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Share Renting, Eminis, CFDs, Index Trading

Wondering if someone could give me their honest feedback on the sharelord trading system. Has anyone used it before and if so what was their experience?

Appreciate all feedback.

i would also like to know how people are really trading with sharelord - looks rather complicated.
Start with $5000 and make between $1000 to $5000 a week.

A friend gave me some DVD's. I'm thinking this is too good to be true? It says "low risk" but with these sort of returns it must be extremely high risk.

Not only true, but very easy. It's also very easy to lose that $5000 in a matter of minutes. Not at all low risk.
Not only true, but very easy. It's also very easy to lose that $5000 in a matter of minutes. Not at all low risk.

Would you care to offer any evidence of:
1/ How easy it is.
2/ If it is so easy, where are the multitudes doing so.

Would you also care to clear up the contradiction of 'easy to make $1000 - $5000 per week from a $5000 base' and 'easy to lose the lot in minutes'.

Yes. Let's say a market opens, and you proceed to take a big position. If it's right you make a lot of money - if it's wrong you lose a lot of money. Pretty easy to do, wouldn't you agree?

Even easier when markets just fall for a few days like last week. Take one position after another shorting indexes and tightening stop losses as the indexes fall, allowing you to reduce margin significantly (and eventually prevent loss) and take more positions, etc repeat. You only need a small amount of capital for this, though of course such an opportunity will not come by every week.
Yes. Let's say a market opens, and you proceed to take a big position. If it's right you make a lot of money - if it's wrong you lose a lot of money. Pretty easy to do, wouldn't you agree?
Sure, pulling the trigger and hoping for the best is easy.

But you didn't answer my question. The hypothesis on the table is that it is easy to make $1k - $5k per week (and the by implication consistently week in and week out), with a $5 bank.

1/ The answer to my first question demands empirical evidence of the ease of this endeavour; either brokers statements, or real time posting over a period of time.

2/ Question two demands that evidence is presented of a majority attempting to do so actually succeed, which will support question 1/

My final question asks you to resolve your apparent cognitive dissonance.

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