quadrupling will continue into the future, albeit likely at a slower rate of growth, but silver is already in short supply and this growing and important application will be a major key to silver’s future price as it grows more and more precious.

As with most things, overuse is not recommended and eventually an immune system will develop tolerance for it requiring more and more of the substance until it has next to no effect at all. I’ve personally long avoided taking medicine except the odd pain killer for headaches when there’s work to be done, with the view that I would save medicine for when I really needed it and was much older.

Colloidal Silver could be the answer. I am not a medical practitioner or recommending anything at all, just trying to inform that there may be other viable options. While the promotion of colloidal silver as a medicinal application is illegal in the US, that does not mean it does not have merits. I won’t go into the mishaps government agencies have committed in the drug regulation field, but I have, and always will, prefer to find a natural remedy regardless of if my government calls it “medicine” or not.

While colloidal silver has mixed reviews with in vitro (test tube) tests and no clinical trials performed using in vivo (in living organisms) tests I still have faith that colloidal silver could help fight off a major infection or flu. From what I know colloidal silver is not to be taken as a drug or vitamin, but as signs of a serious contraction arise as a more serious preventative measure. If taken as a daily supplement tests show that it can cause argyria, an irreversible blue or grey discoloration of skin. Wouldn’t want to end up like the Tin Man.

The fact is that silver is being used in WHO approved water purification applications, medical clothing is being made with silver nano-particles for disinfectant purposes as well as medical equipment being imbedded with silver. Even washing machines are now using silver nano-particles. Fridges, sinks and soon whole kitchens will use silver as a disinfecting agent. When that day comes the old greasy spoon will once again be a safe sport to venture. Bacteria, nor viruses can live when it comes into direct contact with silver. Silver alters the attacker’s DNA, effectively suffocating it.

The goal of this article is to get you to educate yourself and make an informed decision based on your findings, not what someone tells you you should do. Why not pick up a bottle of colloidal silver, it may just save your life. At the least it will slightly increase silver usage and make your silver more valuable.

In my free, nearly weekly newsletter I include many links and charts which cannot always be viewed through sites which publish my work. If you are having difficulties viewing them please sign up in the left margin for free at or send an email to with “subscribe” as the subject and receive the newsletter directly in your inbox, links and all. If you would like to subscribe and see what my portfolio consists of please see here.

Until next week take care and thank you for reading.

Warren Bevan

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1:15 would be very nice....unlikely while gold is so high, but nice indeed...

While Gold continues it's rise..with higher highs daily...

Silver seems to be wallowing.The Gold/Silver ratio is now out to a staggering 64.37%.
Might there not be correction in the offing?..Hope so.

While Gold continues it's rise..with higher highs daily...

Silver seems to be wallowing.The Gold/Silver ratio is now out to a staggering 64.37%.
Might there not be correction in the offing?..Hope so.

Silver in 2008 was very oversold so has had to come a long way, the ratio has been as high as 70/1 so it is contracting also, the inset 12 month chart from Kitco makes it clear enough, on the $US price we are up 100%, gold at about 45% The Aussie silver price recently hit $20, which is getting towards its previous highs so I feel confident and pleased with my silver holdings.

cheers explod


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While Gold continues it's rise..with higher highs daily...

Silver seems to be wallowing.The Gold/Silver ratio is now out to a staggering 64.37%.
Might there not be correction in the offing?..Hope so.

Focus is on Gold. Silver has been going up since November 2008 and still climbing. up over 50% for the past 12 months.

Have you seen the reports about the gold plated tungsten bars that trace back to the USA? And the FED Reserve have admitted that they been useing gold swaps since 10 or 20 years ago, even if Alan Greenspan said there was no such trading going on.

well. Why would anyone trust the FED?

Fed admits hiding gold swap arrangements

Fed admits hiding gold swap arrangements
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2009-09-23 02:55. Section: Daily Dispatches

11p Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Federal Reserve System has disclosed to GATA that it has gold swap arrangements with foreign banks that it does not want the public to know about.

The disclosure contradicts denials provided by the Fed to GATA in 2001 and suggests that the Fed is indeed very much involved in the surreptitious international central bank manipulation of the gold price particularly and the currency markets generally.

The Fed's disclosure came this week in a letter to GATA's Washington-area lawyer, William J. Olson of Vienna, Virginia (, denying GATA's administrative appeal of a freedom-of-information request to the Fed for information about gold swaps, transactions in which monetary gold is temporarily exchanged between central banks or between central banks and bullion banks. (See the International Monetary Fund's treatise on gold swaps here:

The letter, dated September 17 and written by Federal Reserve Board member Kevin M. Warsh (see, formerly a member of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, detailed the Fed's position that the gold swap records sought by GATA are exempt from disclosure under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.

