Well finally we have some sort of announcement out after market.
Nothing to really get excited about at this stage but at least they are heading in the right direction. Some potential historical copper and gold deposits, drilling underway so the next few months could get interesting.
· Springfield Minerals Pty Ltd Exploration Licence 3812 covers an area of 466 sq km
East of Copley in the Adelaide Geosyncline.
· The conditional farm-in agreement with Copper Road Inc. has not proceeded as the
conditions were not met in the required timeframe.
· The initial drilling target is the Mt Coffin Diapir. This structure outcrops over 5
square kms. Copper mineralisation is widespread in both the diapir and the
immediate surrounding sedimentary rocks.
· A number of copper mines were worked during the period 1880-1920 in the
sedimentary rocks surrounding the contact of the diapir. The ore consisted mainly of
secondary copper minerals. Average grade ore assayed 9 to 15% copper. Primary
sulphide ore was reported in the deepest workings. Recent XRF assays of rock chips
include zones containing up to 34% copper.
· Previous shallow drilling intercepted significant copper mineralisation. The drilling
program focused on the area peripheral to the diapir and adjacent to a black shale
and assays showed up to 2.2% copper.
· Only one core hole has explored the diapiric rocks that contain rafts of dolomitic
marble up to 1700m in length and up to 9m thick that contain significant
concentrations of copper sulphide minerals.
· A single core hole penetrated below the oxidised zone returned disseminated
chalcopyrite over the entire intercept of the unoxidized zone from 102 to 198m
including 5.5m of 0.9% copper. This layer has both geochemical and induced
polarisation anomalies.
· Recent XRF assays show that the copper mineralisation contain traces of uranium,
vanadium, gold, silver and tungsten.
· A small alluvial gold field with nuggets up to 13 pennyweights was worked close to
disseminated copper mineralization in the diapir.
· XRF assays and assays from exploration by Southern Cross indicate the potential for
economic grades of gold. This is strengthened by extremely high levels of antimony,
which is often a geochemical pathfinder for gold.
· Detailed geological mapping and drilling has commenced in the Diamond Jubilee and
West Jubilee Prospect