Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Rudd Government Report Card - Dec 07

How well do you think the new Labor Government has performed so far?

  • Much better than expected

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • Better than expected

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • As could be expected

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • Worse than expected

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Much worse than expected

    Votes: 2 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
10 July 2004
Ok folks. It's very early days but you might have already formed an opinion worth voting on! Might throw a few of these monthly performance "report cards" up over the coming months... some more specific... and also for the opposition when they have sorted themselves out a bit more.


So far I'm relatively impressed by Rudd's quickness to act on many issues actually, but this doesn't mean that I've lost fear of Labor though - I just hold out hope that we survive it :D
The guys/gals have only been sworn in a week - give them six months and we will see.

I see the Kyoto stuff blowing up in their face and the sidelining of the Member for Kingsford is a curious thing......minister for environment without portfolio.
If you want some further political entertainment, keep an eye on what's happening over here. Gordon McStalin had disintegrated into Mr Bean (over some serious and scary issues mind you) and the Tories are having immense fun in essentially skinning him alive.

Read the Torygraph* to follow the fun ==>>


*Not much hilarity in today's issue, but keep an eye out.

Caveat: If you are a Labor supporter it will be painful for you. :p:
I've ticked "Better than Expected" but, as has been said, it's very early days.
One of the reasons for this choice was that Mr Garrett has essentially been sidelined for his gaffes during the campaign. Had Kevin Rudd given him a real role rather than a nominal one where he can't even answer questions on climate change (!) I'd have been disappointed.

Dukey, sending the MP's out to visit some homeless shelters is fine.
Let's wait and see what they actually do to help before awarding them too many brownie points on this one.
on par with, if not just about as well as expected.

(trouble is, AJ - there's a moving target of what your "expectation" was ;)
Shame we sold Telstra :eek:
Telstra 'rejects Govt broadband plan'
Posted 4 hours 34 minutes ago

Telstra has reportedly ridiculed the Federal Government's plan for a public-private partnership to build a national broadband network.

During the election campaign, Labor pledged to invest up to $4.7 billion, in partnership with the private sector, to build a fibre-to-the-node broadband network.

Labor said the plan would, within five years, connect 98 per cent of Australians to broadband internet, at speeds up to 40 times faster than most current connections.

But Telstra chief executive Sol Trujillo has told The Australian the company would never agree to any form of joint ownership, writing it off as a "kumbaya, holding hands" theory.

"We are only going to participate in the things that we own and control," the paper quotes him as saying.

Mr Trujillo says Telstra is happy to invest $4 billion of its own money - rather than taxpayers' - in a broadband network, but only on its own terms and pricing.

Mr Trujillo says Telstra is also concerned the Competition and Consumer Commission would set the prices that could be charged for using the network.

He has warned that the Australian economy risks severe damage without a a significant investment in broadband.

ABC shut out

Yesterday's media briefing by Mr Trujillo and Donald McGauchie was confined to Fairfax and News Limited editors and selected reporters. Other media organisations, including the ABC, were excluded.
I haven't voted cause its just much too early...

Been reasonably happy with the way the portfolios were handed out, including the super portfolio 'productivity' to gillard and garett for the environment and heritage :D:D

Also liking the way knowlegable apolitical public servants are been given more of a role in making the decisions rather that politicians... whose only ever interest can only be short term.

So far, you'd have to say the big win is for the Westminster system itself...

But its way to early to vote on anything really... but come back to me in 3-6 months... things I am looking for in this timeframe are:

1. greater powers to ACCC to investigate petrol giant and the supermarket giants.... (Our farmers are getting slaughtered by the big two, all under the watch of the National party... now wonder they got slaughtered at the poll:mad:)
2. Movement on infrastructure, incl broadband, rail transport
3. Movement on renewaable energy infrastructure, esp geothermal...

These are my biggies, which the previous govt failed miserably... all the other issues, education revolution, hospitals, etc, we won't know the results of them for atleast 3-5 years...
Also liking the way knowlegable apolitical public servants are been given more of a role in making the decisions rather that politicians... whose only ever interest can only be short term.

