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Silver manipulation - the largest financial fraud in history

Your the biggest MUPPET on this forum Explod.

It's now 2010 explod, Has the world ended?

No offense but I hardly take the time to read your replies, same ol dribble over and over again.

Have you seen the price of fuel going up in price yet? Keep an eye open for it. It will keep going up slowly.

Notice the price of Silver and gold going up in price even if the USD index is going up in price? Same goes for the AUD. AUD/USD is up but so is Silver and Gold priced in AUD.

Notice the RBA interest rates are going up month by month. Starting to see reports on the news of mortgage stress for first time home buyers who where suckered in buying a house last year? Yes the housing market is already in a bubble. And now international investors can buy real estate as well? without needing to be Australian citizen nor live in Australia?

Did you know that goldman sachs actually is supporting all share markets around the world?

You can't see anything wrong here?

recovery eh? lol

ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz you sound just like implod.
hello everyone ive just joined this forum. ive often had a browse through threads but never realy cared to join.because i have been trading for about 20 years,and quite frankly there is nothing to chat about i make money lose money.i research and then trade no more to be said . but the reason iam posting this is because what just went down on capital hill is possibly the biggest event ecconomicaly speaking the world has seen since we all became keynsians.this is just the first domino pushed over.look it dosn't matter what you trade you would like to think the rules of the market is fair.idont know weather anybody realises here or not but since the hunt brothers tried to corner the market there has been limmits on long positions but not the hunts tried to force the price up for sure. but this happens in every can go into safeway by all there pepsi 40 cents a can and sell it in your store for what ever. agreed? that is afree i am not particulary a gold bug or anything for that matter.but i know a scam when i see one.there has been a total mainstreet media blackout on this story.that is a shame.the only thing you will find mainstream regarding the capital hill hearing was comments like we dont want anymore regulations regarding preciouse metals .wtf.get rid of the long regs.putting short limmits in place is not the only answer.these statements are what we call suggestive australia i was appauled to find nothing, not a thing in the media. in a resource rich country such as this, the biggest producer of gold in the world. and the third biggest producer of silver in the world. any australian who is not interested in resources hitting their full potential is either ignorent or has another agender which is not for the benefit of this country .there is only 20 million of us. you do the maths. i can smell a trade of a lifetime comming on get on it or miss out.up to you, if not, just listen and learn all you can and be prepaired to change your mind when evidence contrary to your beliefs comes to light.i will say this before signing off usualy gold bugs usually are nice people trying to politely put there message across. a bit jehovas witnesses. and then there is always bully bastard . trying to put them down. just an observation.
I am not an apologist for ASF,marcus64,but I see you are a new poster.Most of the posts and posters on ASF are fair and reasonable people.

Most of them don't need to descend to abusive language or put downs to get their points across

Trembling Hand and Apocalypto are atypical members ..I am pleased to say.

If they persist in this type of abuse,there is a man who can give these naughty boys the slap they so richly deserve

Enjoy the friendly forums!
well said boys,

I enjoyed both your posts...... I am one to read and enjoy decent information, but not one for reading repetitive dribble about why the world is over and why the markets are controlled... who cares, just get out there analyze it and do your best to make a buck!

UF & Implod, year after year carry on with dribble! this is why i come across the way I do to them.

Look at the title of this thread, CRAP.... how cares if it is, find a way to profit off it! Try trading FX the biggest OTC market (&market) in the world, is it manipulated, yes it is. Central banks come in and restore value to their idea all the time. do I care? NO.... I run with it......... boo hoo boo hoo Man up pussies!

Sorry to hurt any feelings I will leave you all to your ramblings............
Ok, people are starting to speak up about the COMEX delivery of PM's. I hope more will speak up.

---------- ORIGINAL MSG FROM SEALHUNTER -------------
July 2008 purchased december silver 12.45 after september the price was falling i was in for 5,000.00 at that time in november i had to come up with the difference to stay in it was 2,700.00 t at this time i knew this all manipulation due to the high number of longs for december and the price of silver kept falling,

December 22 I called the broker and told him Im taking delivery he said we need a bank wire for the remainder of the contract I wired the money the same day .

Called back the next day they received the money and he at alleron traders told me I need to send 250.00 for shipping and insurance .

January 6 a tuesday I called the trader at Alleron told me it will take two weeks for delivery, What about a tracking number ,No they will contact you when the are ready to ship

A couple of weeks go by and then I receive a so called certificate from the comex !
I wish i saved this piece of paper because what got me angry was that in small print it said ( this does not guarantee silver to holder)

I called the trader again he tried to convince me that they can correct the dispute by cashing me out NO WAY I PAID FOR SILVER!

The stall was over the next few weeks with numerous calls then I received a call saying that they need shipping fees WHAT I have paid these fees ! It wasn't the fees for shipping it was then difference for in weight (amount of silver ) I paid for 1000 oz they need the 35 oz difference .