Warsh wrote in part: "In connection with your appeal, I have confirmed that the information withheld under Exemption 4 consists of confidential commercial or financial information relating to the operations of the Federal Reserve Banks that was obtained within the meaning of Exemption 4. This includes information relating to swap arrangements with foreign banks on behalf of the Federal Reserve System and is not the type of information that is customarily disclosed to the public. This information was properly withheld from you."

When, in 2001, GATA discovered a reference to gold swaps in the minutes of the January 31-February 1, 1995, meeting of the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee and pressed the Fed, through two U.S. senators, for an explanation, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan denied that the Fed was involved in gold swaps in any way. Greenspan also produced a memorandum written by the Fed official who had been quoted about gold swaps in the FOMC minutes, FOMC General Counsel J. Virgil Mattingly, in which Mattingly denied making any such comments. (See

The Fed's September 17 letter to GATA confirming that the Fed has gold swap arrangements can be found here:

While the letter is far from the first official admission of central bank scheming to suppress the price of gold (for documentation of some of these admissions, see and, it comes at a sensitive time in the currency and gold markets. The U.S. dollar is showing unprecedented weakness, the gold price is showing unprecedented strength, Western European central banks appear to be withdrawing from gold sales and leasing, and the International Monetary Fund is being pressed to take the lead in the gold price suppression scheme by selling gold from its own supposed reserves in the guise of providing financial support for poor nations.

GATA will seek to bring a lawsuit in federal court to appeal the Fed's denial of our freedom-of-information request. While this will require many thousands of dollars, the Fed's admission that it aims to conceal documentation of its gold swap arrangements establishes that such a lawsuit would have a distinct target and not be just a fishing expedition.

In pursuit of such a lawsuit and its general objective of liberating the precious metals markets and making them fair and transparent, GATA again asks for your financial support and that of all gold and silver mining companies that are not at the mercy of market-manipulating governments and banks. GATA is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit educational and civil rights organization and contributions to it are federally tax-exempt in the United States. For information on donating to GATA, please visit here:

You can also help GATA by bringing this dispatch to the attention of financial news organizations and urging them to investigate the Fed's involvement in gold swaps particularly and the gold (and silver) price suppression schemes generally.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

Thanks for posting that up Electronic Master, I subscibe to a newsletter that has explained this in the past. I have a simple approach to markets and was warned years ago to keep my learning very simple and away from complex trading methods. I do know that if you have the time and mechanisms this type of trading can be more profitable. There is no doubt in my mind that many of these instruments used the way they are have potential to create disasters to the poor mugs who do not understand.

The manipulators are coming undone and as Kyosaki says, cash is trash and silver in particular will go through the roof.

And T/h, I think that many bang heads was a bit of a stretch. Admit simpleton but think that will keep me safe.

cheers explod

In the last five years I have noticed that a rise in the silver price is often a precurser to a rise in the p/m's overall as well as oil. Silver has been breaking to the upside the last week or so and noticed particularly the last few days. Just picked up on a blurb by James Turk who gives some analysis on just that. The link:

cheers to all for easter and hope you get an egg.

I am regurgitating this from the Kitco Silver Forum.With aknowledgement..

Bullish on silver

What I about to present has not been shown or illustrated on any web site or pundits blog. There have been over the past couple years chart patterns regarding Silver (monthly historical data) illustrating possible chart formations which appear to be applicable to the price action in Ag, such as the large "cup and handle", or giant "saucer" patterns. First of all, these types of patterns are very ambiguous in the charting world, and not all that reliable. The chart pattern I have mapped out is valid and is one of the highest reliable patterns in all markets. If you go back 9 years, Silver traced out this pattern twice and Gold also painted this pattern (which I outlined last summer in advance) see the link posted on behalf by Grossomotto

I want to make it perfectly clear, when I chart a pattern I start when the pattern is only about 30% complete, so the odds of it finishing to 100% is extremely rare since maybe only 1 / 20 patterns ever make it to fruition. The attached chart is an historical chart for Silver going back to the '70's, when I first started following Silver I was using a weekly chart which did not capture all 30+ years of information, which in hindsight was what I should have been using from the start.
I have attached two charts, the 1st chart is how I perceived Silver's price action to trend (from Dec '08) to the present. When I reviewed the 30 year chart action for Silver and noted the possibility of an extremely large "Symmetrical Triangle", I traced out the remaining turning points based on current trendlines and FIB retracements. The chart pattern is not pretty by any means, but it is valid, such that at this time all the key criteria for saying this pattern is complete is pretty much a done deal. All we need is a move past $19.50 on strong volume, breaking $21.35 should be the final confirmation of a new Secular Bull.

