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Religion IS crazy!

Only partially in the theme of this thread, but I came across this song today that I haven't heard in almost 50 years. It was written in 1877 by the Irish poet/songwriter Percy French and is here sung by Brendan O'Dowda. I came across this headline recently about Al-Qaede.

Al-Qaeda Attacks Two Syrian Churches to Cries of ‘Allahu Akbar!’

The song was written in 1877 and was a satire on the Russo-Turkish war, but has the words......

Then this bold Mameluke drew his trusty skibouk,
With a cry of "Allahu Akbar!"

How little things have changed.

It's quite a humorous and beautifully written song, so listen carefully to the words and I hope you enjoy....

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Actually it gets even worse than that!

Some religions actually expect us to believe in things that happened "at least 200,000 years ago"!


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I will rise....
Great song cbc!

I can remember as a kid, the little grey haired old ladies of my church condemning that type of music because they thought the heavy rhythm was inspired by African voodoo rituals.

How times change!

Excellent. A little levity can't go astray on his thread. This was the popular version of the poem when I was a boy and before political correctness put a gag on our humour.;
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Tell you what, Chris - since you believe in God, how about you ask him and then come back and tell us what his answer was?
LOL. I'm not the one who wants to know.

It could be that in God's universe, somewhere in the other 6+ dimensions of space-time, they're having a similar discussion.

So, Bunyip, how's your research into M-Theory, multiverses, reincarnation etc. going? Have you started to get a handle on it yet?

My research?? I didn’t know I was doing any - I’ll leave that sort of stuff to you blokes who are interested. It sounds way to heavy for me – it’d probably give me brain strain!
I’d rather sit on the verandah and listen to the birds and watch the Rainbow lorikeets!
SBS are running science documentaries on Mondays at 8:30pm. Excellent one last night, "How Small Is The Universe?" ... good introduction to String Theory, Multiverses, etc. It's quite mind blowing what the top scientists are talking about these days.

Next week, SBS Mon 8:30pm, "How Big is the Universe?" ... WARNING! ... only suitable for people with inquiring minds. ... Bunyip???

"Astronomers and particle physicists have found new ways to probe the cosmos and are creating detailed maps that stretch almost all the way to the birth of time. The observable universe stands revealed as never before, in exquisite plots of size, shape, temperature and composition. This documentary introduces the key scientists who are drawing this new map of the universe. Using an innovative graphic that reveals the scale and wonder of the universe, this program travels from east to west, in to the setting sun and the wheeling cosmos, and all the way to the edge of existence, unlocking some surprising stories."
Oh I have an enquiring mind alright Chris, if the subject interests me enough. I don't spend all my time bird-watching on the verandah!
I actually find those science shows pretty interesting. Is that the one that's presented by the baby-faced Professor Brian Cox?
Oh I have an enquiring mind alright Chris, if the subject interests me enough. I don't spend all my time bird-watching on the verandah!
I'm very relieved to hear that Bunyip. I was starting to worry that you were going downhill ... one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel!

I actually find those science shows pretty interesting. Is that the one that's presented by the baby-faced Professor Brian Cox?
No. Narrated by some Scottish guy ... sounds a bit like a young Sean Connery.
Really well done with lots of computer graphics and fascinating stuff.
Highly recommended!
I'm very relieved to hear that Bunyip. I was starting to worry that you were going downhill ... one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel!

I hope not, Chris - I'd like to think I'm improving with age by growing our own food and eating healthy, walking two hours every morning of the week, and living a low stress lifestyle on rural acreage.
Hopefully the graveyard is a few decades away yet!

No. Narrated by some Scottish guy ... sounds a bit like a young Sean Connery.
Really well done with lots of computer graphics and fascinating stuff.
Highly recommended!

I'll tune into the science show next Monday - thanks for the reminder.

It seems pretty sure that there are other universes apart from the one we live in. And apparently hundreds of other planets as well.
I wonder what the average run of the mill Christian thinks about it all - whether they think their god made all the other planets and universes as well as the one that we live in.
I wonder what the average run of the mill Christian thinks about it all - whether they think their god made all the other planets and universes as well as the one that we live in.
I'm sure most of them will have difficulty in comprehending the idea of multiple universes, but in believing in Heaven and Hell and souls etc. they're already part way there.

IMO, in any belief system the science must be given priority and if necessary the beliefs must adapt to the science, and I'm starting to see how these new scientific theories and religion can accommodate each other.

I also think that science should take precedent over blind faith. Try telling that to hard-core religious nutters, won't work.

I wonder what the average run of the mill Christian thinks about it all - whether they think their god made all the other planets and universes as well as the one that we live in.

I don't think it would be a problem for run of the mill Christians. They believe their god created everything, so that would apply to other planets and universes if they exist. There being many universes is no more contradictory to the Bible than there being a single universe. It was not something that the Bible addressed specifically, thus a multi universe comes under the "heavens and the earth".

Where there would be real problems IMO would be the discovery of intelligent life on another planer or in another universe.

And the possibility of discovery of an intelligent life form on another planet/universe is something that can’t be ruled out.
It would surely ‘throw a cat among the pigeons’, as the saying goes.
However, my observation of human nature is that many people who strongly believe in something will continue to believe in it regardless of all evidence to the contrary. I have no doubt that a hardcore of religious folk will stick rigidly to their views no matter what new information comes to light through research and exploration.
Religion can be quite conveniently adaptive when required to remain 'relevant' to the masses.
This convenience usually occurs via new spiritual revelations spontaneoulsy and miraculously recieved by various church leaders and/or updated interpretations of archaic texts. This then results in new edicts/pronunciations etc that overturn previously accepted (and now clearly false/wrong) dogma.

No doubt these would come into play in the case of discovery of intelligent life on another planet.
The discovery of intelligent life, as we know it, on another planet would be a problem. The Bible is rather short on details and I don't know if it accommodates that possibility or not. You'd have to ask Ken Ham.

The real problem however would be someone proving abiogenesis in the laboratory. There are a lot of Muslims in this world and we've seen how they react when a Westerner insults their prophet. Can you imagine how they would react if a Westerner came forward and said he could prove their God doesn't exist?

However, I believe it won't happen. We're spending $billions on searching for life elsewhere in our universe ... how much are we spending on researching abiogenesis?

Life in another universe ... I think Stevenson's and Tucker's discoveries are possible evidence that there is.

If scientists should prove that it can happen and/or did happen, I would hope they just stick to just stating that. That abiogenesis can and/or has happened and they have proof. I don't think they should extrapolate that proof to make claims about the existence or not of God.

It will then be up to each religion and each person to figure out how to come to terms with the finding. Whether the claims made by the religion should be scaled back, whether they abandon their particular religion all together or perhaps just bury their heads in the sand like the young earth creationists do in relation to what we know and is already proven about the formation of the universe and evolution of species.

One would hope that the extreme fringes who reject the scientists' finding apply their energy to proving them wrong, rather than physically attacking them because they don't like what they hear.
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