The story kept changing then late march I received conformation that the silver was shipped by the so called comex shippers.

In early part of april 2009 I received the silver bar 1035 oz penoles bar!

At that point I knew the COMEX is a sham they have nothing!
Can you guys, the more experienced ones (in finance, markets), draw a few scenarios of how the situation could escalate and what the impact could be?

The news must have spread out all over the world by now. I might be naive but I can't imagine people in finance and central banks / governments wouldn't know about the CFTC hearing and follow up stories. Maybe it's just me, but pretty much every non-mainstream financial podcast or blog I subscribe to talks about it. It's all over the internet.

Are you saying that you think the price of silver is just going to shoot up to the stars? I'd be interested to know how exactly you think it's gonna play out, considering your experience.
The more people talk about the oncomiing short squeeze the more likely the opposite is gonna happen... The trades of the decade come about when people are NOT positioned for it. Not when everyone is already on board and there are thousands of posters online extolling the virtues of the upcoming trade...
There are now reports that Lenny Organ, the son of Harvey Organ (who recently testified at the CFTC gold and silver position limit hearings), was able to enter the vault of ScotiaMocatta (Canada's only bullion bank vault) and see that shockingly, it contained roughly 60,000 ounces of silver and gold that he estimated as being worth approximately $100 million. Considering that the Royal Mint of Canada sold over $1 billion worth of gold in 2008 alone and many purchasers choose the convenience of vault storage and a paper certificate over physical delivery, the amount of gold stored in the vault appeared by Lenny to be exceptionally low.

The source is ... I wouldn't give it much credit but there's an interesting interview with Bob Chapman who in 80's used to be one of the biggest gold and silver stockbrokers. He publishes The International Forecaster.

yes miro iam saying there is a great chance to make a lot of money from silver.the scam is leveraged 100 to 1.the problem with keeping up this scam is that not only is silver a pm it is used predominantly in industrial applications.dyo research on this, the figures are mind boggling. and there is to much information to cover in this forum.unlike gold this scam can not go on for ever no matter how clever the perps ask for a few scenarios. the obviouse is default, when people ask for there goods to be delivered silver then explodes due to supply and demand principles, then add to that pannick buying from people whose companies can not survive without silver.but in saying that the perps are not fools there next move is known only by those in the more take down is not out of the question.but if they do this that would be their last. either way silver goes the play is buy a small parcell of shares in a small cap who will start producing near term.possibly a company that has bought a mine that could not survive when silver was $5 an ounce.i have one in mind. $500 could easily turn into $5000 verry quickly.meddium cap play would be a company who makes a lot of money out of copper but whose silver production is up there with the biggest producers in the world,they just see it as a sideline.then the big one no guessing here much silver do they have dyor (alot).i am not a licenced adviser.the reason i posted my first blog was because every investor should be concerned about the recent events that have occured. and apply this to there sam im sorry my grammer has frustrated you but i left school over 30 years ago,when i first started trading it involved lots of phone calls.i am verry thankfull for the new age but typing takes me along time and my mind races ahead of my fingers.if your suggesting that going back to school is going to change that, i find that verry amusing. how will it effect my trading? maybe i should give all my money back i dont deserve it lol.if you genuinly cant understand me i am sorry.if you are just jokeing maybe your in the wrong game. and if you are seriouse, how many languages can you let yourself be understood in? i can count in at least 10 i should have spent more time on chinese though, if iam going to learn anymore in the language area that would be the go. thankyou.
Have you seen the price of fuel going up in price yet? Keep an eye open for it. It will keep going up slowly.
Yep like I keep saying. And gold/silver In AUD is under performing. Seen share prices going up recently. Under performing PM? thats the story but you guys will not admit it.

Bayou exactly what are you talking about from me? I have continually pointed out what I believe is falsely presented as fact by the Bugs and they never come back and present any back up to what I believe is just lies.
You guys just don't like my message. ut haven't presented any counters to my points.
yes miro iam saying there is a great chance to make a lot of money from silver.the scam is leveraged 100 to 1.

here's a typical load of BS. Exactly where is silver 100 : 1??

Lies and more lies.

You guys lose all credibility as soon as you open your mouths. How can you expect to be take seriously with lies?
Trembling Hand

Yep like I keep saying. And gold/silver In AUD is under performing. Seen share prices going up recently. Under performing PM? thats the story but you guys will not admit it.

Correct t/h, so what? and the longer term return as we stand today is poor. My silver is only up a little more than 30% but it is safe. The interest in prescious metals is that of an icon, due to its past history it attracts huge sentiment and in many countries, India and increasingly S E Asia wether you like the idea or not, people carry it, smuggle it, trade it and swap it for needs, in some places on a daily basis.

It is and has always been like the canary in the mine, a warning that things may be amiss. It rose from the low in 2001 from US$260 an ounce to the current price of 1160 today. Though skippy S@G is down the overall look is similar. Interesting that the high of 1000 coincided with the GFC, gold went down too, but as a signifier it was in the ruck.

