Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Revelation - Islamists not the only nutters

Scary when you think about it......The US "Bible Belt" which takes in just about all the southern states are the equivalent in christian terms as the islamic fundamentalists........when you look at the recent US elections results, Bush cleaned up in those states with pretty much every single state in the 'bible belt' voting for him.......the wealthier, smarter, better cultured and educated states along the north and east coast voted Kerry......he was just smarter than Kerry in convincing these people that he is doing the work of God and that his "war on terror" was a his own holy war against 'those evil god hatin folk'........if you look at some of his pre-election campaigning in those states, it makes the islamist propaganda look like a sunday school picnic.....and u r right, these guys have the bomb! :eek: (oh and they also REALLY love their cousins) :rolleyes:
I just looked at the first bit of this video and needed to see no more.
Wacko fundamentalist Christians have been on about this sort of stuff for as long as I can remember. Fortunately no sensible person takes any notice of them and they are very much in the minority.

I rather doubt that your average Aussie is going to be feeling too threatened by their dire predictions.

Julia said:
I just looked at the first bit of this video and needed to see no more.
Wacko fundamentalist Christians have been on about this sort of stuff for as long as I can remember. Fortunately no sensible person takes any notice of them and they are very much in the minority.

I rather doubt that your average Aussie is going to be feeling too threatened by their dire predictions.


It's not Aussies I'm worried about. We don't have the bomb. It's the Americans who have the bomb, and you would be truly disturbed if you knew how many Americans are into this stuff.

I have relatives in the bible belt and yep... they're fair dinkum about this.

They are actively trying to bring about Armageddon and the rapture... Christianities version of the seventy virgins.
so where was the explosives strapped to suicide bombers? so where was the threat to anyone that didnt conform to there religion? the only people they are hurting are themselves with there own paranoia. hardly compareable to islamic fundamentalists
TheAnalyst said:
At least if you went there they would not cut your head off.......

I was unfortunate enough to live in Texas and believe me as an Aussie I felt more welcome in Beirut :cool:

They r seriously into their stuff and if you do not worship the way they do, then you are made to feel like the scum of the earth......they probably just seem more humane because they are white and look more like us....there is no give and take with these guys, they r amongst the most racist and intolerant people i have ever had the misfortune to meet.........

Im pretty sure my head was still on when I finished my holiday in Beirut in 2001 :rolleyes:
the_godfather4 said:
I was unfortunate enough to live in Texas and believe me as an Aussie I felt more welcome in Beirut :cool:

They r seriously into their stuff and if you do not worship the way they do, then you are made to feel like the scum of the earth......they probably just seem more humane because they are white and look more like us....there is no give and take with these guys, they r amongst the most racist and intolerant people i have ever had the misfortune to meet.........

Im pretty sure my head was still on when I finished my holiday in Beirut in 2001 :rolleyes:
i saw a documentry on WASP camps in the us and the carribean run by a religious group, parents with out of control kids sent there kids to these camps for attitude correction,little did they know the "program" was basically torcher and maxium conformity. parents were discouraged from seeing there kids witch didnt allow information about what was happenning to surface till after the program was finished(4 years i think) when it was too late. the kids were screwed up bigtime and the parents thought they were doing the right thing now couldnt turn back time.
the_godfather4 said:
I was unfortunate enough to live in Texas and believe me as an Aussie I felt more welcome in Beirut :cool:

They r seriously into their stuff and if you do not worship the way they do, then you are made to feel like the scum of the earth......they probably just seem more humane because they are white and look more like us....there is no give and take with these guys, they r amongst the most racist and intolerant people i have ever had the misfortune to meet.........

Im pretty sure my head was still on when I finished my holiday in Beirut in 2001 :rolleyes:

It seems you still have your head because you agree with every thing that they say and ignore.......
Gosh, weren't they clever in the Book of Revelations to predict the "noocular holocaust"! Seems like they knew about the dangers of the Abomb way back then :p:

Actually, they must be looking forward to Armageddon because it is supposed to give them the return of Jesus and 1000 years of peace.
TheAnalyst said:
At least if you went there they would not cut your head off.......

Unless you are black in which case you would be executed on a trumped up murder charge or hung, well, just because!

Try Georgia and Florida too - very racist!
Prospector said:
they must be looking forward to Armageddon because it is supposed to give them the return of Jesus and 1000 years of peace.
As long as they're not part of the 3 billion dead (or whatever the number was).

There was quite a good movie along these lines some years ago with Mimi Rogers called "The Rapture", made more poignant by the fact she was dragging her young daughter along with her.

if the world will end well bad luck? so whats the point on dwelling about it? lol too much time on the hands.
TheAnalyst said:
It seems you still have your head because you agree with every thing that they say and ignore.......

Anyone get the feeling I have really got under Analyst's skin.....seems to be only posting cheap shots without adding value or anything of substance. Sad really. Maybe someone needs a hobby.

I will not engage mate. I have better things to do with my time. :p:
the_godfather4 said:
Anyone get the feeling I have really got under Analyst's skin.....seems to be only posting cheap shots without adding value or anything of substance. Sad really. Maybe someone needs a hobby.

I will not engage mate. I have better things to do with my time. :p:

At least I stand up for my land <edited>
First this:

the_godfather4 said:
Anyone get the feeling I have really got under Analyst's skin.....seems to be only posting cheap shots without adding value or anything of substance. Sad really. Maybe someone needs a hobby.

I will not engage mate. I have better things to do with my time. :p:

Then this:

Another well thought out and relevant response. Not sure what it had to do with my post but OK, if you say so

All from the cheap shot master! :)