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Shock in Cyprus as savers face bailout levy

R U 4 real????? bet you voted for the ALP, its the RICH and WEALTHY that employ people, we need the rich and wealthy.
I think its a pretty stupid way to tax people.

Most of the rich would have their money tied up in bonds or risk assets (note 0.75% cyprus benchmark rate). And a regular joes saving up for a house would be completely screwed. That could be years of savings wiped out!
The logic of class warfare is questionable at the best of times, let alone to the point of mutual destruction.
This seems like an harum-scarum action or idea and highly unfair to people who are saving small amounts of money for years. Not sure what they want to achieve but if it’s the further weakening of the Euro then it might just work. People all over Europe will lose trust in their banks.
I hope they considered possible consequences. :badass:
Let's get them to invest their money and get Euro moving instead of sitting on it?
Your entrenched sense of envy toward anyone with more money or perhaps just more ability to save and/or generate money than yourself is so extreme that it renders you irrational.
It's not just the group that you would consider to be the idle rich who would be affected by this, (they will have taken measures to protect themselves from such legislation), but rather the ordinary folk doing their best to save to buy a modest home etc.

Or worst case scenario if it all turns to $hite, people all over Europe will pack their bags and head for Oz on many trains, boats & planes. :1zhelp:
Invest in what? Failed banks? Failed Businesses? Failed economy? With a guarantee of what? Failure of the investment?
I'm not saying it's a good thing!
It's just a comment on
I hope they considered possible consequences.
Showing how stimulitory that consequence could be.

Just taking money from the people is worthy of an immediate overthrow in my opinion.
I would feel worthy of revolt on the basis that I would not have voted for unafordable social services and government spending and so on.
Other EU members that did not adopt the euro currency must be smiling behind the scene.
They can print their own money to their hearts content, while countries using the euro are being drip-fed by the ECB with all these crazy strings attached.
OK... I am over it. Here's why.

The market probably will be over it by the end of the week.
OK... I am over it. Here's why.

The market probably will be over it by the end of the week.

I agree...i think the circumstances could be worse if they don't approve the plan.

OK... I am over it. Here's why.

The market probably will be over it by the end of the week.

I'm not sure why the market cares. AFAICS, the only issue is if this spread to other countries. But it doesn't seem to be.
Probably a good idea to watch the Euro to see how universal the sentiment is regarding weather this is being considered as some kind of precedent.
Probably a good idea to watch the Euro to see how universal the sentiment is regarding weather this is being considered as some kind of precedent.

Bond yields are the barometer for fear of contagion...

I posted the yields on the International Banter thread.

They're up, but the vote is not until 4PM Cyprus time...
I'm not sure why the market cares. AFAICS, the only issue is if this spread to other countries. But it doesn't seem to be.

Of couse that is the only reason that the market cares. It appears to set a bad precedence that a multi-meta-national body can violate basic property rights that is taken for granted in a capitlist society.

What is easily forgotten, however, is that bank deposits are actually funds within the capital structure of a bank.

As the banks are being restructured essentially, various layers of the capital structure will be affected. Whether it is fair or legal, that's another matter.

Plus the fact that Cyprus is so tiny... that's why I don't expect the reaction to last too long.
R U 4 real????? bet you voted for the ALP, its the RICH and WEALTHY that employ people, we need the rich and wealthy.

I think he`s just reacting to GG`s post.
But this bail out the banks thing is getting just a bit too convenient especially when the the go ahead is given from another country.
Your entrenched sense of envy toward anyone with more money or perhaps just more ability to save and/or generate money than yourself is so extreme that it renders you irrational.

LOL .. The extreme irrationality of poverty. Cos only wealthy people are rational...hey

But seriously, Cyprus is Broke along with maybe a quarter of Europe, the people will pay one way or another, ask the Irish or Greeks if they are paying? suffering the consequences of being broke...i think the Cypriot Govt is being a lot more decisive and up front about it.

It's not just the group that you would consider to be the idle rich who would be affected by this.

And yet it is without any doubt the rich who will pay the most.

Meh...if it happened here im down 900 bucks (mostly cos i paid out the line of credit and CC's ) and im saving for a medical procedure that's going to happen in the Philippines at a third of the Aussie price, i give up on the the Aussie non emergency medical system, The doctors are all millionaires, the Nurses pull 6 figures and all the diagnostic places make a fortune...all at our expense.

My 7 x 11 mm Polyp isn't good/bad enough to even make the public waiting list, yet a professor told me he can take it straight out for 4K after Medicare, Its disgusting...the public surgeon says "why perform unnecessary surgery" :dunno: and yet the Professor who taught him has no issue with the unnecessariness of it.
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