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SBW - Shekel Brainweigh

SYDNEY, Oct. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- ASX-listed technology start-up Shekel Brainweigh (ASX: SBW) has played a key role in the launch of a Capsule store for Casino Groups Monoprix, in France.

On the launch, Shekel Brainweigh Australia Manager Danny Nadri said: "It is exciting for Shekel Brainweigh that our AI-driven Product Aware smart shelves are driving this world first trial."

"Autonomous shopping and checkout experiences are the way of the future. We have experienced similar interest in Australia for autonomous shopping, and we look forward to introducing similar product trials in the future."
since the "flurry" of announcements in early September and a sharp jump, things have gone very quiet for SBW (and fanboy Verce). The ASX response letter drew reference to funding options ... dated 11 Sept: Since then, nothing, no news no progress. For a minnow $30mill MC debt laden cash bleeding outfit, this cannot be optimal.

Recent shareprice moves show the lack of interest: Three months, daily

You seem very agitated Dona. Sometimes patience is called for when it comes to investing in micro-caps. Anticipating some sort of capital restructure before the end of the year. Everything seems to be on track as far as I'm concerned.

I will provide further updates when we actually get more news to discuss. Until then, not much that hasn't already been discussed in detail!
Thanks for the "advice".
Well, given that it's a small market cap stock with some future potential, I've put on a small minimalist holding during this pull back.

Unless this thing turns into a major downtrend, I'll have to hold through volatility that usually comes with microcaps like these...

I did notice there is some chart support at around current levels:

Not sure how reliable technical patterns such as support and resistance are on microcaps, these illiquid stocks can turn on a dime from my experience , so as always DYOR.
We really need a proper proof of concept - an implementation somewhere that actually works/makes someone else order more.

Once the snowball's in motion, then I'll buy.
COVID lockdowns around the world, especially in Germany have pretty much halted development in many small cap companies. Most businesses have only been allowed one or two people inside at a time. Research labs closed, logistics unable to be packed and shipped etc.
But I thought this Israeli company was powering ahead even in the COVID environment... ?

So, as @Dona Ferentes pointed out, surprised to see no announcements for the last 3 months !
Covid lockdowns are preventing development throughout the world. Marketing departments have no new info to release. They're having difficulty producing any news because of the timeline uncertainty.

... surprised to see no announcements for the last 3 months !
I must have tickled them into activity
the agreement based on the Memorandum of Understanding with UK software company, Edgify, as announced on 1 August 2019 , has been terminated.
(Non Market Sensitive)

I read that Israel has already given vaccines to >10% of population, in a week.
I must have tickled them into activity

I read that Israel has already given vaccines to >10% of population, in a week.
I also read a news headline somewhere (can't remember source) that Israel is leading the vaccination of a country's citizens, globally speaking ?
But I thought this Israeli company was powering ahead even in the COVID environment... ?

So, as @Dona Ferentes pointed out, surprised to see no announcements for the last 3 months !
Here's an announcement

Trading Halt announcement in relation to a material capital raising;

Going to be an ouch moment, I suspect.

(Sold a while ago)
Here's an announcement

Trading Halt announcement in relation to a material capital raising;

Going to be an ouch moment, I suspect.

(Sold a while ago)
I am surprised they didn't raise when they pumped up the price to around 30c with all those progress announcements about their technology.
  • Placement of A$2.1m to Sophisticated and Professional Investors at $0.16 per share with one attaching option per share exercisable at $0.32 for 12 months following issue for every two Shares issued
  • Placement price of A$0.16 per share represents a 19.8% discount to the 10 Day VWAP
  • Funds will be used for product development in the company’s Retail Innovation and Shekel Scales divisions, and advancing the Go To Market strategy of its autonomous micro store and micro market coolers
Bird in hand now valued (by sophisticates, no less) at 16c; brace for 32c?
I wander if this will put a temp floor at around 16c. It's almost there anyway, just 1c off from today's low !
Maybe has a long term potential if they develop and market the technology properly. Not sure at this stage...
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