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Religion IS crazy!

4th Grade Science Test.....


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4th Grade Science Test.....

The next time someone says the earth is billions of years old, what can I say?
Pretty much anything, as I am not indoctrinated.

True or false. People lived with dinosaurs.
Yes, it is true or false!!

id 10 ts
This is where logic just doesn't come into some peoples thinking...

To me, my life of 48 years has flown by so quickly so far. 100 years is really the blink of an eye. In that time there are rocks, mountains, trees, valleys etc., that have hardly even changed a bit unless affected by man.

So how can the earth be anything but at least many hundreds of thousands of years old? I don't get how anyone can think otherwise if thinking in a logical manner...
the answer lies in the psychology of cult membership/indocrination.
The human brain is so adaptable. It will certainly adapt to quite illogical paradigms if they are sufficiently
reinforced either postively or negatively. It will just adapt in a way that promotes the (physical, social, emotional)survival of the entity.
For example, some children grow up with physical/emotional abuse and when removed from 'home' they want to return because that is what they know and they know the rules. They have also developed various ways to cope/survive ( many mal adaptions yes) and when in a new environment they naturally are subject to anxiety/fear etc. I think a cult can be a 'safe' place for the indocrinated and become very difficult to move away from. So if the doctrinarres ( is that a word?) get the kids young, they may well have them for life. Getting them young, of course, is standard practice for most cults including mainstream religions.

Thanks Lindsay, understand...
It is what happens when a sympathetic judicial court allows a proposal that definition of theory based on speculation (creationists) is as valid as the definition of theory based on a hypothesis confirmed by observation and experiment (science.)
The 4th Grade Science - Dinosaurs test is a fascinating addition to this thread.

I had to research how creationists come to the conclusion that all dinosaurs were created on the 6th day around 6000 years ago..

Great reading folks.

But scary... Makes Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny look positively certain.
With regard to my last post.

You might have thought that Ken Ham was just another USA hard line creationist. Over the pond like.

Nope. He is a Queenslander who graduated from a Science course and taught in public schools. Local boy made good. Fascinating but scary.

It is really worth reading the second reference to get an idea of how big Ken Ham has become

Doublethink in the Creationist Creed:

By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the Scriptural record. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information.

Umm, yeah riiiight. And those people who interpret the scriptures must therefore be above or equal to God perhaps as they must be infallible due to their ability to properly interpret the scriptures? Wonder what God thinks about that?

Ken Ham is to debate Bill Nye (The Science Guy) I think today in the USA. Many think that this is a mistake by Nye as the debate will be on Ham's terms and in his Creationist Museum in front of a partisan audience. As someone mentioned above, Ham doesn't debate as he simply rejects any scientific fact presented to him if it conflicts with the Bible. He will also get a revenue boost from the debate which will help fund his Museum which is in financial trouble. You will probably find debate details if you do a Google search.
So who made God, or where did he come from?

I've put this question to quite a few religious types over the years, and because they're unable to give a credible answer they simply say that God 'always was'!
Some people do like to make inordinate demands of a being that they do not even believe exists!

How does one account for the existence of anything at all?!!!

Big bang theory!? Where did the hydrogen originate from? If it was constructed of energy then from whence did the energy come?
So who made God, or where did he come from?
Why don't you ask God?

Just go into a church, better still a mosque, stand in the middle with your arms extended and say loudly, "God I know you don't exist and all of this religion IS crazy and all of the people who believe in you are nutters, but I wanna know, who made you or where did you come from?"

If you're lucky, you might have a "religious experience".

Big bang theory!? Where did the hydrogen originate from? If it was constructed of energy then from whence did the energy come?
Now that is a much more intelligent question! Anyone who thinks that Big bang theory has provided all of the answers is seriously behind the times.

According to Big Bang theory, in the beginning around 13.7 billion years ago, was an "initial singularity". Our space-time began with this singularity.

Singularities defy our current understanding of physics but could be points at which energy is converted into matter. The energy may have come from some process in another universe, or from when two "branes", enormous membranes much larger than our Universe, interacted. It's all intelligent guesswork at the moment.

Could there be intelligent beings in other universes? Why is our universe the only one to contain intelligent life?

Where did ALL of the mass-energy in ALL of the universes and branes come from? Could it be that mass-energy doesn't have a beginning or an end ... it always has been and always will be ... it's infinite? Where does a circle begin and end?


We have trouble with eye witness accounts in murder trials that are pretty fresh (ie, less than 1 year old), but religion expects us believe in something that happened 2000+ years ago. A person(s) [Jesus/Mohammed] was wondering around the desert, on his own, after a few days (probably dehydrated and hallucinating) and saw/came into contact with 'god'.

How do we know that the Bible (and other religious scripts), weren't a earlier version of Shakespeare/play? We don't.

l'm sorry, but unless it can be proven with science/physics, l don't buy a word of it.

Do rats/dogs/cats go to heaven? Probably not. Why not? Because they don't have an imagination like we do.
Do you really think that when you die, your body/soul, goes to 'heaven' ? Where is 'heaven' ?

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