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Should the GST be increased/widened?

Seems to work for the Swiss

They certainly have a more diversified economy than we have.

I found everything in Swissland () very very expensive...I wonder if it's the taxation treatment doing that?
We have a pretty low unemployment rate, and a global "niche" market is a massive thing for a country our size.

But we don't need to focus on big things, we can get thousands of niche businesses, serving the globe.

Once the "big boys" realise that we have corned a niche market they will use their muscle to move in and take over.

This has happened over and over again. The US uses it's bigger market as leverage to get more of its beef into Japan, squeezing us out. As I said , the only market we can depend on is our own.

Globalisation is a con.

Many Australian businesses are the big boys, CSL, Westfield, BHP and Rio dominate their sectors.

But you can't move the Great Barrier Reef or the Gold Coast to china tourism is big business to australia, food production, especcially high end stuff make great exports,.

If we can't make a profitable economy from the big land of ours we are mugs, but sitting around being pessimistic won't improve either the economy or your own net worth, three is plenty of opportunity to make money. To me the glass is more than half full.
Some numbers,

I can never see WA agreeing to a GST increase unless their is a dramatic improvement for them in the distribution ratios. It would be very unpalatable for the WA government to consent to a GST increase to 15% which would perhaps increase the take FROM WA consumers by $3B - $4B, if only $1B or so of that comes back to the state after the federal distribution.
This problem is largely one of timing. In short, WA's GST share does not respond quickly enough to variations in mining royalty income.
As the GST goes to the States, how will this help the Federal Budget ?

The Feds would have to cut grants to the States and that would result in a bitter fight.

In terms of achieving the above, it's the base that should be broadened as this also simplifies the tax.
This problem is largely one of timing. In short, WA's GST share does not respond quickly enough to variations in mining royalty income.

The two are also affecting different groups differently, so it's hard to compare, let alone weigh on against the other. If the GST base were broadened to include fresh food, school and medical services, the effect would put a disproportionate burden on population groups that can least afford it. Lower mining royalties don't help low-income families.
An interesting piece today on the administrative burden of the GST,

The above reads like a worthwhile reform in itself.

How much more time though could be saved by broadening the base of the GST ?
Western Government is ridiculously wasteful.

How do you thing CBA WOW WSF BHP would fare if every 4 yrs
the management team from the top down was replaced by
another team who knew little about what you do and less
about how to run day to day business.


They are continuously in debt making stupid decisions
Totally un qualified to run their business and supplied
with a 'You can trade while insolvent' free card.

You and I would have to close up!

They want to raise GST---

management at bhp hasn't been crash hot. Billions in shareholder wealth wiped out since 2000. Rio even worse

Woolworths has royally stuffed up the masters rollout.

Comm bank let the financial planners run riot for years.

Not that I have much respect for the last few governments we've had, but the private sector in Australia is no Paragon of efficiency either.
On matters economics, Greece and a relatively small cashflow problem,
Painful though it may be, an increase to 12.5% GST is probably politically saleable - by a good political salesperson that is. Take it to the next election.

Of all the measures being bandied about, it's at least fair (at the point of sale anyway, perhaps less so when distributed to the States), and ensures that the big end of town pays their share. Streamline the admin to save costs.

But broadening of the base is unlikely to be saleable, and imho, all those years ago Meg Lees and the Dems probably got it right.

Logique, I believe an extra 2.5 % would only bring in approx. $12 billion.....Sooner or later all the states will be screaming for an increase including the Labor states....15 % would more likely to be...New Zealand are on 15 % GST
For those too young to remember, 15% was the rate proposed when the GST idea was first seriously debated circa 1993.
For those too young to remember, 15% was the rate proposed when the GST idea was first seriously debated circa 1993.

Absolutely, also from memory, a GP co payment was recommended, when medicare was introduced.
Broadening the base remains the best economic option and is saleable with the right compensation through other areas of tax transfer.

Raising the GST in itself is just a tax increase and not tax reform.
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