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Shock Jocks: Why Do We Have Them?

What an astonishing irony. lol

Just substitute "GW Alarmist Syndrome" for "shock jock syndrome" and you get basilio.

Rudd's criticism of Jones shows he is another guy who doesn't know the meaning of irony;

"I think what this guy suffers from is absolute delusions of grandeur,
Ah yes Wayne again. The master of aggressive play-the-man abuse chimes in to completlely ignore my argument and attack me instead.

And why would we expect anything else ? After all this too often represents the shock jock online version of 2GB.
Again, an astonishing irony. lol

The original poster raised four (4) legitimate questions in respect of "shock Jock" radio presenters. The likes of Jones, Sandilands, Doug, Golden Tonsils, Adams, Hinch and everyone who wants to emulate them.

Why am I not surprised the the right wing gestapo in this forum endeavour to turn this into yet another labor bashing thread?

why is anyone in opposite view to your own a gestapo, a denier, a nazi, right wing loonie etc etc

the answer is very simple, we have them because people listen to them, if people didnt listen they would have to change their content or lose their jobs.. as much as the inner city elite reject the idea, alan jones has plenty of listeners..

now for my personal imo, its rubbish and Sir Alan the messiah of conservative values is a hypocrite...

Yet another astonishing irony.

Grist for my PhD mill.
Why am I not surprised the the right wing gestapo in this forum endeavour to turn this into yet another labor bashing thread?

Shouldn’t we blame Tony Abbot for that instead?

As to S-Jocks I often wander why they bother, after so many programs and so many attacks on bad and other things, year by year everything gets worse not better.

Effectively making this high horse talk pointless, suppose it is good enough for them as it pays their wages.
Shouldn’t we blame Tony Abbot for that instead?
He has already been thus blamed.

Correct. They wouldn't exist if there were not a captive audience. The radio station would not continue to employ them if advertisers weren't prepared to pay big bucks to have them endorse their products.
It's all about business and secondly, about politics.

The present thrust of advertisers deserting the Jones Show will be a temporary phenomenon. They want to be seen to be upholding the moral high ground. Soon the fuss will die down and they will be back with their sponsorship via a radio station which brings them the results from the audience they seek.
wasn't that mad kiwi Derrin Huntch in Melbourne?

Knobby replied to an enquiry about Derryn Hinch on page 1 of this thread, he's recently been sacked due to low ratings. Doesn't necessarily fit into some definitions of shock jock as he had liberal views on some issues.

As to why we have them, as others have said because people listen to them, if they didn't they would disappear. They don't bother me because I can choose not to listen to them and I'm not paying for them.

A more pertinent question for me is, "The ABC: Why do we have it?". What is supposed to be an apolitical broadcasting service is now a mouthpiece for the Labor party and I am also paying for it so much more of a concern for me.
Derryn Hinch is still on 3AW until the end of the year, then he will be going to Channel 7.
I thought he was sacked because of his comments about Steve Vizard.
Derryn Hinch is still on 3AW until the end of the year, then he will be going to Channel 7.
I thought he was sacked because of his comments about Steve Vizard. was his beard. Never trust a man with a beard (probably a radical looney leftie troglidite).
A more pertinent question for me is, "The ABC: Why do we have it?". What is supposed to be an apolitical broadcasting service is now a mouthpiece for the Labor party and I am also paying for it so much more of a concern for me.

Gillard and co. are not interested in an apology. What they are after is to destroy a very vocal opponent. His sponsors will soon be back.

[My bolds][/B]1226486869852

How true, lets git rid of the ABC, how would the ALP like that.

Right Wing Gestapo is a bit strong I think Nulla..............Brown Shirts maybe LOL..........seriously I was hoping for an insight as I find them mind numbing as they run their ignorant and bigoted views bending the facts as required. Why do people listen?

As for Jones he has long been a poster boy for the Liberals and praised long and hard by most Liberal MP's as Hockey was caught out last night by the project as they quoted his high praise for Jones.
So the politics is that Labor want some of the mud to stick just like the Liberals were happy for the shine to stick coming the other way.

The thing that I find really confronting from Jones that he has made the suggestion of killing a PM.

This as far as I know has never been done by a public figure before in Australian political history. The Coalition was pretty much silent on the matter

Political violence is not part of the Australian landscape......yet

The comments he has made about Gillards father is just a measurement of his character lack of.
A more pertinent question for me is, "The ABC: Why do we have it?". What is supposed to be an apolitical broadcasting service is now a mouthpiece for the Labor party and I am also paying for it so much more of a concern for me.

Mouthpiece for the Labor party?

Isn't that some thing a shock jock would sprout?

You are probably correct in that I could have chosen a better description of the right wing element in this forum rather than describing them as "Gestapo". Truth be known they are more like "Jackboot Stormtroopers" with their single minded right wing perspective and total lack of objectivity.

I don't listen to Jones or the other shock jocks. They appear to be aimed at the ignorant masses and try to appeal to the audience bias. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good slag off. In my opinion Jones crossed the line with the original suggestion of putting Julia in a chaff bag and taking her out to way trip. Poor form when you think of the exploits of certain Sydney criminals who did just that in years gone by. We live in very disturbing times when the freedom of speech we take for granted in Australia is extended to recommending the assination of a prime minister. His recent exploits appear to be an expansion of his "theme" Julia liar, only this time he stooped to new lows (admittedly off air). However in this day of video phones he should have been aware nothing he said, despite his young liberal audience, was going to be "confidential".

The real irony in this, is the opportunity extended to John Laws by channel 7 to promote his sponsor "Wild Turkey" while commenting on Mr Jones poor form. As Mr Laws said, "it is all about commerce". Morals never get in the way of money. No doubt I will draw more flack for this post from the indignant right. Life's good.

The leftists really don't understand how appallingly hypocritical they are when they say stuff like this.

Political violence is not part of the Australian landscape......yet

Oh really?

You don't recall the tent embassy fiasco? Precipitated by members of the left as I recall.

The comments he has made about Gillards father is just a measurement of his character lack of.


Yeah yeah yeah, as has been spoken (milked) ad nauseum for days now. Boring.

Not withstanding AJ being a tosser, what of the breach of Chatham House rules and the preposterous blaming of Tones for AJ's comments from the vile verbally violent femmes of the left?

Hypocrisy reigns supreme... as usual.

And deservedly so.

Linking members of this forum with Hitler's regime is way way WAY beyond the pale Nulla.

Indignant right? Oh my word, have a look in the collective leftist mirror. The left have created a whole industry fro getting all indignant about nothing at all.

You have destroyed your right to criticise AJ or anyone else as what you have said here is actually worse than what AJ said.

Others have mentioned character, you have shown that you have none... and have kicked a massive own goal.

And by the way, I am not of the right.
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