Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Share trading movies/shows

13 December 2007
whats your favourites

- Wall street is a fave

-the tv series 'The Street' with tom everett scott was good

-currently downloading 'the boiler room'

any other movies worth watching for those that like to sit on the couch and relax?
Wall Street, would have to be the all time winner here.
they are also suppose to be bring out a sequal.

Boiler room not bad, has a good sence where they are watching wall street.

for tv shows, I found the following MOJO HD one's not bad.
- Wall Street Worriers
- Bobby G venture capitalist
- Start up junkies

happy watchin
LOL.. you're a trader geek!! after a day-trading session, the last thing I want to relax to is a stockmarket movie...

... but add these to the list

The Associate:
Trading Places:

The Pursuit of Hapyness????

watched pursuit the other day, very much rag to riches story that one....

i am not exactly a nerd more a paradox of a person, i swear id be the only person to be the rugby captain and chess captain in the same year lol...
I really like Boiler Room ...

Another movie is Rogue Trader (think thats the movie title), which is the story of Nick Leeson's 'adventures'.
Heres a TV pitch for Rove, has to be better the "are you smarter then a 5th grader"

a reality show based on trading

a group of newbies thrown in a trading room..

lowest profit get whipped or something..
Gotta agree with The Bank.

Given their behaviour of late, I reckon that Channel Nine could make a buck by playing it and the whole of Australia would watch!

Great story of sticking it to the man!!!