So far, you'd have to say the big win is for the Westminster system itself....
Spot on Raf

We haven't seen emphasis on apolitical appointments discussed (likewise Reserve Bank, etc) for bludy years. - since Johnny came in 10 years ago ;)

IMO a change of Govt is (practically) ALWAYS a healthy thing lol.
I'm also pretty sure the day will come when a change back to the Libs will be a good thing. - unless Rudd can somehow juggle that halo in the air for a decade or so I guess. (good luck lol).

(PS Greiner set up an apolitical ICAC in NSW - and was caught in a web of his own making - never would have happened to any of the cagey old politicians like Howard of course - always felt sorry for Greiner :2twocents - forced out on the streets like that, to make only $5 mill per year or whatever lol)
Interesting that the next Fed election comes before the next state election - in NSW at least . ( both recent, and 3 and 4 year terms respectively).

These timings will be real interesting - If people tire of coast-to-coast Labor, then who will blink first - state or federal.?
Its far to early to judge Labor...I'd love to see a poll on what everyone on here thinks of the shocker the Libs appear to be having....boy are they in for some lean years ahead.......:eek:
I think separating water and climate change out of Garretts portfolio is fair enough. After all he is still an unexperienced politician so needs a lightened load. And there are thousands of environmental issues unrealted to climate change and he also has Arts - so its far from a nothing portfolio.
I think separating water and climate change out of Garretts portfolio is fair enough. After all he is still an unexperienced politician so needs a lightened load. And there are thousands of environmental issues unrealted to climate change and he also has Arts - so its far from a nothing portfolio.

Hold on a sec., the issue I believe is that Garrett cant even answer questions on climate change in the house of representatives.....he is the minister for the environment and yet, god help us, it will be Wayne Swan, the treasurer, that will deal with questions in the house about climate change.

PS Garrett is more experienced than Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water. Garrett's first entered politics in 1984, when he co founded the Nuclear Disarmament Party and stood for a seat in the Australian Senate in New South Wales at the December 1984 federal election.
Even as a parliamentarian, Penny Wong has only 18 months more experience.
Hold on a sec., the issue I believe is that Garrett cant even answer questions on climate change in the house of representatives......
So what! Rudd won't even consider going on shows that ask hard questions, he even avoids the ABC. Now thats saying something.
Rudd; 'Julia, I have been asked to go on lateline and the 7:30 report.... again, can you fill in for me.... again'?:D

jeez they would want to hit the ground running ,dont forget they've been sitting on there fat arses on the opposition bench for 11years ,just give this mob a little bit more rope and time, then we can judge:D
Two weeks , no stuff ups , looking good hey ,

to easy Kev , now to make some decisions ............

PS... they got top rankings from me , mainly because Julia has kept her mouth shut ...........
Hold on a sec., the issue I believe is that Garrett cant even answer questions on climate change in the house of representatives.....he is the minister for the environment and yet, god help us, it will be Wayne Swan, the treasurer, that will deal with questions in the house about climate change..

If that is the issue then why did you previously post:

the Member for Kingsford is a curious thing......minister for environment without portfolio.

Which is why I reposded with:

I think separating water and climate change out of Garretts portfolio is fair enough. After all he is still an unexperienced politician so needs a lightened load. And there are thousands of environmental issues unrealted to climate change and he also has Arts - so its far from a nothing portfolio.

And for you to then say:

Garrett is more experienced than Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water. Garrett's first entered politics in 1984, when he co founded the Nuclear Disarmament Party and stood for a seat in the Australian Senate in New South Wales at the December 1984 federal election.
Even as a parliamentarian, Penny Wong has only 18 months more experience.

Penny Wong was elected to the Senate since 2001 (Garrett attempting to 'stand' for a seat hardly compares). Prior to that she was also employed as an advisor to the Carr Gov.

You are clearly anti-labor (along with several others), which doesn't worry me as I am not pro-labor (certainly not pro-liberal either) - but I think you just hurt your case arguing with misinformation.
Penny Wong was elected to the Senate since 2001 (Garrett attempting to 'stand' for a seat hardly compares). Prior to that she was also employed as an advisor to the Carr Gov.
I'm not sure being an advisor to the Carr Govt was a good thing or not. Look at the mess it's (NSW) in now, although Iemma hasn't done a good job you can't blame it all on him... there are alot of things that Carr didn't do which he should have.