The 2nd chart shows the current price action to date, (15 months later), and as you can see the price action between what I had mapped out and what actually transpired is quite accurate. The last couple red legs in the 2nd pattern is to illustrate the possibility of Primary Wave (E) completing a contracting a-b-c pattern, where prices will basically correct but in a more sideways fashion and not in stair-step down like we have seen in the past.

This pattern (whether you are familar with formations, TA or not) does show a number of characteristics specific to Silver. The first, you can see the resistance trendline from 1980's high $42 on downward, this trendline has pinned prices from going higher. One can see how stagnant prices were after bottoming in 1985, and then in 2002 - 2003 starting a strong leg from the low 4's to 21. This is where many investors, silver pros etc, have taken this advance as a Bull Market for Silver. No question this was a great rally for Silver but a new secular bull? No. This advance was a counter-trend rally to correct the massive decline from $42 to $4's, for every big upswing there is a correction (down) and for every big downswing, there is a correction (up), these are known as counter-trend rallies, as the real trend for Silver was down to flat.

However, with all 6 Turning Points in the final throes of being complete, (the last being Wave E), this 30+ year pattern will have run its course. The trendlines (both upper and lower) have held Silver range-bound for 30 years, and we are maybe just weeks if not less for this pattern to trace out the finishing touches and rally to new highs.

How will you know if this pattern is the real McCoy? If I have interpreted this pattern correctly, Silver will continue to move sideways in a series of higher lows and lower highs. The next major move will be to the upside (after a retest of 17 or lower), taking out 19.50, which will be on HIGH volume (watch SLV). The market will show NO signs of weakness and break-through the 21 area, once 21 is taken out, 25 is just around the corner. Should Silver follow this course, and hold onto to these gains over the summer months, then GOD help those who are on the other side of this trade when the PM's enter the strong seasonal period.

In summary, this pattern has demonstrated how Silver has been restricted from breaking out higher, it explains why Silver has not rallied further to confirm Gold's move to $1225, it provides some justification to the Elliot Wave Folks who promote a deflationary cycle and that Silver (because it has not confirmed Gold's run), will decline back below the $8 area. Reading this pattern tells me that Silver is about to commence on a technical journey never before witnessed in the last few hundred years. The very fact that this market has been constricted for 30 years presents the enormouse upside potential, and I will try to explain a little on this subject.

When a market is overly depressed for a long period of time, trading well below market value, and the longer it trades below market value the more pronounced the upswing prices will be, when the market does turn up, it does not just move higher to find equilibrium ground, it moves way past the norm, past the anticipated market value to ridiculous levels, this truism also applies to markets in a bubble and they retreat well below market level. When we see that Silver has been inhibited for 3 decades, (irrespective of why), the fact of the matter is, the market will adjust and overshoot on the upside. This is evident by the $8 run to $42 in the last 24 months of the 1980 cycle.

From a technical perspective, the long term picture is VERY BULLISH, from a fundamental perspective the long term picture is VERY BULLISH. So whatever happens short term will be just that, short term, long term is right around the corner and about to start very soon.

Went looking for a Technology thread ..seems there isn't one rather than start a new one,might as well bung this here .Another potential user of silver.

Would you believe Paper batteries?? From the Australian Energy Report website.

Scientists unlock power of paper battery
Courtesy: The Australian | 8th Dec 2009

ORDINARY paper could one day be used as a lightweight battery to power the devices that are now enabling the printed word to be eclipsed by e-mail, e-books and online news.

Scientists at Stanford University in California have successfully turned paper coated with ink made of silver and carbon nanomaterials into a "paper battery" that holds promise for new types of lightweight, high-performance energy storage.

The same feature that helps ink adhere to paper allows it to hold onto the single-walled carbon nanotubes and silver nanowire films.

Earlier research found that silicon nanowires could be used to make batteries 10 times as powerful as lithium-ion batteries now used to power devices such as laplop computers.

"Taking advantage of the mature paper technology, low cost, light and high-performance energy-storage are realised by using conductive paper as current collectors and electrodes," the scientists said in research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The battery could be useful in powering electric or hybrid vehicles, would make electronics lighter and longer lasting, and might even lead someday to paper electronics, the scientists said.

Battery weight and life have been an obstacle to commercial viability of electric-powered cars and trucks.

"Society really needs a low-cost, high-performance energy storage device, such as batteries and simple supercapacitors," Stanford assistant professor of materials science Yi Cui said.

Mr Cui said in addition to being useful for portable electronics and wearable electronics, the paper supercapacitors could be used for all kinds of applications that require instant high power.

"Since our paper batteries and supercapacitors can be very low cost, they are also good for grid-connected energy storage," he said.

Peidong Yang, professor of chemistry at the University of California-Berkeley, said the technology could be commercialised within a short time.
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