Perhaps in some ways the discussions on the merits of precious metals ought to be more in the "general discussion" threads. The "Gold Price Direction" thread perhaps an exception. Gold and silver to my mind are more about a percentage of a portofolio's long term investment strategy, part of the spread/mix and insurance against currency devaluation. My bullion forms about 25% of my SMSF, the percentage was higher than that but recent gains in stocks changed that.

To say that us Bugs are obsessed with silver and gold to the point of being blind is wrong. There is a lot of financial institutional distaste for gold bugs as the system cannot pick up fees etc., except for storage.

Because you do not seem to be able to entertain any arguments at all for gold T/H, one can only assume that you are a part of the financial industry in some way that detests it on economic grounds.

here's a typical load of BS. Exactly where is silver 100 : 1??

Lies and more lies.

Absolutely agree, and does a lot of harm to the rational debate on the subject. There is however a proper place for everything and an earnest discussion of precious metals is important on ASF, IMHO.
Yes Explod. But it you guys that are claiming that this is "the largest financial fraud in history"

I'm simply saying it aint. If you guys wanna play the cash dollar devaluing there are better ways to profit from it. Thats why, imo, PMs have not been the great break out trade recently, oil, equities & risk currencies will/have been.

And as much as you dudes think Global Macro will flood into PMs I just don't see it. Interestingly for all the reasons that you bugs think that they will.

And I could go on about the reasons why that is so but whenever you discuss this topic with bugs you cannot get to a decent discussion point because so much energy is wasting in dealing with BS.
iGATAseemsstunned by the admissions of Jeff Christian at the CFTC hearing,whereJeff admitted that the leverage of paper gold to physical gold isover 100 to 1 in the London Market. Listen as theyexplain:

i was not allowed to post a link to this site but if you want to know more go to kingworld news and watch the broadcasts on the hearings. other than that im not interested in argueing with someone who obviously is trying to be noticed by someone. as for me.i am not a gold or silverbug and if i came across as an expert in these commodities i have been misunderstood.i am a unapologetical profit seeking opertunist. i can smell a trade thats all. this battle against gold and pm's has obviously raged on for a while on this site.and it has splintered off into name calling and ego fueled banter.let the gold bugs have thier day.they are not all what point do you say jeez you might have something there.if they are 50% right we are in trouble or there's a chance to make money.

That is not accurate. Some links have been put up sure, and some on the conspiracy thread at that. The ASF bugs do not profess to be gurus in any shape but do draw attention to news on the subject, some of which is very radical and who knows, all worth considering in such an interesting subject in my view. The total shape of ASF is the overall consensus. I have said myself that spruikers such as Hommell and JS Sinclair are a bit off the edge but do raise angles worth looking at. In fact Dan Norcini, a trader in the pits, via JS Minset is well worth following IMO.

In the total equation of the overall world financial sum, the precious metals account for less than about a third of 1%. Now that is a small corner. However in saying that, only a very minute amount of new attention to it could potentially move it a great deal. But again just a hypothetical that perhaps ought to be in a discussion thread as suggested above.

The grunt is where the market is moving, no problem; but it is interesting for some, and the precious metals is only one topic, to explore possibilities.
Marcus it would be nice to hear more from you but PLEASE can you respect us enough to talk to us in a readable format. With capitals, spaces and paragraphs. Its got nothing to do with anything other than readability and due respect to those that you are trying to communicate with.

On the leverage the PM futs are required to have 7% margin for directional trades and a bit less if you are a member of the exchanges. I will tomorrow follow the link you provided and reply but if you have done any trading on margin you would know that a position of strength is not one thats leverage to minimum margin. Certainly you cannot maintain a large postion @ 100:1. You seriously cannot reconcile that with trading logic, but more tomorrow.

Let the gold bugs have their day. They are not all fools. At what point do you say jeez you might have something there. If they are 50% right we are in trouble or there's a chance to make money.

And again I will say it. I'm not against the bugs ideas. I don't thing gold going down. In fact I would have to say I'm a bull. But I just think if golds going up so is Oil, equities and risk currencies. And going up more than PM. As I've said in this environment.
I agree, Silver and Gold has underperformed, and yes we had made more money in other investments or trades. But I'm not investing in gold and silver just for performance. But they are in a bullish cycle for the next two years or more.

The investment is manly a hedge for disaster. I have made a bigger return on the junior mines. And the goal of owning the right junior mines is to gamble on "if" the major miners will buy the juniors you have invested in.

The Silver manipulation subject is about the OTC trading rules for Silver. And about the massive short position JP Morgan has in the Market after taking over a massive short position from Bear Sterns.

They are just trying to fix those rules, that's all.

I do find it strange that the people at the CFTC hearing is talking about 100:1 hedges, possibly a double short position too.
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