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Short Selling - Education

There is nothing wrong wit Ethical investment and on occasion you could applaud someone for having the strength to follow thier ethics when it comes to thier money. Kudos to you.

I'm not one of them. I'm a technical analysis. I look at the chart. 90% of the time i don't even know what the company i'm trading does and really i don't care. If the chart looks good that is all that matters.

Short selling is an integral part of the market process and there is no 'hidden agenda', cheating and all that jazz. Short selling is as common and accept as trading long. People who are caught up in the myth that its only done by people/institutions who are trying to cheat people out of thier money just shows ignorance.

read this article by Daryl Guppy on the CNBC site. It shows why short selling is important especially in current market conditions.
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