Using these calculations, and adjusting for the number of times 99.9% of people use eft/c/card, it works out to $0 per year...
C'mon all you whingers. We (99.9%) only use cash at the pub, and for fast food/lunch. Most items there end in 10c.
Inflationary impact - VERY minimal as 99.9% of people would see no difference.
How about all the time it takes for all the cashiers everywhere to count their 5c pieces at the end of the day to balance up. Stuffing around getting change from the bank. the RBA/major banks costs of bagging it all up and distributing. This would have productivity gains for the economy. Plus, the govt would probably get $200 mill for the nickel etc in the coins. Less they have to borrow?? Less time printing coins in the Perth mint? Less carbon used making and transporting coins? Need I go on???