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Short Term Trading

2 November 2008
Hi all

This is my first post so, so a hello to everyone.

Im only new to the trading and have been reading quite a bit recently and just have some questions.

is there anyone out there who uses financial analysis to successfully trade short term? [timeframe of a week]

Im just wondering whether to predict upcoming stock prices, financial analysis seems futile/ unless it relates to a media release.

please share your thoughts
Re: Short Term Trade

You can use whatever method that makes you comfortable and trade whatever time frame you want to make money in the markets. Sometimes are easier than others. At the end of the day you do not need to be right to make money, you just need to let the winners run, and cut those pesky losers short....sooner or later, if you have the stamina, the numbers will work in your favour and can become profitable with less than a 50% win rate.

There are plenty here that can explain more, Tech, Radge, MrC, TH, Prof, Etc.

Good luck,

Re: Short Term Trade

Not too experienced myself but tend to agree with you (I assume by financial analysis you mean fundamental analysis). It is unlikely that the market all of a sudden agree with your analysis and move the price accordingly. A week is probably too short.

You might still be able to benefit short term if you trade in time with an upcoming profit announcement, trading update, research analyst report, court proceeding/dispute outcomes etc. That way you can buy 1 week before an announcement based on your analysis, and sell when the announcement prove you right!
Technical analysis is the best vehical for short term trading.
You can also use ASX announcements to facilitate trades.

You must be up to the SECOND

and need some experience and luck to get it right

A good ann will cause the SP to rise (usually) and visa versa

Insiders usually seem to have got most of the action though!

I have been able to day trade announcement succesfully on numerous occasions. ( more winners than losers).

only one tool though, better if used in conjunction with targeted strategies
And get ready to fade the announcements as well!

Buy on rumour.. sell on fact!
Financial or Fundamental analysis doesn't really work now since most of the companies are down now. I use technical analysis for short term, and fundamental analysis only for long term investment.
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