Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Rights/Entitlement Issues

28 August 2007
Hi there!

I'm fairly new to share trading, and was wondering if there are any websites that list upcoming rights/entitlement issues and relevant dates?

Was just thinking that this could be a way to make a few bucks for short term traders as the lead up would generally push the SP around a bit, or am I missing something? :confused:

Just thinking out loud. Your thoughts?
Hi there!

I'm fairly new to share trading, and was wondering if there are any websites that list upcoming rights/entitlement issues and relevant dates?

Was just thinking that this could be a way to make a few bucks for short term traders as the lead up would generally push the SP around a bit, or am I missing something? :confused:

Just thinking out loud. Your thoughts?

I dont think so.

This news is usually from a trading halt and the response well, pretty much instantaneous.

Though I do recall there was a beautiful arrangement back when uranium was booming where those that held the parent stock (ARU) actually got free shares in NUP, which was a new float.

Well NUP went to the moon and ARU followed.

The arrangement was if you owned 6000 ARU shares (the shares were about 60c-$1.00 depending when you bought) then you got 2000 free NUP. Yes free.

Now at the peak ARU was $2+ and NUP was $1.50+.

From the NUP alone thats $3k CLEAN with no outlay for those shares.

And from the ARU a tidy sum as well.

BUT you dont find opportunities like that too often. ie. free shares and a 20c to $1.50 IPO.
The asx website will have it but probably not in once nice list with dates and such. If you go looking in there I would start with the mining stocks that have recently floated within the year. They have some nice tutorials too on the asx website which you might want to read through being new to trading.