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Shares That Made You $1 Million - Fin. Review

I'm holding TZL too. I hope you're right. I've been holding there for I guess 3years.

I think UNS I did start looking at but didn't get very far.

I am interested ubiquitous, have you had any 100fold returns in the past? Just curious.

Grace, I have only made 3 x 100fold returns in the past each with all of the profits reinvested. By my calculations that has given me $10billion

All seriousness, no I haven't come anywhere near for a long time. I did make a couple of 30-40 fold increases during the dotcom boom (bubble), but back then my initial outlay was only a few thousand and I got lucky like many others.

100fold growth stocks are very few and far between. All of the right ingredients are required as well as no small amount of luck. However, if you look at most of the large cap companies, and trace back their roots, with hindsight it can be seen as almost a no brainer to invest. For example, if I had known the size of the tenements that FMG had in the Pilbara, I certainly would have figured it worth a punt on inground value alone.

I guess with many stocks, to realise massive gains, not only does one have to pick the rough diamond, but also has to be a believer to avoid cashing out too early.

Update on share price

Shares ---30/10/09 --- 21/07/10
COZ ---0.39 --- 0.145
CSS ---0.25 --- 0.096
IFN ---1.44 --- 0.8
MEO ---0.56 --- 0.325
MOG ---0.23 --- 0.115
MSB ---1.06 --- 1.9
OEX ---0.305 --- 0.105
PAB ---0.11 --- 0.105

The only one that is up is MSB. With today's annoucement of approval by TGA, MSB looks very positive.

Please do your own research. I do own MSB for the long term, not the rest.
This is not a recommendation to purchase MSB or any of the above shares.

Shares ---30/10/09 -------12/11/10
COZ ------0.39 --------------0.18
CSS- -----0.25 --------------0.11
IFN --------1.44 --------------0.715
MEO ------0.56 -------------0.55
MOG ------0.23 -------------0.17
MSB ------1.06 --------------2.92
OEX-------0.305 ------------0.255
PAB ------0.11 --------------0.13

One year + since original post.

MSB clear winner.
Pretty surprising actually I think.

Given the year we've had i would have thought more would have been in profit... Still, like Mr Burns told us when he bought them, it only takes 1...

As bad as the numbers look, 50k would now be worth 49k, and yet the results look like a disaster. 3 have lost more than 50% of their value...
What your referring to, is commonly called a "Ten Bagger".

I missed out on 2 buys during the GFC that would have paid off handsomely.
IOH and BLY (had a 1:10 split in May2010). Oh well, live and learn. I'm still up over 300% on RIO (including dividends), so l can't complain.

Happy Trading.
TZL - i was just looking at the chart and it hit 80 dollars nearly 20 years ago.

what has caused such a substantial decline, obviously share splits could have contributed to this.... but it seems unlikely that would contribute to 100% of teh decline - if you get it back to that level - you are making more than the 100 fold increase you are searching for.

A few more years down the track. :sleeping:

Shares ---30/10/09-------25/01/13
COZ ------0.39 ----------0.11
CSS- -----0.25 ----------0.018
IFN ------1.44 -----------0.26
MEO ------0.56 ---------0.078
MOG ------0.23 ---------0.012
MSB ------1.06 ---------5.60
OEX-------0.305 --------0.085
PAB ------0.11 ----------0.039

Even with MSB ahead, would have made a loss if invested in all of them & more if compound interests included.
A few more years down the track.

Even with MSB ahead, would have made a loss if invested in all of them & more if compound interests included.

yep thats great performance!

Shares From 30/10/09 to 25/01/13
COZ -72% - $7,179
CSS -93% - $9,280
IFN -82% - $8,194
MEO -86% - $8,607
MOG -95% - $9,478
MSB 428% $42,830
OEX -72% - $7,213
PAB -65% - $6,455

Total P&L -$13,577
FWIW burnsie ...... i like MSB , been following and holding on and off for years ......... Personally think its got a very bright future but as with any speculative stock , it could just as easily go bust in the blink of an eye.

Oh i miss the nun....
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